USA and Germany plan to compensate Ukraine's losses due to Nord Stream


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

USA and Germany plan to compensate Ukraine's losses due to Nord Stream

The parties plan to reach an appropriate agreement before Chancellor Angela Merkel's visit to Washington

The United States and Germany want to compensate Ukraine for losses after the launch of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, Bloomberg reports citing sources.

The agreement, which some officials hope to have ready for Chancellor Angela Merkel’s visit to Washington next month, could see the countries commit to bolstering Ukrainian infrastructure and compensating it for transit fees that will be lost because the pipeline bypasses the country. Germany may also commit to supporting the “Three Seas” plan to boost Eastern European cooperation on energy and transportation.
Possible options for a deal were spelled out by several people familiar with the negotiations, all of whom asked not to be identified detailing private discussions. Even if the elements hold, the outcry from members of the U.S. Congress could be fierce because such an agreement would be similar to proposals that have failed to deter Russia in the past.
Opponents of Nord Stream 2 argue that by sending Russian gas directly to Germany, the pipeline will give Moscow greater leverage over European national security. After initially suggesting it would try to halt construction of the pipeline, the Biden administration shifted tack in recent weeks, saying that doing so would be a long shot because it’s already 90% complete. Instead, officials said, they would work with Germany and other allies to reduce the pipeline’s impact.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed the two sides were talking about ways to “ensure that Russia cannot use energy as a coercive tool directed at Ukraine or anyone else.”


Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies just can't stop lying. They didn't inherit the situation. They encouraged and sanctioned the completion of Nord Stream 2 with full knowledge that they were helping Russia and making Germany more dependent on Russian gas. The Biden team have also taken multiple steps to increase the price of oil which also helps Russia. The Biden handlers are Putin's best friends.
"USA and Germany plan to compensate Ukraine's losses due to Nord Stream 2"
Indedd. with American Taxpayer funds, 50% of which will be kicked back to American Democrats and 50% European Globalists and Soros, while Joey Xi Bai Dung gets his usual 10% cut off the top...


USA and Germany plan to compensate Ukraine's losses due to Nord Stream

The parties plan to reach an appropriate agreement before Chancellor Angela Merkel's visit to Washington

The United States and Germany want to compensate Ukraine for losses after the launch of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, Bloomberg reports citing sources.

The agreement, which some officials hope to have ready for Chancellor Angela Merkel’s visit to Washington next month, could see the countries commit to bolstering Ukrainian infrastructure and compensating it for transit fees that will be lost because the pipeline bypasses the country. Germany may also commit to supporting the “Three Seas” plan to boost Eastern European cooperation on energy and transportation.
Possible options for a deal were spelled out by several people familiar with the negotiations, all of whom asked not to be identified detailing private discussions. Even if the elements hold, the outcry from members of the U.S. Congress could be fierce because such an agreement would be similar to proposals that have failed to deter Russia in the past.
Opponents of Nord Stream 2 argue that by sending Russian gas directly to Germany, the pipeline will give Moscow greater leverage over European national security. After initially suggesting it would try to halt construction of the pipeline, the Biden administration shifted tack in recent weeks, saying that doing so would be a long shot because it’s already 90% complete. Instead, officials said, they would work with Germany and other allies to reduce the pipeline’s impact.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed the two sides were talking about ways to “ensure that Russia cannot use energy as a coercive tool directed at Ukraine or anyone else.”


Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies just can't stop lying. They didn't inherit the situation. They encouraged and sanctioned the completion of Nord Stream 2 with full knowledge that they were helping Russia and making Germany more dependent on Russian gas. The Biden team have also taken multiple steps to increase the price of oil which also helps Russia. The Biden handlers are Putin's best friends.
"USA and Germany plan to compensate Ukraine's losses due to Nord Stream 2"
Indedd. with American Taxpayer funds, 50% of which will be kicked back to American Democrats and 50% European Globalists and Soros, while Joey Xi Bai Dung gets his usual 10% cut off the top...

I'm glad I quit paying income tax so I dont have to pay for this shit anymore,,
Some of Trumps policies were so effective and good for America that they were no-brainers.

