Uner $3,00 a gallon in Texas just in time for the midterms.

Wow, you people are real pieces of shit. Bitch about gas prices being too high. Bitch about gas prices declining. Fawk it, go climb in a hole and die. The best way to make America Great Again is for you stupid shits to die the fawk off.
Talk to me on Nov. 15. POS.
It’s still close to double. Anyone who finds that laudable is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.
Wow, you people are real pieces of shit. Bitch about gas prices being too high. Bitch about gas prices declining. Fawk it, go climb in a hole and die. The best way to make America Great Again is for you stupid shits to die the fawk off.
Speak for yourself, moron. You like throwing away your money, your business.
Throwing away other people’s money is not acceptable.
Wow, you people are real pieces of shit. Bitch about gas prices being too high. Bitch about gas prices declining. Fawk it, go climb in a hole and die. The best way to make America Great Again is for you stupid shits to die the fawk off.
Sorry I was texting this at work off my phone and didn't have time to reply to your very lovely thoughtful comment.

Now go eat your food stamp Nabisco Corn Flakes and run along
Was under three dollars for couple days back up to 3.19 now.
If a moderator happens to come across this can I please correct my title misspelling?

I promise I'll contribute some money next year sometime if you do

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