US Unemployment Map

Sorry, but my fourth grade English teacher would argue that the words "ALL" and "NEVER" are equally inclusive.

That said, I'm not here to argue symantics with you. I too have stated opinions about cultural values that go against party line, so don't think you're so special in that regard either.

What you said was totally uncalled for, period. So just stop trying to justify your despicable remarks and move on. Maybe I'll forget you ever said it.

Ok, let me think about this for a second.... no, sorry, I don't care what your 4th grade teacher said. I can't recall ever meeting a teacher I thought was worth a shit. YMMV.

Despicable, huh? When did opinions and personal observations become despicable? Oh right, when they step on the ever so sensitive toes of our cultural elites, the Left.

I'd think hearing what others thought would be a boon. It gives you a chance to work on your public image and adjust your spin so you don't look so... what's a good word for it.... yeah, despicable. :)

I think your problem, Amanda, is that you never met a teacher you thought was worth a shit. Now run along. You're probably way too pretty to conjure up the bully image I currently have of you.

Aw, dismissed... :lol:

It's kinda weird how education is coming up in several of the threads I've been following. Anyway, you're right, I didn't like any of my teachers. I did at the time, some of them anyway, but it was actually somewhere in my senior year when I realized how badly I'd been ripped off by our system. Of course by then it was too late to do much about.
Watch the map turn black as the Democrat party policies take effect.

What an awesome map! Strange how the unemployment rates went up right after the Democrats took control of Congress.

How low would employment have to go for Congress to ram through drilling in ANWR:

"ANWR drilling also would create jobs. Estimates of the number of jobs to be created vary widely, from low estimates of tens of thousands of new jobs to, according to one estimate, over 2.2 million."
Ten Second Response: Small Group of House Republicans Derails ANWR Drilling

Alternative energy development would also create huge numbers of new jobs.

Renewable Energy Focus - Renewable energy could help create 1.9 million jobs in the USA
What an awesome map! Strange how the unemployment rates went up right after the Democrats took control of Congress.

How low would employment have to go for Congress to ram through drilling in ANWR:

"ANWR drilling also would create jobs. Estimates of the number of jobs to be created vary widely, from low estimates of tens of thousands of new jobs to, according to one estimate, over 2.2 million."
Ten Second Response: Small Group of House Republicans Derails ANWR Drilling

Alternative energy development would also create huge numbers of new jobs.


"Our future is in ‘green energy’? “Presidents all the way back to Richard Nixon -- whose "Project Independence" promised to make America independent from foreign oil by 1980 -- were thwarted by short attention spans, other urgent problems and gyrations in the energy market.” After some 30 years and billions of dollars poured into alternative technologies, renewable energy now accounts for a mere 6.7% of our total.
A Past President's Advice to Obama: Act With Haste -

Based on US Department of Energy, sources of energy used in the US:
39.2% petroleum, 23.3% natural gas, 22.4% coal, 8.3% nuclear, 3.6% biomass, 2.4% hydroelectric, 0.35% geothermal, 0.31% wind, 0.08% solar.

Renewable Energy Focus - Renewable energy could help create 1.9 million jobs in the USA

How about we drop the 'could create' type hype, and look at real life...and see that you couldn't be more wrong:

"Calzada, 36, an economics professor at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, has produced a report that, if true, is inconvenient for the Obama administration's green agenda, and for some budget assumptions that are dependent upon it.

"Calzada says Spain's torrential spending -- no other nation has so aggressively supported production of electricity from renewable sources -- on wind farms and other forms of alternative energy has indeed created jobs. But Calzada's report concludes that they often are temporary and have received $752,000 to $800,000 each in subsidies -- wind industry jobs cost even more, $1.4 million each. And each new job entails the loss of 2.2 other jobs that are either lost or not created in other industries because of the political allocation -- sub-optimum in terms of economic efficiency -- of capital. (European media regularly report "eco-corruption" leaving a "footprint of sleaze" -- gaming the subsidy systems, profiteering from land sales for wind farms, etc.) Calzada says the creation of jobs in alternative energy has subtracted about 110,000 jobs elsewhere in Spain's economy. "
George F. Will - A Quixotic Pursuit: Green Energy Jobs -

"The study calculated that, since 2000, Spain spent $774,000 to create each "green job", including subsidies of more than $1.3 million per wind industry job. It found that creating those jobs resulted in the destruction of nearly 113,000 jobs elsewhere in the economy, or 2.2 jobs destroyed for every "green job" created. Jobs lost were mostly in the fields of metallurgy, non-metallic mining and food processing, beverage and tobacco.

"The loss of jobs could be greater if you account for the amount of lost industry that moves out of the country due to higher energy prices," Calzada said in an interview with Bloomberg News.
Western Business Roundtable also noted that the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) recently calculated that Spain's annual emissions of carbon dioxide have increased by nearly 50 percent since the launch of the subsidized "green jobs" program."
The price of green jobs? Learn from Spain - Green Chemicals

So, I'm still asking, when does this left-wing, socialist-at-best, incompetent administration lose your vote, since they don't have any interest in taking this unemployment monkey off the backs of Americans?
And it would have been different had Palin been elected?