Why you would decrease domestic gas extraction options and shut down a beneficial pipeline coming from Canada is beyond me. All of the arguments about pollution are put to rest and should be mocked now that the Nord Steam pipeline is built.

Good for Russia and Germany I presume. America doesn't seem to demand much from their allies when it comes to dealing with apparent dangerous nations. It's all a bit puzzling the way Merkel has rejected and even thumbed her nose at America of late.
Meanwhile, the Quisling complicit media has told us that Vladimir Putin was cowed by Joey Xi Bai Dung and all his handlers.
Question: why the country of corrupted thieves and parasites shall be feed by money of western taxpayers?
"112 international" seems to be a news service from the Ukraine. Any reliable German source or US-source for this "news"? As far as I know it is not in the interest of the German government that the Russian pipeline over the Ukraine will be closed.
"112 international" seems to be a news service from the Ukraine. Any reliable German source or US-source for this "news"? As far as I know it is not in the interest of the German government that the Russian pipeline over the Ukraine will be closed.
Yes, it is a Ukrainian source. And in a Russian speaking segment of the web such information was given by various sources. So, these negotiations take place it seems.

What outcome will be is unclear. Basically, Russia claims that with NS and NS2 (operating in full capacity) as well as Turkish stream there won't be a need in transit through Ukraine.
"112 international" seems to be a news service from the Ukraine. Any reliable German source or US-source for this "news"? As far as I know it is not in the interest of the German government that the Russian pipeline over the Ukraine will be closed.
Yes, it is a Ukrainian source.

Or not, who really knows?

And in a Russian speaking segment of the web such information was given by various sources.

Means nothing. Perhaps only a snowball effect. One by the next copies the same wrong information from others.

So, these negotiations take place it seems.

Or not. What has the USA to do with this for example? It was damned stupid from the USA to promise in the countries in the East of Europe, that they will bring Germany under control. This gave all autocrats in this regions more hope they also will bring their own people and other nations under control.

What outcome will be is unclear.

Very easy: The Ukraine will always again ask for more money. And if the government of the Ukraine had the same mentality as the government of Poland (="We are the better Germany - so Germany has to pay for our nonsense") then they would additionally hate and attack all the institutions, which give them the money for their own wrongdoings.

Basically, Russia claims that with NS and NS2 (operating in full capacity) as well as Turkish stream there won't be a need in transit through Ukraine.

This I doubt. It would not make any sense for Russia only to depend on Germany in the delivery of natural gas to the European Union. What about if we also make a Gerexit and/or we found a North Country together with England and the Scandinavian and Baltic countries? And Turkey - the second Rome - was and is also always important for them. And the land, where the language of all modern Slaws was born - the Ukraine - is a country they are also not able to let be poor and/or to let freeze in winter.

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This I doubt. It would not make any sense for Russia only to depend on Germany in the delivery of natural gas to the European Union. What about if we also make a Gerexit and/or we found a North Country together with England and the Scandinavian and Baltic countries? And Turkey - the second Rome - was and is also always important for them. And the land, where the language of all modern Slaws was born - the Ukraine - is a country they are also not able to let be poor and/or to let freeze in winter
I don't believe in Gerexit. That is something like if bees would reject honey.
Germany is the main consumer of Russian gas in Europe. The idea of Nord Streams is to bring this gas directly to the German market bypassing transit countries.

: The Ukraine will always again ask for more money. And if the government of the Ukraine had the same mentality as the government of Poland (="We are the better Germany - so Germany has to pay for our nonsense") then they would additionally hate and attack all the institutions, which give them the money for their own wrongdoings
Yeah, that is true. But at some point of time the Western donors may decide that enough is enough.
This I doubt. It would not make any sense for Russia only to depend on Germany in the delivery of natural gas to the European Union. What about if we also make a Gerexit and/or we found a North Country together with England and the Scandinavian and Baltic countries? And Turkey - the second Rome - was and is also always important for them. And the land, where the language of all modern Slaws was born - the Ukraine - is a country they are also not able to let be poor and/or to let freeze in winter
I don't believe in Gerexit.

Who believed in a Brexit?

That is something like if bees would reject honey.

We are part of the mhoney of the EU. We make things happen.

Germany is the main consumer of Russian gas in Europe.

Are we?

