Zone1 Understanding Trumps appeal

Kamala Harris puts 1000's of black men in prison and now she wants their vote. She laughed while thousands of illegals crossed the border (mainly rapist, murderers and drug traffickers). Kamala supported Jussie Smollett's BS story and called for justice while everyone in the black community knew he was lying.
Mr. Reicher writes that Donald Trump is on the verge of power again "because he is one hell of an entrepreneur of identity."

An "entrepreneur of identity:" Seems to me an "entrepreneur of identity is the power to mold yourself into something you are not, or in Trump's case, the power to convince others that you are one of them when you are not in fact one of them nor ever want to be one of "them."

This power is most often seen in ponzi schemers and grifters. Ponzi schemers in particular are known to leech themselves to a group, convince the group that he or she is one of them and then proceed to milk them for all their worth. When the schemer is caught the victims all say the same thing, "How could he? He was one of us."

Of course,the truth is that the victim often turns a blind eye to the scam. You know the adage when something is too good to be true it usually is.

When a known fraudster and con man like Trump can convince millions he is one of them while giving them peanuts while he amasses power for himself, you know you are in the presence of a master grifter, or a true "entrepreneur of identity."
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I think that is a bit extreme. I dont think it moves our understanding of trump any further forward.
Im picking up a vibe of people liking trump as a reaction of the status quo.
If that is correct why dont his supportere say why they support hin. ?
:omg: You dare, you post a ludicrous hate piece from a notoriously slanted fascist rag, where their lead is that he is a felon, which he demonstrably is NOT, among all of the implied attacks upon the decent Americans backing him, and you dare proclaim my near clinical assessment of your mob as extreme???

He is the only president in modern American history to make promises to the American people he fully intended to deliver on, doing all but standing on his head to do so! He took no salary, donating each quarterly check to charity, and you animals who wouldn't donate a nickel to a starving ten year old hated him for it!

I will not relitigate this, the examples of your collective hate/rage/intolerance are absolutely legion, all of such totally self-destructive, and every bit of it at the direction, and prompting of the real felons, men & women who mean you real harm, present you with genuine menace, yet you march on down to cliffside, and you will jump, you are all slaves to an unstoppable inertia, and most sublime of all, down deep in your guts you can feel your ruin approaching you! :wink:
i support him because he loves this country. I support him because we had peace for four years. Good economy, peace, great cost of living, America was respected again...and other countries had to pony up instead of being welchers. He is anti globalism, reasonable on climate and energy, wants to clean up the DC swamp which I AM UNAMBIGUOUSLY FOR. and more he did for this agreements, cowing our enemies...and on and on. He IS the best president of the 21st century and certainly at least, the last 30 years.
happy now? How many times does one of us have to tell you this?
Those are not really factual. The rest of the world laughed at America. Kim certainly did.
:omg: You dare, you post a ludicrous hate piece from a notoriously slanted fascist rag, where their lead is that he is a felon, which he demonstrably is NOT, among all of the implied attacks upon the decent Americans backing him, and you dare proclaim my near clinical assessment of your mob as extreme???

He is the only president in modern American history to make promises to the American people he fully intended to deliver on, doing all but standing on his head to do so! He took no salary, donating each quarterly check to charity, and you animals who wouldn't donate a nickel to a starving ten year old hated him for it!

I will not relitigate this, the examples of your collective hate/rage/intolerance are absolutely legion, all of such totally self-destructive, and every bit of it at the direction, and prompting of the real felons, men & women who mean you real harm, present you with genuine menace, yet you march on down to cliffside, and you will jump, you are all slaves to an unstoppable inertia, and most sublime of all, down deep in your guts you can feel your ruin approaching you! :wink:
You make many points but many of them seem tenuous. They seem to emerge from a cult like state.
Mr. Reicher writes that Donald Trump is on the verge of power again "because he is one hell of an entrepreneur of identity."

An "entrepreneur of identity:" Seems to me an "entrepreneur of identity is the power to mold yourself into something you are not, or in Trump's case, the power to convince others that you are one of them when you are not in fact one of them nor ever want to be one of "them."

This power is most often seen in ponzi schemers and grifters. Ponzi schemers in particular are known to leech themselves to a group, convince the group that he or she is one of them and then proceed to milk them for all their worth. When the schemer is caught the victims all say the same thing, "How could he? He was one of us."

Of course,the truth is that the victim often turns a blind eye to the scam. You know the adage when something is too good to be true it usually is.

