Uruguayan Air Force is investigating a sighting of "flashing lights in the sky" over Termas deAlmirón/airspace closed over Lake Michigan then reopened

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just for fun: members of uruguay's youth team looking at the sky. are they saluting the UFO?

Hmm, what country is sending objects into the sky that float over other countries?
Probably the one that used some pretty amazing technology to fake a UFO crash in Roswell New Mexico in 1947.... To serve as an explanation for that technology for the next century. The premise was simple: Divide witnesses into two schools of thought: E.T. vs the weather balloon.
Probably the one that used some pretty amazing technology to fake a UFO crash in Roswell New Mexico in 1947....

Good job there have been dozens of crashes which have been retrieved , not just the famous 1947 one ,

Shame to hear about Roswell being Fake . Although you must be the only person claiming to know the full details still holding that view .
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Good job there have been dozens of crashes which have been retrieved , not just the famous 1947 one ,

Shame to hear about Roswell being Fake . Although you must be the only person claiming to know the full details still holding that view .
You're claiming alot MORE detail with "dozens of crashes"! Unless you're an ex-government agent turned whistleblower you don't know any more than I do. I don't know the full details and don't claim to. But I mostly don't believe in E.T. and I think our gov't has developed stuff behind the scenes into nearly Star Trek level tech. It's very obvious how the gov't played the Roswell incident. All.one has to do is connected the dots.

Early 1940's: Fighter planes harassed by mysterious Foo Fighters in Europe.

Mid 1940's: Thousands of Nazi scientists brought to the U.S. to work in our military industrial complex.

Late 1940's: Roswell. Probably one of the amazing things they had those Nazi scientists working on in desert labs and bunkers. Maybe even a planned crash with dummies inside. "Oh, look. It's not ours! It's little green men."

1952, just 5 years later: The Capitol is buzzed by a string of UFO's. Oh, looks like they worked out the bugs and got their toys working. "Look at us, Herr President. Look at the superior German technology now flying over you. Thank you for making it possible!"

(Now just to bring you up to date, all these "dots" were officially documented).

1965: Betty & Barney Hill, interracial couple who are the first documented abductees just one year after the Civil Right movement. Oh, look.... ET loves both blacks and whites look at that! And the Hills claimed that the occupants of the UFO that abducted them were Nordic looking and spoke some kind of European sounding language. *Gasp*! Couldn't have been. GERMAN now could it?....or maybe Swedish, because of course you the U.N. at that time was loaded with Scandinavians. And you know the U.N. loves to promote right and inclusion.

How do you like these details so far?
When the Hills were abducted, by the way, the sick and illegal CIA program known as MK Ultra was 3 years old. And the last good Democrat who would probably not approve of it had his brains blown out and an epic cover-up ensued. MK Ultra was for the explicit purpose of using drugs and hypnosis for mind control experiments. The kind of stuff that you'd abduct people for, and maybe they'd only have a foggy memory of waking up in their car hours later and miles from where they were abducted. But no, it's gotta be E.T. again.

1973, eight years later. MK Ultra is discovered and declassified, declared illegal....and with that a temporary lull in UFO abductions for awhile. Big mystery.

1980: Rendlesham forest, UK. Back at it with a new twist. UFO's start stalking an American military base on British soil. Oh, my! Do they want our nukes or are they trying to tell us to be careful with them? And guess what, in just a week or two Ronald Reagan, Mr. STAR WARS himself, will be inaugurated in the U.S.. And Mrs. Thatcher has already been in office in the UK for a year. In just weeks, one of the most cooperative transcontinental political and military relationships in the history of the world will be forged between the two leaders. And the vulnerability of our bases in the UK will be one of the first things jointly on their desks. Too bad Ron wasn't in on it. I'm sure his right hand man George H.W. Bush, former CIA director was though. And I'm sure Ron not being in on it has ALOT to do with him getting shot.

1992: The USSR is out of the way for several years already. Western corporate military industrial colonization is rampant throughout Europe. And then a new "product" is debuted in the skies over Belgium.


And this becomes the new norm for several decades, eclipsing those antiquated Nazi saucers and Foo Fighters...until people start pointing out how similar it is to our other Skunkworks products. Shit, can't claim that one is E.T. anymore, can we.

So then in the 2000's the new norm is an upgraded Foo Fighter, often seen following each other in "strings". I have seen these. Have you? I'll bet you haven't seen any of the dozens of crashes you mentioned. The orbs I saw were JUST like these, but only three.
wpid-ufonightskyarc_450x350 (2).jpg

I neglected to mention so far that I grew up in Pine Bush, NY one of the hottest east coast UFO hotspots and located within 20 miles of Stewart Airforce Base. Hundreds of people have seen things there and have experienced strange phenomena not just flying objects.That MKUltra shit fucking with people's minds again. And guess what...it all suddenly dwindled to almost nothing, almost to the very DAY that Dubya Bush was inaugurated. Sounds like the former CIA director's son simply told them to cool it and not play with their toys so LIBERALLY. Goodbye, Mr. Clinton....the one who wanted to get to the bottom of the mystery of UFO's and government coverups thereof.

So you see, I DO know some details. One does not have to know all the micro details about every incident to see how they are connected to our military in slightly different ways under different administrations. No little green men. Just fabulous toys developed in almost total secrecy using civilians as guinea pigs. Shit that they developed from captured Nazi scientists and their experiments in progress. The relationship between the dots is SO CLEAR. And it's SO CLEAR, especially now, that the government wants you to keep E.T. tongue-in-cheek at least. They know they will always be under some suspicion. Having five different explanations that everyone argues over is the perfect way for them to stay in the shade.

I haven't included many small details at all because I don't know that many of them. But I do know that these incidents are all documented officially and if you look at them in a timeline spread out before you, you can see how perfectly the dots connect. Just because there have been crashes and incidents does not mean anything more than either some of these things malfunctioned or we crashed them on purpose in order to create mystery.
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