US funding al Qaeda in Russia


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
This shit has got to stop!

Al Qaeda Blitzkrieg: West’s Terror Battalions Eye Russia Next

While there was a time the US feigned solidarity with the Russian government as it fought listed Al Qaeda affiliates carrying out attacks across the Caucasus Mountains in Russia’s southern region, as well as attacks across the country including in Moscow itself, research reveals that the United States has been covertly backing these terrorists all along. Just as the US created, funded, armed, and directed Al Qaeda in the mountains of Afghanistan during the 1980′s, they are to this day are funding, arming, and directing Al Qaeda from Libya, to Syria, and in Russia.
This is making all American's less safe. Does anyone seriously believe, that once we start fucking with Russia, war will not come to our shores?
Mayhaps it's so, mayhaps it ain't. Anyone who don't know there's a whole lot of folks fucking with eachother is either ignorant or stupid.

So what? Any news yet?

Any pertinent news?

Pics/Links or STFU.

Father of Pakistan nuclear bomb mulls politics |


Thousands return home after Philippines quake, tsunami warning lifted | Reuters

Russia has a lot invested in the Syrian regime. if Assad goes, so does Russia’s toe hold in the region along with Iran's the largest terrorist supporting states in the world.
obama believes that he and al quaeda are on the same side. The side against Americans and Christians. After the jailing of the Russian group, Pussy Riot, for vandalizing a church, Russia has proven itself respectful of religious rights. That means that obama and his allies in Al Quaeda have Russia in their sights.

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