UPI poll finds 79% support for Obama

That's a lot lower than GWB's approval rating. No wonder people are calling Obama 'Bush III'.

In 2001, Bush job approval ratings were very high for awhile. He was in the low 30s from 2005 to 2008 though. He left office in the 25 to 30% range.

Congress, the Senate, and the Presidency ratings were terrible. This country is becoming too polarized in the way it's being run. The last three administrations have been this way. It's going to take a real jewel of a politician to bring it back. I don't know if anyone out there is up for it.

One thing we know for sure, THIS President isn't it.
It would appear this thread should read 56% support Obama - 23% give him an "EH", and 21% don't like him. So basically, his favorable support has dropped significantly.

Cause for concern at the Obama camp...

That usually happens when somebody makes an unpopular decision for the good of the country...proves he is above politics...
Not THIS argument again.... :doubt:

Dude - the polls proved to be right last year. Obama won just like they said they would. Just because YOU don't like Obama, doesn't mean the polls are wrong.

Opinion polls are worthless and serve only to support the agenda of the pollsters. Let's be real here.

For one, peejay makes one claim in his thread title, then presents a set of numbers that do no equate to that number, then presents yet a third number, exaggerating the percentage even higher.

Less than 60% of American voters voted for Obama. He has lost support. How does that add up to a higher number?

Yap yap yap.....and Al Gore won the popular vote. That and two bits gets you an ice crem cone to cry in.

In other words, you have no argument and the best you can do in your defense is emulate a dog and build yet another strawman.

Nice, that.:cuckoo:
This just enforces my rule: Polls are all bullshit.

When Bush was in office people used polls that showed all sorts of results, and they only acknowledged the polls they liked ...

... now, same story different person.

Here's a bit of fact: Polls are easily manipulated and do not tell the whole story. You can agree with some things a president does and disagree with others, a simple "yes/no" result does not really give a clear picture, it's just political pandering.

I disagree. Some are very scientific, you just can't get caught up in cherry picking polls to suit your own agenda.

They usually always post detailed analysis with their numbers and they are consistently reliable. Responsible pollsters don't want exaggerate their findings, why would they? It is very easy to research them and decide whether or not they are accurate.
It would appear this thread should read 56% support Obama - 23% give him an "EH", and 21% don't like him. So basically, his favorable support has dropped significantly.

Cause for concern at the Obama camp...

That usually happens when somebody makes an unpopular decision for the good of the country...proves he is above politics...

In 2001, Bush job approval ratings were very high for awhile. He was in the low 30s from 2005 to 2008 though. He left office in the 25 to 30% range.

Congress, the Senate, and the Presidency ratings were terrible. This country is becoming too polarized in the way it's being run. The last three administrations have been this way. It's going to take a real jewel of a politician to bring it back. I don't know if anyone out there is up for it.

One thing we know for sure, THIS President isn't it.

:lol: That's one thing YOU believe, others think we are finally getting it right.
Congress, the Senate, and the Presidency ratings were terrible. This country is becoming too polarized in the way it's being run. The last three administrations have been this way. It's going to take a real jewel of a politician to bring it back. I don't know if anyone out there is up for it.

One thing we know for sure, THIS President isn't it.

:lol: That's one thing YOU believe, others think we are finally getting it right.

Only the blind-faith sheep think they got it right. I haven't seen him do anything but politically polarize this nation even further.
That sounds about right but at Real Clear, he's been consistently in the 60-64% range since January. I tend to find those polls more viable.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

That's a lot lower than GWB's approval rating. No wonder people are calling Obama 'Bush III'.

George W. Bush? That Bush? His last approval rating was 22%. Odd......nearly the exact number that disapprove of Obama.

I have some beautiful sour grapes....would you like another helping?

Uh, no. GWB's approval ratings were much higher than Obama's during the first few years of his presidency. This is significant because Obama represented the new hope for America and yet his approval numbers are plummeting. If the GOP can find a good candidate in 2012, they should be a shoe-in.
Uh, no. GWB's approval ratings were much higher than Obama's during the first few years of his presidency. This is significant because Obama represented the new hope for America and yet his approval numbers are plummeting. If the GOP can find a good candidate in 2012, they should be a shoe-in.

US politicyans play you folk like a fiddle. Bush only had high approval ratings because of 9-11...
That sounds about right but at Real Clear, he's been consistently in the 60-64% range since January. I tend to find those polls more viable.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

That's a lot lower than GWB's approval rating. No wonder people are calling Obama 'Bush III'.

In 2001, Bush job approval ratings were very high for awhile. He was in the low 30s from 2005 to 2008 though. He left office in the 25 to 30% range.

Obama will probably never get that low in approval numbers because he has too many blind followers. But if his numbers keep falling, there is no way he can win in 2012, unless of course the GOP decides to run another unelectable politician.
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Only the blind-faith sheep think they got it right. I haven't seen him do anything but politically polarize this nation even further.

I only see the rabid right frothing and they didn't vote for him....

You trying to set a record for ridiculous and baseless posts? Why would I froth at the mouth over not voting for him? I wouldn't vote for him if he ran against Rick Perry, and I absolutely despise that leftwingnut in Republican clothing.

You should come around more often. You used to have actual arguments.
Uh, no. GWB's approval ratings were much higher than Obama's during the first few years of his presidency. This is significant because Obama represented the new hope for America and yet his approval numbers are plummeting. If the GOP can find a good candidate in 2012, they should be a shoe-in.

US politicyans play you folk like a fiddle. Bush only had high approval ratings because of 9-11...

Uh, no. Here's the data:

Presidential Approval Ratings from 1945-2008
That's a lot lower than GWB's approval rating. No wonder people are calling Obama 'Bush III'.

In 2001, Bush job approval ratings were very high for awhile. He was in the low 30s from 2005 to 2008 though. He left office in the 25 to 30% range.

Obama will probably never get that low in approval numbers because he has too many blind followers. But if his numbers keep following, there is no way he can win in 2012, unless of course the GOP decides to run another unelectable politician.

Ok. How you think you can know that at this point is beyond me. <shrug>
Only the blind-faith sheep think they got it right. I haven't seen him do anything but politically polarize this nation even further.

Well, if you call shaking out the rabid wingnuts "polarizing". Fact is, more people are on board with our direction now than in quite a while. You're just sore cause you're hung out with the fringe.
Uh, no. GWB's approval ratings were much higher than Obama's during the first few years of his presidency. This is significant because Obama represented the new hope for America and yet his approval numbers are plummeting. If the GOP can find a good candidate in 2012, they should be a shoe-in.

US politicyans play you folk like a fiddle. Bush only had high approval ratings because of 9-11...

Uh, no. Here's the data:

Presidential Approval Ratings from 1945-2008

Well done. Isn't it amazing how Obama's poll numbers are being spun as something unique when in fact, they are lower than many other presidents at this point in their terms?
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