Palin wasn't running for President, but I do think the current economy would be vastly improved if we had a different president and not the radical elements of Obama's party controlling the Congress. This administration and Congress have introduced absolutely zero policies to try and get the economy back on line. They are instead putting all of their energy into implementing a radical socialist agenda while they have the power to. Imagine if all the energy put into Cap and Fraud and the Government Theft of Health Care Act were put into real economic stimulus proposals.
Wait until the EPA moves on this:

At Montana’s Biggest Wind Farm, Bat Deaths Surprise Researchers | Guest Writer | Travel & Outdoors | NewWest.Net

A problem for bears too: | Study: Wind farms could harm wildlife

Low frequency noise may cause health problems for cattle and people:

Wind Watch: Investigation into wind farms and noise

"Pedersen’s arguments are persuasive that the dancing shadows and the rotating blades can significantly add to the annoyance and stress caused by noise from the turbines. The questions being asked by some in the medical profession as to whether this cocktail of effects — the noise, low-frequency, rotating blades, the shadows and the strobing — is leading to ill-health out of proportion to the noise turbines make, need serious examination."
And it would have been different had Palin been elected?

Palin wasn't running for President, but I do think the current economy would be vastly improved if we had a different president and not the radical elements of Obama's party controlling the Congress. This administration and Congress have introduced absolutely zero policies to try and get the economy back on line. They are instead putting all of their energy into implementing a radical socialist agenda while they have the power to. Imagine if all the energy put into Cap and Fraud and the Government Theft of Health Care Act were put into real economic stimulus proposals.

Stimulus plans, as such, have never worked, and, in fact, have retarded recovery.

But a tax holiday would have encouraged hiring.
And it would have been different had Palin been elected?

Palin wasn't running for President, but I do think the current economy would be vastly improved if we had a different president and not the radical elements of Obama's party controlling the Congress. This administration and Congress have introduced absolutely zero policies to try and get the economy back on line. They are instead putting all of their energy into implementing a radical socialist agenda while they have the power to. Imagine if all the energy put into Cap and Fraud and the Government Theft of Health Care Act were put into real economic stimulus proposals.

Stimulus plans, as such, have never worked, and, in fact, have retarded recovery.

But a tax holiday would have encouraged hiring.

I'm not referring to some faux "stimulus" plan of the government spending our money on some voodoo New Deal style projects, but rather tax holidays as you suggest or tax and spending cuts. For instance, if I were President, I would have called for a suspension of all Capital gains and corporate income taxes for a year or two while cutting all Federal spending to the bone. That would have jumped started the economy big time.

The people running the government aren't interested in fixing the economy; they want to control it and us.
I had to lay a total of 14 people off from my small business within the last year or so. We are in Michigan and I think we may have been hit worse by the Obama Economy than any other state. The automotive industry has been infected with Obama's Socialist agenda in the form of the "bailouts". I can personally attest to having handed out pink slips because of Barack Obama and his Socialist policies.

If significant tax cuts were enacted for businesses I am sure we could see some gains in employment. I would also expect to see drastic cuts in federal spending. I will not be holding my breath for such spending cuts.

In short - Yes!!!!!! - The map showing the unemployment trends is directly because of Barack Obama and the Democrats.

Congratulations Socialists
Watch the map turn black as the Democrat party policies take effect.

What an awesome map! Strange how the unemployment rates went up right after the Democrats took control of Congress.

So what happened in 2007 that created unemployment by the dems? I seem to recall they were quite blocked from doing much of anything that year because they barely had a majority in the House and evenly split in the Senate, therefore NO majority. Enlighten me.


The Democrats immediately began demanding more money be spent on domestic entitlement programs, they began threatening to raise taxes, began an unprecendented amount of deficit spending to make Bush look as bad as possible and THEY said the economy was particular...Barney Frank and Chris Dodd said everything was hunky dory...nothing to worry about!!!

Now start posting facts will you?
And today we are being told that there should be an increase in jobs starting in April of 2010.

7 months before we get to kick the bums out.

Anyone think they have this planned?
And today we are being told that there should be an increase in jobs starting in April of 2010.

7 months before we get to kick the bums out.

Anyone think they have this planned?

2/3 of the Economic Stimulus package kicks in then too.
Sure its just a coincidence
What an awesome map! Strange how the unemployment rates went up right after the Democrats took control of Congress.

So what happened in 2007 that created unemployment by the dems? I seem to recall they were quite blocked from doing much of anything that year because they barely had a majority in the House and evenly split in the Senate, therefore NO majority. Enlighten me.


The Democrats immediately began demanding more money be spent on domestic entitlement programs, they began threatening to raise taxes, began an unprecendented amount of deficit spending to make Bush look as bad as possible and THEY said the economy was particular...Barney Frank and Chris Dodd said everything was hunky dory...nothing to worry about!!!

Now start posting facts will you?

How many bills did Bush Veto?
And when?
And it would have been different had Palin been elected?

