UnF'ing believable - Cops Taser a 64 Year Old Man


Apr 22, 2007
Marin man claims excessive force after being Tased at home | abc7news.com

What was his crime? This 64 yr old fell down stairs coming home from a charity event. Paramedics arrived and treated him and then left. Then two cops show up, BREAK into his house and demand to take him to the hospital. He refuses and tells them to leave. Justifably irrate he tells them to get the fuck out and that he's going to bed. These poor excuses for police officers then taz the poor guy and arrest him!

Are you fucking kidding me! I hope these officers just made him rich.

Side note: I might be an immoral fuck, because I couldn't stop myself from laughing at the man getting tased. Does that make me evil?
Gotta love how the cop is saying, "Stop resisting" over and over again to a man on the ground in the fetal position wailing in pain while he is tazing him. What a piece of shit.
Gotta love how the cop is saying, "Stop resisting" over and over again to a man on the ground in the fetal position wailing in pain while he is tazing him. What a piece of shit.

I love how the cops say, we have to take you to the hospital because of the fall. Yet he has no problem tasing a 64 year old man 3 times. Yea and says stop resisting to a old man in a fetal position.

First off, it a cop is too physically weak to defend himself from an average sized senior citizen, then he shouldn't be a cop. I see wwwwaaaayyyyy too many of the tiny sized police officers running the beat. They can't protect themselves, but they get paid to protect us, amazing!
i watched the video...wtf? you can refuse medical treatment..simple as that....i am surprised his lawyer isnt gigglin like a school girl
Side note: I might be an immoral fuck, because I couldn't stop myself from laughing at the man getting tased. Does that make me evil?

No, your Zionism makes you evil. This just makes you a douchebag. :)
Based on what we've seen and heard in the video McFarland could be the beneficiary of a significant punitive award. But although it might seem appropriate under the circumstances it is unlikely that those cops will be punished or censured beyond an administrative reprimand for poor judgment. This is because they probably acted within the technical boundaries of prescribed procedure.

The tv documentary series, COPS, is a revealing glimpse into the manner in which certain elements of the procedures taught in police academies all across the U.S. can be and often are excessively and/or unnecessarily applied. Sometimes this misuse of authority is the result of inexperience or incompetence but it most often appears to be a sadistic display of authoritarian machismo, such as in the following familiar example:

The most commonly seen example of official arrest procedure is the placing of a subject face down, hands behind, for handcuffing. Procedure requires the officer to place his knee behind the subject's back to aid in restraint while handcuffs are being applied. But how many times have those who watch COPS seen a situation in which the subject of arrest for a very minor offense is fully submissive, promptly and cooperatively lies face down on command and places his hands behind for cuffing, yet the arresting officer sees fit to aggressively slam his knee onto the subject's neck, needlessly driving his face into the ground and twists his arms unnecessarily while applying the cuffs. This clearly is an example of excessive force. But unless some significant injury results it occurs as procedure and police unions are powerful enough to dismiss any question as to the degree of pressure applied by the officer's knee. And so on.

But there is one factor about this McFarland incident which could be pivotal. We heard one of the cops indicate cause to believe McFarland might be suicidal, which presents two possibilities. Either the cop who said this is making it up out of thin air, in which case he is a loose cannon and should be fired, or the cops had cause to believe it to be true. The cause could be a previous report of McFarland being suidical, or mention of that in the 911 call to EMS, in which case the police were fully justifed in accordance with procedure for everything they did -- from entering the McFarland residence without a warrant to using force (Taser) to subdue him. Because it all conforms with -- procedure.

So, we'll see.

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