US Senate passes anti boycott of the Jews 4 racist democratic SS presidential candidate opposed 22


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
US Senate Passes Anti-Boycott of the Jews (BDS), 4 Racist Democratic SS Presidential Candidates Opposed, 22 Antisemitic Senate Democrats in total - Geller Report
The Democrats- the New American Nazi party. The Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) of Israel is this century’s Nazi movement, only on a worldwide scale. Same tactics, same viciousness, same lies, same thuggery. Make no mistake, the Third Reich employed the same tactics. Preceding Kristallnacht, the Nazis called for Germans to boycott Jewish-owned businesses. This was the direct antecedent to the BDS (Jewish boycott) movement. This is no different.

The Nazi party is an under statement!! They are mental nuts so far gone they can't even see how it is being a NAZI is what they usher in and have gloated over like dogs foaming at mouth.
So...I guess boycotting a nation is now equivalent to the NAZI atrocities. It's a good thing the boycott on South Africa helped shape reform, and is no longer in play, otherwise they would be accused of being NAZI's for wanting equality and rights for all a nation's population.

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