Undocumented workers got billions from IRS in tax credits


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Undocumented workers got billions from IRS in tax credits
, audit finds
By Lisa Rein

This story has been updated.

The Internal Revenue Service allowed undocumented workers to collect $4.2 billion in refundable tax credits last year, a new audit says, almost quadruple the sum five years ago.

Although undocumented workers are not eligible for federal benefits, the report released Thursday by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration concludes that federal law is ambiguous on whether these workers qualify for a tax break based on earned income called the additional child tax credit.

Undocumented workers got billions from IRS in tax credits, audit finds - The Federal Eye - The Washington Post
If we allow them to pay taxes, I suppose they ought to be eligible for tax credits.
A tax code that is fair through simplicity...
A budget that is balanced by law...​

Problem solved!

:smoke: It ain't rocket science, y'all.
If we allow them to pay taxes, I suppose they ought to be eligible for tax credits.


They shouldn't be paying taxes. Working in America is against the law for them. They should get their fucking paperwork straight or go home.
Illegals should not be allowed to use our system, they should be deported immediately when their status is determined. I have been paying takes since 1958 and I didn't get any refund and I was born here and so were my parents and their parents so I am a legal resident of my country the rest of you get out.

Next fire the IRS people responsible.
If we allow them to pay taxes, I suppose they ought to be eligible for tax credits.


They shouldn't be paying taxes. Working in America is against the law for them. They should get their fucking paperwork straight or go home.

Working in the US being illegal for them certainly isn't stopping them from doing it. Maybe that's what people should be concerning themselves with instead of a trivial thing like tax credits.
They are required by law to pay taxes, not just allowed to do so. Therefore, since they are required by law they are allowed equal protection to a certain degree. What I noticed the OP didn't say is that these child tax credits are only for parents of children who are LEGAL or US citizens. It is a requirement that the child that is eligible be legally here, not undocumented. The only undocumented person is the parent who by law must pay taxes.
If we allow them to pay taxes, I suppose they ought to be eligible for tax credits.


They shouldn't be paying taxes. Working in America is against the law for them. They should get their fucking paperwork straight or go home.

Working in the US being illegal for them certainly isn't stopping them from doing it. Maybe that's what people should be concerning themselves with instead of a trivial thing like tax credits.

Personally, I think all tax credits, especially those designed to dole out welfare, are outside the scope of The Constitution.

That being said, these credits in particular need to go away. If not for the money saved, then for eliminating the lousy appearance of paying welfare benefits to people who are citizens of another land and not willing or able to do the paperwork it takes to live and work here legally. Which, I might add, is not all that fucking difficult.
If we allow them to pay taxes, I suppose they ought to be eligible for tax credits.


They shouldn't be paying taxes. Working in America is against the law for them. They should get their fucking paperwork straight or go home.

What law is that?

The one that says "Thou shalt not work in The US without birth citizenship or a duly authorized work authorization card like an I-551 permanent resident card, I-766 Work Authorization card or an I-94 arrival/departure record of a class that allows work.

It's not illegal to be a tourist. What did you THINK put the "il" in "illegal alien"?
might add, is not all that fucking difficult.

Really now? How many times have you sat in a USCIS office? I want to really know because I spent 15 years in those offices and I can tell you that it is really that difficult...sitting and waiting 20 years or so is a bit beyond scope of not being difficult. Also, remember we have a very narrow field of who qualifies..and beyond all that we have fruits and veggies in the fields in Georgia about to rot because there is going to be no one to pick them...the solution isn't hiring Americans or legal immigrants...they don't want the job..what is the solution? Well farmers are cutting production which not only drives up prices it also means we have to outsource or go outside the country and buy from non US sources..yeah great going sherlock.
might add, is not all that fucking difficult.

Really now? How many times have you sat in a USCIS office? I want to really know because I spent 15 years in those offices and I can tell you that it is really that difficult...sitting and waiting 20 years or so is a bit beyond scope of not being difficult. Also, remember we have a very narrow field of who qualifies..and beyond all that we have fruits and veggies in the fields in Georgia about to rot because there is going to be no one to pick them...the solution isn't hiring Americans or legal immigrants...they don't want the job..what is the solution? Well farmers are cutting production which not only drives up prices it also means we have to outsource or go outside the country and buy from non US sources..yeah great going sherlock.

15 years for a green card?!? :eek: Damn, where are you from?

A friend from Canada is in to the process for about 7 months now - and I've met LOTS of people from Haiti and Mexico who get their 766 in a couple of weeks and their green cards in about 6 months. Canada is supposed to be one of the harder countries to emigrate from. Something about already having Starbucks there.
The solution here is obvious.

Make the assholes who hired these guys pay for the credits. Then send them to jail for dicking over their countrymen and taking advantage of the weak.
Canada and Latin America are different worlds...where am I from? I am from Texas. I live in Honduras though...call the US embassy sometime in Mexico and ask them what the wait time is to bring a sister or brother or parent to the US is when you are a legal resident applying for an I 130 for a direct relative. There 766? wtf, no process happens in a couple of weeks junior. The I 766 is an employment authorization document..or an EAD, you don't apply for that alone so it seems you are a bit confused about the process. You have to qualify for another petition before you can ever get an I 766 EAD card...To get one of these babies you have to have applied for and received an I 130 authorization or an H1B authorization or an H1A authorization...the I 130 is the one that takes the longest wait period and is family based...you must have a direct relative that is a US citizen or legal resident to apply. By direct relative I mean parent, child over the age of majority and within certain income brackets, spouse, for US citizens only brother or sister as well. I applied for my step daughter...it took us 13 years to get her I 130 approved.
a credit is not a refund it is a reduction in over all taxes. There is no refund given to you in the form of a child tax credit it is supposed to offset the cost of child care a little.
Canada and Latin America are different worlds...where am I from? I am from Texas. I live in Honduras though...call the US embassy sometime in Mexico and ask them what the wait time is to bring a sister or brother or parent to the US is when you are a legal resident applying for an I 130 for a direct relative. There 766? wtf, no process happens in a couple of weeks junior. The I 766 is an employment authorization document..or an EAD, you don't apply for that alone so it seems you are a bit confused about the process. You have to qualify for another petition before you can ever get an I 766 EAD card...To get one of these babies you have to have applied for and received an I 130 authorization or an H1B authorization or an H1A authorization...the I 130 is the one that takes the longest wait period and is family based...you must have a direct relative that is a US citizen or legal resident to apply. By direct relative I mean parent, child over the age of majority and within certain income brackets, spouse, for US citizens only brother or sister as well. I applied for my step daughter...it took us 13 years to get her I 130 approved.

Can't say I've ever gone through it myself - can only report what friends and people have told me, and I handle peoples documents a lot in my work, so it comes up.
I worked as a contractor for the old INS before 9-11 and spent 15 years in the field.
If we allow them to pay taxes, I suppose they ought to be eligible for tax credits.

As I understand the story...the illegals don't have a social security # they have a # given to them from the IRS..They don't earn enough to pay taxes but they have a bunch of kids so they get a refund based on that.They get a tax refund based on how many kids they have.

And the Libs love this shit.The only thing that pisses the Libs off is the fact that they haven't been able to take ALL the money away from the wealthy to give it all to these folks.

I bet there is not one lefty on this board that has a problem with these folks getting refunds.
if they qualify for child tax credit they earned enough to pay taxes...you have to make above a certain wage and below another before you qualify. I don't really see any immigrants having more kids than anyone else, not in the US. There is no refund based on a child tax credit..it is a REDUCTION in over all taxes...there is no refund to it...you are confusing EITC with Child tax credit.

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