Urban Fox evolution

This looks a bit evolutionary to me.

I see it tommy... Your ears are pointed also... Do you lift your leg to whiz?

This looks a bit evolutionary to me.

Thanks for the article. While we're on different continents, I do nature photography when I've got the time. Last week I stalked a fox for several miles in an attempt to get some pictures. He or she was like a red ghost blazing through the woods, stopping within a few hundred feet of me time and again before vanishing off into the green canopies. Never did get the shot. I once found a recently deceased red fox tucked away beneath a blue mountain shale rock overhang. Looked like he had just curled up and gone to sleep. Amazing animals.
Indians in the early United States became domesticated too. They started going up to whites, kneeling and begging for food. That's why they're all dead now.

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