The idea of Nord Streams is to bring this gas directly to the German market bypassing transit countries.

Or not. Fact is: Nord Stream 2 is a symbol now how the USA splitted the world economy into two independent parts - pro-American and anti-American. Who makes money in the USA is anti-American. Who make business with others is also an anti-American. China followed with new laws in this week this way and stabalized the wrong decisions of Donald Trump fro world economy. I guess for German companies means this to go directly to China or to go directly to the USA if they like to make business with one of this two giants.

: The Ukraine will always again ask for more money. And if the government of the Ukraine had the same mentality as the government of Poland (="We are the better Germany - so Germany has to pay for our nonsense") then they would additionally hate and attack all the institutions, which give them the money for their own wrongdoings
Yeah, that is true. But at some point of time the Western donors may decide that enough is enough.

"Enough is enough" or "enough is not enough" ... depends how to see it. In general problems which are able to be solved with money are easy solveable problems. Most real problems are more difficult.
Who believed in a Brexit?
Many people, actually.

If I remember correctly, yes.

not. Fact is: Nord Stream 2 is a symbol now how the USA splitted the world economy into two independent parts - pro-American and anti-American. Who makes money in the USA is anti-American. Who make business with others is also an anti-American. China followed with new laws in this week this way and stabalized the wrong decisions of Donald Trump fro world economy. I guess for German companies means this to go directly to China or to go directly to the USA if they like to make business with one of this two giants
Yeah, that is true. The world is heading in the direction of Cold War 2. But at this time, the leader of the 'second' world will be China. All the main regional powers will have to pick the side.

Enough is enough" or "enough is not enough" ... depends how to see it. In general problems which are able to be solved with money are easy solveable problems. Most real problems are more difficult
Is that concerning Ukraine? The main problems here is ravaging corruption and mismanagement.
Who believed in a Brexit?
Many people, actually.

If I remember correctly, yes.

not. Fact is: Nord Stream 2 is a symbol now how the USA splitted the world economy into two independent parts - pro-American and anti-American. Who makes money in the USA is anti-American. Who make business with others is also an anti-American. China followed with new laws in this week this way and stabalized the wrong decisions of Donald Trump fro world economy. I guess for German companies means this to go directly to China or to go directly to the USA if they like to make business with one of this two giants
Yeah, that is true. The world is heading in the direction of Cold War 2. But at this time, the leader of the 'second' world will be China. All the main regional powers will have to pick the side.

Enough is enough" or "enough is not enough" ... depends how to see it. In general problems which are able to be solved with money are easy solveable problems. Most real problems are more difficult
Is that concerning Ukraine? The main problems here is ravaging corruption and mismanagement.

USA and Germany plan to compensate Ukraine's losses due to Nord Stream

The parties plan to reach an appropriate agreement before Chancellor Angela Merkel's visit to Washington

The United States and Germany want to compensate Ukraine for losses after the launch of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, Bloomberg reports citing sources.

The agreement, which some officials hope to have ready for Chancellor Angela Merkel’s visit to Washington next month, could see the countries commit to bolstering Ukrainian infrastructure and compensating it for transit fees that will be lost because the pipeline bypasses the country. Germany may also commit to supporting the “Three Seas” plan to boost Eastern European cooperation on energy and transportation.
Possible options for a deal were spelled out by several people familiar with the negotiations, all of whom asked not to be identified detailing private discussions. Even if the elements hold, the outcry from members of the U.S. Congress could be fierce because such an agreement would be similar to proposals that have failed to deter Russia in the past.
Opponents of Nord Stream 2 argue that by sending Russian gas directly to Germany, the pipeline will give Moscow greater leverage over European national security. After initially suggesting it would try to halt construction of the pipeline, the Biden administration shifted tack in recent weeks, saying that doing so would be a long shot because it’s already 90% complete. Instead, officials said, they would work with Germany and other allies to reduce the pipeline’s impact.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed the two sides were talking about ways to “ensure that Russia cannot use energy as a coercive tool directed at Ukraine or anyone else.”


Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies just can't stop lying. They didn't inherit the situation. They encouraged and sanctioned the completion of Nord Stream 2 with full knowledge that they were helping Russia and making Germany more dependent on Russian gas. The Biden team have also taken multiple steps to increase the price of oil which also helps Russia. The Biden handlers are Putin's best friends.
"USA and Germany plan to compensate Ukraine's losses due to Nord Stream 2"
Indedd. with American Taxpayer funds, 50% of which will be kicked back to American Democrats and 50% European Globalists and Soros, while Joey Xi Bai Dung gets his usual 10% cut off the top...

So Biden puts American workers out of work then pays Ukrainian workers. Makes sense if you are a commy I suppose
Who believed in a Brexit?
Many people, actually.

No one. The result of this (from the USA manipulated referendum) had been 50:50 - if we count also the citizens of Great Britain, who were excluded from the referendum, because they had lived since 15 years or longer outside of the teritorry of GB. And what means a result of 50:50 in words? It means: "I don't know what's the best to do!". That's not a result for an essential decision. And so what did GB do instead of nothing and/or studying the problem again? She left after 47 years the EU. Still today this story is totally strange - also because everyone in GB knows, that they were manipulated. A story without logic - but it had happened.

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Fact is: Nord Stream 2 is a symbol now how the USA splitted the world economy into two independent parts - pro-American and anti-American. Who makes money in the USA is anti-American. Who make business with others is also an anti-American. China followed with new laws in this week this way and stabalized the wrong decisions of Donald Trump fro world economy. I guess for German companies means this to go directly to China or to go directly to the USA if they like to make business with one of this two giants
Yeah, that is true. The world is heading in the direction of Cold War 2. But at this time, the leader of the 'second' world will be China. All the main regional powers will have to pick the side.

Also during Cold War Germany always bought natural gas from Russia. What now will come will be something what's totally new. I hope the box of the Pandorra was not open too long before we were able to close it again. Some of the results of the extremely stupid politics of the USA under Donald Trump will be irreversible.

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Fact is: Nord Stream 2 is a symbol now how the USA splitted the world economy into two independent parts - pro-American and anti-American. Who makes money in the USA is anti-American. Who make business with others is also an anti-American. China followed with new laws in this week this way and stabalized the wrong decisions of Donald Trump fro world economy. I guess for German companies means this to go directly to China or to go directly to the USA if they like to make business with one of this two giants
Yeah, that is true. The world is heading in the direction of Cold War 2. But at this time, the leader of the 'second' world will be China. All the main regional powers will have to pick the side.

Also during Cold War Germany always bought natural gas from Russia. What now will come will be something what's totally new. I hope the box of the Pandorra was not open too long before we were able to close it again. Some of the results of the extremely stupid politics of the USA under Donald Trump will be irreversible.

What can offer Germany to Russia outside of 'democracy' and new NGOs?
Russia needs the new start, freedom and partnership with the conservative part of USA
It's would be more benefitable for it
Fact is: Nord Stream 2 is a symbol now how the USA splitted the world economy into two independent parts - pro-American and anti-American. Who makes money in the USA is anti-American. Who make business with others is also an anti-American. China followed with new laws in this week this way and stabalized the wrong decisions of Donald Trump fro world economy. I guess for German companies means this to go directly to China or to go directly to the USA if they like to make business with one of this two giants
Yeah, that is true. The world is heading in the direction of Cold War 2. But at this time, the leader of the 'second' world will be China. All the main regional powers will have to pick the side.

Also during Cold War Germany always bought natural gas from Russia. What now will come will be something what's totally new. I hope the box of the Pandorra was not open too long before we were able to close it again. Some of the results of the extremely stupid politics of the USA under Donald Trump will be irreversible.

Yes, during new Cold War Germany will also buy gas from Russia. I know that you as a German think that is okay. There are opinions also that Nato members as a whole should curb their energy dependency on Russia.

The main question remains what role Russia will play in the times of the US-China global rivalry.
Fact is: Nord Stream 2 is a symbol now how the USA splitted the world economy into two independent parts - pro-American and anti-American. Who makes money in the USA is anti-American. Who make business with others is also an anti-American. China followed with new laws in this week this way and stabalized the wrong decisions of Donald Trump fro world economy. I guess for German companies means this to go directly to China or to go directly to the USA if they like to make business with one of this two giants
Yeah, that is true. The world is heading in the direction of Cold War 2. But at this time, the leader of the 'second' world will be China. All the main regional powers will have to pick the side.

