US Border Agents Find RPGs & IEDs Near Southern Border

Congress could declare the border (Mexico) a hostile state, stop all foreign aid to them and abandon the pretext that they are our allies. Mexico is complicit and a welcomed partner in spreading crime and unrest here. They can stop being the pressure valve for real reform in Mexico by encouraging their criminals and provocateurs to come here for financial gain and reconquering their perceived ancestral home. They can begin a process of self deportation and rigorous enforcement of our immigration laws. They can also show a smidgen of transparency regarding illegal numbers and cost to the state in real time. It is also possible to punish employers that exploit the illegal labor trade and hide the profits from eliminating native workers, who are forced onto the welfare role. Above all, they need to revisit the 14th amendment and apply it as it was intended.
If you can't get a job it's not because of immigrants.
Were these weapons used against the United States, or there even any indication they plan for them to be?

Syria's president used gas against his own people. So why do we have troops stationed in Syria? Do we have any indication that they wanted to use them against us? Russia, China, and North Korea have nuclear weapons. So why do we have troops stationed in Germany and South Korea? Do we have any indication that they'd use those nuclear weapons against us?
Syria's president used gas against his own people. So why do we have troops stationed in Syria? Do we have any indication that they wanted to use them against us? Russia, China, and North Korea have nuclear weapons. So why do we have troops stationed in Germany and South Korea? Do we have any indication that they'd use those nuclear weapons against us?

We have troops in all those places to exert our influence over the countries and the world as a whole.

But it is a damn good question, why do we have troops in Syria?
We have troops in all those places to exert our influence over the countries and the world as a whole.

But it is a damn good question, why do we have troops in Syria?

Because they're soldiers. And the last thing they want to do is be stationed stateside and have to do inspection and police call every morning. I'm pretty sure they'd be more than happy to be guarding our own border against rocket-propelled grenades and improvised explosive devices, and exercising our influence over terrorists and drug cartels.
Because they're soldiers. And the last thing they want to do is be stationed stateside and have to do inspection and police call every morning. I'm pretty sure they'd be more than happy to be guarding our own border against rocket-propelled grenades and improvised explosive devices, and exercising our influence over terrorists and drug cartels.

I would love to have our borders protected by our military. I have been saying this for years, bring back all those troops in Europe and station them on the border.
The obvious response to armed threat from abroad is to restrict law abiding citizens ability to defend themselves. Why can't we all chant that? (sarcasm warning).
Do you consider the Army "law abiding citizens"?
The southern border is a war zone.
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