Untraceable ‘ghost guns’ hit NYC streets in record numbers

Untraceable ‘ghost guns’ hit NYC streets in record numbers

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Have they tried locking up violent criminals in NYC? I hear that helps keep innocent people from getting hurt although I've also heard that is the talk of.....Wait for it!....White supremacist Nazi's.

Meh, in a city of nearly 9 million people, 356 ghost guns are rookie numbers.....I suspect there's 2X more than that in my hinterland town. They were all the rage a few years back. ;)

Can't stop the signal......3-D printer goes Brrrrrrr. ;)
You B gossa gat ?
Mynigga, I be totin gohstz an shit ! Werd ?
You B gossa gat ?
Mynigga, I be totin gohstz an shit ! Werd ?
You know I just remembered something.....Blacks have a weird aversion to the supernatural so maybe the term "ghost gun" is being used to get them to shy away from them. ;)

Nah, it just looks good in print.
Let's not forget the need for the ejection port buffer if you wanted to reload the spent brass.
Seldom had a problem myself, as I wasn't reloading brass... Though I've heard from a buddy with a 91 that it's much ado about nothing...
when 3D printers are outlawed then......ahh...errruhm.......you can have my 3D printer when you pry it.......errrrggggghhh......help me out here! ~S~
It's too late in the year to make the 1000 mass shooting this time, but it will at least reach 700.

Maybe next year?
The gun in the OP may work just fine, but I'd never pull the trigger on a piece of crap like that. I'm into self preservation for the long run.

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