Also during Cold War Germany always bought natural gas from Russia. What now will come will be something what's totally new. I hope the box of the Pandorra was not open too long before we were able to close it again. Some of the results of the extremely stupid politics of the USA under Donald Trump will be irreversible.

Yes, during new Cold War Germany will also buy gas from Russia. I know that you as a German think that is okay. There are opinions also that Nato members as a whole should curb their energy dependency on Russia.

The main question remains what role Russia will play in the times of the US-China global rivalry.

Between an open enemy and a good ally Russia chooses the second one
Fact is: Nord Stream 2 is a symbol now how the USA splitted the world economy into two independent parts - pro-American and anti-American. Who makes money in the USA is anti-American. Who make business with others is also an anti-American. China followed with new laws in this week this way and stabalized the wrong decisions of Donald Trump fro world economy. I guess for German companies means this to go directly to China or to go directly to the USA if they like to make business with one of this two giants
Yeah, that is true. The world is heading in the direction of Cold War 2. But at this time, the leader of the 'second' world will be China. All the main regional powers will have to pick the side.

Also during Cold War Germany always bought natural gas from Russia. What now will come will be something what's totally new. I hope the box of the Pandorra was not open too long before we were able to close it again. Some of the results of the extremely stupid politics of the USA under Donald Trump will be irreversible.

What can offer Germany to Russia

Baron - such a sentence shows only that you have an extremely narrow minded view to the world. 4 million Russians for example are able to use the German language, only because they love it to do so. I don't know how many millions of Germans learn Latin. Training for the mind. Germans and Russians can make a very big campfire and sit a long time there together. And if we like to find ways what to do together on good reasons then we will find ways what to do together on good reasons.

outside of 'democracy' and new NGOs?
Russia needs the new start, freedom and partnership with the conservative part of USA
It's would be more benefitable for it

Why sound US-Americans always so damned boring if they speak about other nations? Sure you like to waste the richdom of the Russian ressources for to make as much money as possible yesterday - but Russia is a wonderful country. To waste it would be a shame. The trees in the North are the best - but they grow slowly.

Warte nicht auf bessre Zeiten​

Manchen hör ich bitter sagen
"Sozialismus - schön und gut
Aber was man uns hier aufsetzt
Das ist der falsche Hut!"
Manchen seh ich Fäuste ballen
In der tiefen Manteltasche
Kalte Kippen auf den Lippen
Und in den Herzen Asche

Wartest du auf beßre Zeiten
Wartest du mit deinem Mut
Gleich dem Tor, der Tag für Tag
An des Flusses Ufer wartet
Bis die Wasser abgeflossen
Die doch ewig fließen

Manche raufen sich die Haare
Manche seh ich haßerfüllt
Manche seh ich in das Wolltuch
Des Schweigens eingehüllt
Manche hör ich abends jammern
"Was bringt uns der nächste Tag
An was solln wir uns noch klammern
An was? An was? An was?"

Wartest du auf beßre Zeiten
Wartest du mit deinem Mut
Gleich dem Tor, der Tag für Tag
An des Flusses Ufer wartet
Bis die Wasser abgeflossen
Die doch ewig fließen

Manche hoffen, daß des Flusses
Wasser nicht mehr fließen kann
Doch im Frühjahr, wenn das Eis taut
Fängt es erst richtig an
Manche wollen diese Zeiten
Wie den Winter überstehn
Doch wir müssen Schwierigkeiten
Bestehn! Bestehn! Bestehn -

Warte nicht auf beßre Zeiten
Warte nicht mit deinem Mut
Gleich dem Tor, der Tag für Tag
An des Flusses Ufer wartet
Bis die Wasser abgeflossen
Die doch ewig fließen

Viele werden dafür sorgen
Daß der Sozialismus blüht
Heute! Heute, nicht erst morgen!
Freiheit kommt nie verfrüht
Und das beste Mittel gegen
Sozialismus (sag ich laut)
Ist, daß ihr den Sozialismus
AUFBAUT! Aufbaut! (aufbaut)

