US seizes over 350 websites used to import "illegal" gun parts from China


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia

U.S. authorities said on Wednesday they had seized more than 350 websites selling gun silencers and parts from China used to covert semiautomatic pistols into fully automatic machine guns.

Federal prosecutors in Boston said the seizures followed an investigation since August 2023 into websites, businesses and people offering to illegally sell and import machine gun conversion devices.

Law enforcement conducted undercover purchases from those websites of gun-related items, resulting in shipments from China of packages that falsely described their contents as containing materials like a "necklace" or "toys," prosecutors said.

In fact, the packages contained machine gun conversion devices known as "switches" and silencers that are prohibited from being imported under the federal National Firearms Act, prosecutors said.

Many of the websites sold counterfeit goods and misused gun manufacturer Glock Inc's trademark to suggest the switches were produced by the company when they were not, authorities said in court papers.

"The seizure of these domains is a critical step in disrupting the flow of dangerous contraband that threatens public safety," Acting U.S. Attorney Joshua Levy in Massachusetts said in a statement.

Over 700 machine gun conversion devices, 87 illegal suppressors, 59 handguns and 46 long guns have been seized as a result of the probe, in addition to the 355 websites, said Ketty Larco-Ward, inspector in charge of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service's Boston Division.

How can the seize a site you may ask?

They seize the domain name, which is what directs via DNS to the location of the actual site. Nothing stops them from making a new site or directing to a new domain, but they lose all the SEO they got from the old domain.

Meh, that's like two 55 gallon drums worth of "toys" and 350 more will start-up and be doing the same tomorrow.....3-D printer and code.....Can't stop the signal Mal.

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