When a known fraudster and con man like Trump can convince millions he is one of them while giving them peanuts while he amasses power for himself, you know you are in the presence of a master grifter, or a true "entrepreneur of identity."
I think across the world conservatives greatest trick is persuading the working classes that they have shared interests. It doesnt explain trumps appeal tho.
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Kamala Harris puts 1000's of black men in prison and now she wants their vote. She laughed while thousands of illegals crossed the border (mainly rapist, murderers and drug traffickers). Kamala supported Jussie Smollett's BS story and called for justice while everyone in the black community knew he was lying.
But this is a thread about how trump appeals to you.
It can only be baffling tommy if you are blind to the excessive short comings of white liberal politics...once you recognize just how self defeating socialism is you will no longer wonder about any of these things, they become self-explanatory...Articles like the one in the link is/are just a lame attempt to keep you from thinking about what the real problem is.
Its just another point of view. I listen to many. Its why I set this as a question. Many posters ,unlike you, have struggled to grasp that.
Trumps failings? He is worth many billions. You ever meet a quiet, meek, overly diplomatic billionaire?

The reason for his popularity and that which the bought and sold media talking heads wont admit is that the "leaders" in the last 30 years have not helped their nation, instead they have sold them out for cheaper labour, handing over intellectual property (without reciprocal investment) with a lack of concern for civil liberties, religious freedom etc. They made excuses for Hillarys losses too. Didn't change one iota, they just installed another candidate.

If the West hadn't sold themselves out for easy money, Trump would have been laughed off of the stage in 2016. You don't need a guy to turn the apple cart over if all is well.

This is why I predict over and over that China is going to win. It may take a couple of decades but without question, unless the West elite and Establishment realize that they don't know as much as they think they do. Unless they acknowledge that they have been wrong for decades, only to transfer money into the hands of a few monarchs. The West will be lost.

If you don't believe my assertion that the West doesn't know what they think they do, do a deep dive into the loss of so many CIA agents and sources in 2010. 2010, under Obama! Surprised?

There have been numerous theories, but I don't want to digress too far. Some suggest Iranian intel with Chinese intel found out about this. Here is the shocking estimate by some, as much as 70% of CIAs global operations were impacted by whatever method(s) Chinese/Iranian intel used to identify all of these spies and sources.

I assure you, when the tables turn, the powerful and wealthy elite in the West will be answering to another leader and their money will have zero value. Just as Jack Ma or Mikhail Khodorkovsky. The communists will always win and their tentacles are long.

If I were China and I was looking at how to topple an empire, I would be employing exactly the same methods China has been, from the open border, shipping of poisons, feigning interest in climate change to force other nations to subvert their own economies and workers. It's brilliant. Shockingly though, the best and brightest in the West are on board. In short, they don't care about their own nation or patriotism as long as they accumulate cash. Cash which will become more and more worthless when staring down the barrel of a rifle and few citizens interesting in fight for you.

It will begin with the confiscation of businesses due to the new Chinese Espionage Act which created a broad, ambivalent definition of espionage. You'd think that the massive military build-up, innovation increase and sharp move in a different direction by China and their leaders would wake some up.

Their arrogance extends beyond my comprehension. Trump poses a major threat to this "global socialism". Which, by the way, will end in China ruling the world as the sole Super Power.
Did politicians sell America out or did corporations ?
Theywill go where there is more profit.
Are you suggesting that the state intervenes and runs business ? I dont see that as a vote winner. Or giving unions more powers.
Should America ban products from companies that moved abroad. I dont think that would fly for obvious reasons.
I think across the world conservatives greatest trick is persuading the working classes that they have shared interests. It doesnt explain trumps appeal tho.
I don't dispute that. Trump's appeal is that he also is very effective at tapping into their insecurities and fears. The irony is that I know many Trump supporters and they are doing quite well. There have always been and will always be leaders and grifters who feed on the fears of the populace even when, as my mother used to say, they cry with a loaf of bread under their arms.
I don't dispute that. Trump's appeal is that he also is very effective at tapping into their insecurities and fears. The irony is that I know many Trump supporters and they are doing quite well. There have always been and will always be leaders and grifters who feed on the fears of the populace even when, as my mother used to say, they cry with a loaf of bread under their arms.
In the Uk the conservatives tap into a latent racism. Those migrants are taking your jobs/ living off the dole. Whatever the problem is it is the fault of the other. Its mainly older people who fall for it.
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In the Uk the conservatives tap into a latent racism. Those migrants are taking your jobs/ living off the dole. Whatever the problem is it is the fault of the other. Its mainly older people who fall for it.
Which is so untrue, because in the UK, immigrants neither take jobs, nor get on the dole, right?

Which is so untrue, because in the UK, immigrants neither take jobs, nor get on the dole, right?

Tory legislation prevents asylum seekers from taking paid work.They dont get benefits either. They are given a couple of quid every week to buy toothpastr and such..
It would be better if they were allowed to work. Both for us and their own mental health.

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