Palin wasn't running for President, but I do think the current economy would be vastly improved if we had a different president and not the radical elements of Obama's party controlling the Congress. This administration and Congress have introduced absolutely zero policies to try and get the economy back on line. They are instead putting all of their energy into implementing a radical socialist agenda while they have the power to. Imagine if all the energy put into Cap and Fraud and the Government Theft of Health Care Act were put into real economic stimulus proposals.

Stimulus plans, as such, have never worked, and, in fact, have retarded recovery.

But a tax holiday would have encouraged hiring.

In countries where they have used stimulus money to actually stimulate the economy, it has worked. The problem we have is that our 'shovel ready' projects were not 'shovel ready' projects. Vast amounts of money was handed out as sweeteners and to pet projects. For example, giving AARP $18m to train 500 unemployed people to work in non profit organizations. All very noble but that's a lot of money to train just 500 people.
Palin wasn't running for President, but I do think the current economy would be vastly improved if we had a different president and not the radical elements of Obama's party controlling the Congress. This administration and Congress have introduced absolutely zero policies to try and get the economy back on line. They are instead putting all of their energy into implementing a radical socialist agenda while they have the power to. Imagine if all the energy put into Cap and Fraud and the Government Theft of Health Care Act were put into real economic stimulus proposals.

Stimulus plans, as such, have never worked, and, in fact, have retarded recovery.

But a tax holiday would have encouraged hiring.

In countries where they have used stimulus money to actually stimulate the economy, it has worked. The problem we have is that our 'shovel ready' projects were not 'shovel ready' projects. Vast amounts of money was handed out as sweeteners and to pet projects. For example, giving AARP $18m to train 500 unemployed people to work in non profit organizations. All very noble but that's a lot of money to train just 500 people.

It would still be a lot of money to train 500 people for PERMANENT jobs.
How low would employment have to go for Congress to ram through drilling in ANWR:

"ANWR drilling also would create jobs. Estimates of the number of jobs to be created vary widely, from low estimates of tens of thousands of new jobs to, according to one estimate, over 2.2 million."
Ten Second Response: Small Group of House Republicans Derails ANWR Drilling

Alternative energy development would also create huge numbers of new jobs.


"Our future is in ‘green energy’? “Presidents all the way back to Richard Nixon -- whose "Project Independence" promised to make America independent from foreign oil by 1980 -- were thwarted by short attention spans, other urgent problems and gyrations in the energy market.” After some 30 years and billions of dollars poured into alternative technologies, renewable energy now accounts for a mere 6.7% of our total.
A Past President's Advice to Obama: Act With Haste -

Based on US Department of Energy, sources of energy used in the US:
39.2% petroleum, 23.3% natural gas, 22.4% coal, 8.3% nuclear, 3.6% biomass, 2.4% hydroelectric, 0.35% geothermal, 0.31% wind, 0.08% solar.

Renewable Energy Focus - Renewable energy could help create 1.9 million jobs in the USA

How about we drop the 'could create' type hype, and look at real life...and see that you couldn't be more wrong:

"Calzada, 36, an economics professor at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, has produced a report that, if true, is inconvenient for the Obama administration's green agenda, and for some budget assumptions that are dependent upon it.

"Calzada says Spain's torrential spending -- no other nation has so aggressively supported production of electricity from renewable sources -- on wind farms and other forms of alternative energy has indeed created jobs. But Calzada's report concludes that they often are temporary and have received $752,000 to $800,000 each in subsidies -- wind industry jobs cost even more, $1.4 million each. And each new job entails the loss of 2.2 other jobs that are either lost or not created in other industries because of the political allocation -- sub-optimum in terms of economic efficiency -- of capital. (European media regularly report "eco-corruption" leaving a "footprint of sleaze" -- gaming the subsidy systems, profiteering from land sales for wind farms, etc.) Calzada says the creation of jobs in alternative energy has subtracted about 110,000 jobs elsewhere in Spain's economy. "
George F. Will - A Quixotic Pursuit: Green Energy Jobs -

"The study calculated that, since 2000, Spain spent $774,000 to create each "green job", including subsidies of more than $1.3 million per wind industry job. It found that creating those jobs resulted in the destruction of nearly 113,000 jobs elsewhere in the economy, or 2.2 jobs destroyed for every "green job" created. Jobs lost were mostly in the fields of metallurgy, non-metallic mining and food processing, beverage and tobacco.

"The loss of jobs could be greater if you account for the amount of lost industry that moves out of the country due to higher energy prices," Calzada said in an interview with Bloomberg News.
Western Business Roundtable also noted that the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) recently calculated that Spain's annual emissions of carbon dioxide have increased by nearly 50 percent since the launch of the subsidized "green jobs" program."
The price of green jobs? Learn from Spain - Green Chemicals

So, I'm still asking, when does this left-wing, socialist-at-best, incompetent administration lose your vote, since they don't have any interest in taking this unemployment monkey off the backs of Americans?

Fine. Drill, baby, drill. It's what we'll get until the next catastrophe that strangles our oil supply. Unfortunately, when that happens and when we finally can't recover from an oil shortage (however it might be caused), your children will be asking why you didn't do something about alternatives. When mine ask me, I'll tell them to call you.

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