US Recruiting Children for Secret Services


VIP Member
May 16, 2011
Children "met prominent hackers, Homeland Security officials and NSA security experts. They also listened to talks on the history of hacking and lectures on cryptography. Some of the convention's hotly contested competitions were geared toward children ... One contest covered lock-picking techniques to be used in the event they forget their locker combination. The kids were encouraged to find security vulnerabilities in popular technologies, from video games to computer hardware," so says reports from attendees of the 2011 DefCon, a protocol based hacking network conference.

2011 DefCon Includes Children - Kids and hackers, oh my! DefCon adds kids track  |
The US uses remote viewing and time travel to recruit future politicians:

Months ago, I heard a guest on CoasttocoastAM with George Noory talk about the US government's use of remote viewing and time travel to recruit politicians. The man, now late 40s or 50, spoke of meeting George W. Bush when he was a child at a secret government meeting his father, a project participant, had taken him to. He said W. Bush, then in his twenties, walked up to him and said, "my dad and I are going to be president."

The then child did not understand what W. Bush meant. The guest also spoke of running into Barack Obama in the 1980s at a gathering. He, with conservative views, got into a heated economic debate with Barack Obama, who was guest of host. The host walked up to him and said, "be nice to Barack. He could be your president."
Dey was gonna hire Uncle Ferd but he f-disk'ed their hard drive...
NSA wants to hire hackers
July 28, 2012: Wearing a t-shirt and jeans, America's top spymaster -- National Security Agency Director Gen. Keith Alexander, also the head of the U.S. Cyber Command -- took the stage Friday at the nation's largest hacker convention to deliver a recruiting pitch.
"In this room, this room right here, is the talent our nation needs to secure cyberspace," Alexander told the standing-room-only audience at DefCon, a grassroots gathering in Las Vegas expected to draw a record 16,000 attendees this year. "We need great talent. We don't pay as high as everybody else, but we're fun to be around." Alexander's appearance is a milestone for DefCon, a hacker mecca with an often-uneasy relationship with the feds. DefCon is the older, wilder and far less official sibling of BlackHat, a cybersecurity conference that wrapped up Thursday in Las Vegas.

BlackHat draws corporate infosecurity workers in suits. At DefCon, they switch to t-shirts and spend the weekend mingling with cryptographers, script kiddies, security researchers and a liberal smattering of military and law enforcement agents -- both in and out of uniform. DefCon is famed as an elite hacking showcase. The registration badges alone are a technical feat, featuring a customizable circuit board and cryptographic scavenger-hunt puzzle. A hacker group called Ninja Networks set up a private cellular network to chat on during the show -- a stunt that drew admiring praise from Alexander during his talk.

Those are the kinds of skills the government needs, he said. Playing to his audience, Alexander rattled off a long list of tech-industry stars like Vint Cerf and Dave Aitel who did pioneering work on the federal payroll. "We're the ones who built this Internet," Alexander said, citing the key role agencies like DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) played in the network's early days. "Now we're the ones who have to keep it secure, and I think you folks can help do that."
Related story: Former FBI cyber cop worries about a digital 9/11

To hammer the point home, the NSA set up a special recruiting site for the show: NSA Careers for DEF CON Attendees. It's not your standard government careers page. This one includes the line: "If you have a few, shall we say, indiscretions in your past, don't be alarmed." The NSA is especially keen to draw in people like those holed up in a conference room just 20 feet away from Alexander's presentation, hunched over laptops and takeout cartons. They're competitors in Defcon's "Capture the Flag" battle, a kind of geek Olympics.

More NSA wants to hire hackers - Jul. 28, 2012
Dey was gonna hire Uncle Ferd but he f-disk'ed their hard drive...
NSA wants to hire hackers
July 28, 2012: Wearing a t-shirt and jeans, America's top spymaster -- National Security Agency Director Gen. Keith Alexander, also the head of the U.S. Cyber Command -- took the stage Friday at the nation's largest hacker convention to deliver a recruiting pitch.
"In this room, this room right here, is the talent our nation needs to secure cyberspace," Alexander told the standing-room-only audience at DefCon, a grassroots gathering in Las Vegas expected to draw a record 16,000 attendees this year. "We need great talent. We don't pay as high as everybody else, but we're fun to be around." Alexander's appearance is a milestone for DefCon, a hacker mecca with an often-uneasy relationship with the feds. DefCon is the older, wilder and far less official sibling of BlackHat, a cybersecurity conference that wrapped up Thursday in Las Vegas.

BlackHat draws corporate infosecurity workers in suits. At DefCon, they switch to t-shirts and spend the weekend mingling with cryptographers, script kiddies, security researchers and a liberal smattering of military and law enforcement agents -- both in and out of uniform. DefCon is famed as an elite hacking showcase. The registration badges alone are a technical feat, featuring a customizable circuit board and cryptographic scavenger-hunt puzzle. A hacker group called Ninja Networks set up a private cellular network to chat on during the show -- a stunt that drew admiring praise from Alexander during his talk.

Those are the kinds of skills the government needs, he said. Playing to his audience, Alexander rattled off a long list of tech-industry stars like Vint Cerf and Dave Aitel who did pioneering work on the federal payroll. "We're the ones who built this Internet," Alexander said, citing the key role agencies like DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) played in the network's early days. "Now we're the ones who have to keep it secure, and I think you folks can help do that."
Related story: Former FBI cyber cop worries about a digital 9/11

To hammer the point home, the NSA set up a special recruiting site for the show: NSA Careers for DEF CON Attendees. It's not your standard government careers page. This one includes the line: "If you have a few, shall we say, indiscretions in your past, don't be alarmed." The NSA is especially keen to draw in people like those holed up in a conference room just 20 feet away from Alexander's presentation, hunched over laptops and takeout cartons. They're competitors in Defcon's "Capture the Flag" battle, a kind of geek Olympics.

More NSA wants to hire hackers - Jul. 28, 2012

Waltky, thanks! I did not follow this year's DefCon. Thanks, again!

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