Wartet nicht auf beßre Zeiten
Wartet nicht mit eurem Mut
Gleich dem Tor, der Tag für Tag
An des Flusses Ufer wartet
Bis die Wasser abgeflossen
Die doch ewig fließen
Die doch ewig fließen

Wolf Biermann
Last edited:
Fact is: Nord Stream 2 is a symbol now how the USA splitted the world economy into two independent parts - pro-American and anti-American. Who makes money in the USA is anti-American. Who make business with others is also an anti-American. China followed with new laws in this week this way and stabalized the wrong decisions of Donald Trump fro world economy. I guess for German companies means this to go directly to China or to go directly to the USA if they like to make business with one of this two giants
Yeah, that is true. The world is heading in the direction of Cold War 2. But at this time, the leader of the 'second' world will be China. All the main regional powers will have to pick the side.

Also during Cold War Germany always bought natural gas from Russia. What now will come will be something what's totally new. I hope the box of the Pandorra was not open too long before we were able to close it again. Some of the results of the extremely stupid politics of the USA under Donald Trump will be irreversible.

What can offer Germany to Russia

Baron - such a sentence shows only that you have an extremely narrow minded view to the world. 4 million Russians for example are able to use the German language, only because they love it to do so. I don't know how many millions of Germans learn Latin. Training for the mind. Germans and Russians can make a very big campfire and sit a long time there together. And if we like to find ways what to do together on good reasons then we will find ways what to do together on good reasons.

outside of 'democracy' and new NGOs?
Russia needs the new start, freedom and partnership with the conservative part of USA
It's would be more benefitable for it

Why sound US-Americans always so damned boring if they speak about other nations? Sure you like to waste the richdom of the Russian ressources for to make as much money as possible yesterday - but Russia is a wonderful country. To waste it would be a shame. The trees in the North are the best - but they grow slowly.

Warte nicht auf bessre Zeiten​

Manchen hör ich bitter sagen
"Sozialismus - schön und gut
Aber was man uns hier aufsetzt
Das ist der falsche Hut!"
Manchen seh ich Fäuste ballen
In der tiefen Manteltasche
Kalte Kippen auf den Lippen
Und in den Herzen Asche

Wartest du auf beßre Zeiten
Wartest du mit deinem Mut
Gleich dem Tor, der Tag für Tag
An des Flusses Ufer wartet
Bis die Wasser abgeflossen
Die doch ewig fließen

Manche raufen sich die Haare
Manche seh ich haßerfüllt
Manche seh ich in das Wolltuch
Des Schweigens eingehüllt
Manche hör ich abends jammern
"Was bringt uns der nächste Tag
An was solln wir uns noch klammern
An was? An was? An was?"

Wartest du auf beßre Zeiten
Wartest du mit deinem Mut
Gleich dem Tor, der Tag für Tag
An des Flusses Ufer wartet
Bis die Wasser abgeflossen
Die doch ewig fließen

Manche hoffen, daß des Flusses
Wasser nicht mehr fließen kann
Doch im Frühjahr, wenn das Eis taut
Fängt es erst richtig an
Manche wollen diese Zeiten
Wie den Winter überstehn
Doch wir müssen Schwierigkeiten
Bestehn! Bestehn! Bestehn -

Warte nicht auf beßre Zeiten
Warte nicht mit deinem Mut
Gleich dem Tor, der Tag für Tag
An des Flusses Ufer wartet
Bis die Wasser abgeflossen
Die doch ewig fließen

Viele werden dafür sorgen
Daß der Sozialismus blüht
Heute! Heute, nicht erst morgen!
Freiheit kommt nie verfrüht
Und das beste Mittel gegen
Sozialismus (sag ich laut)
Ist, daß ihr den Sozialismus
AUFBAUT! Aufbaut! (aufbaut)

Wartet nicht auf beßre Zeiten
Wartet nicht mit eurem Mut
Gleich dem Tor, der Tag für Tag
An des Flusses Ufer wartet
Bis die Wasser abgeflossen
Die doch ewig fließen
Die doch ewig fließen

Wolf Biermann

Germany supports genocide of Russians in 'Ukraine'
That's all.
USA is of course an open enemy for Russia, but Germany is a dishonest traitor,
I guess all excellent relations before have been completely ruined for at least 3 generations.

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