USA multi non named civil wars currently going on.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Blacks against whites
Whites against whites
Gays against straights
Dems against Repubs
Mainstream media/social websites against free speech

I have never seen governors, senators, congressmen, mayors, judges threaten to murder a POTUS voted in by the people of the USA.

I have never heard of states and the people running those states, or parts of the government involved in those states REFUSE to do as POTUS states or orders as Commander In Chief.

Oh yes. We are in the midst of several unnamed civil wars and pretend that it is NOT what is going on.
Blacks against whites
Whites against whites
Gays against straights
Dems against Repubs
Mainstream media/social websites against free speech

I have never seen governors, senators, congressmen, mayors, judges threaten to murder a POTUS voted in by the people of the USA.

I have never heard of states and the people running those states, or parts of the government involved in those states REFUSE to do as POTUS states or orders as Commander In Chief.

Oh yes. We are in the midst of several unnamed civil wars and pretend that it is NOT what is going on.

And the situation is supposedly so dire, your only act is to get on a message board. Should you be brought up on dereliction of duty charges there Major?
unnamed civil war......why are you acting like this is a new the 60s they said the same thing.....race wars are coming blah blah blah
Blacks against whites
Whites against whites
Gays against straights
Dems against Repubs
Mainstream media/social websites against free speech

I have never seen governors, senators, congressmen, mayors, judges threaten to murder a POTUS voted in by the people of the USA.

I have never heard of states and the people running those states, or parts of the government involved in those states REFUSE to do as POTUS states or orders as Commander In Chief.

Oh yes. We are in the midst of several unnamed civil wars and pretend that it is NOT what is going on.

And this is particularly ignorant and ridiculous:

“Mainstream media/social websites against free speech”

The doctrine of free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons and entities.

‘The media’ are not seeking to enact laws intended to limit free speech, and are consequently not ‘against’ free speech.

This is yet another moronic rightwing thread exhibiting the ignorance and stupidity of conservatives, and the propensity for lying and demagoguery common to most on the right.
unnamed civil war......why are you acting like this is a new the 60s they said the same thing.....race wars are coming blah blah blah
It's a bit different now. This time it is the public state (the established bureaucracy) declaring against the will (the vote) of the citizenry.

It is symptomatic of the system not working properly. The establishment has an agenda, and it doesn't give one whit about the will of the people.

You can say it is just partisan, but if Bernie had won, the same shit would be going on.

And as we saw, the entire process was rigged so that Bernie never even had a chance. That is pretty much how the governing apparatus would have been stacked against him as well.

The corportacracy has an agenda, and any politician that does not go along will get slandered in the press and crucified by the bureaucrats.
Really? Civil wars, I must have missed them as I know people all sides of those wars.

"Humans universally make Us/Them dichotomies along lines of race, ethnicity, gender, language group, religion, age, socioeconomic status, and so on. And it’s not a pretty picture. We do so with remarkable speed and neurobiological efficiency; have complex taxonomies and classifications of ways in which we denigrate Thems; do so with a versatility that ranges from the minutest of microaggression to bloodbaths of savagery; and regularly decide what is inferior about Them based on pure emotion, followed by primitive rationalizations that we mistake for rationality. Pretty depressing."

Overcoming Us vs. Them

"As Zach Carter argues, the American aristocracy works by automatically bolstering the success and power of people who went to the right schools (most notably Harvard, Yale, and Princeton) and know the right people (generally any of those schools' alumni in positions of power) and by automatically protecting them from consequences from wrongdoing. Its "highest pleasure is the knowledge shared among its members that they live above democratic accountability, that their words and deeds are not constrained by the broader political community the way the words and deeds of mere citizens can be," he writes."

Brett Kavanaugh and the corruption of the American aristocracy

"The poor object to being governed badly; the rich to being governed at all." G.K. Chesterton
That's right. Ignore what I said and implant "but they did it to Obama". Keep yer heads buried in the sand.
Fact is....there are multiple civil wars going on RIGHT NOW. And these mini civil wars are because PEOPLE refuse to "tolerate" what they call "intolerable". Left, right, black, white, gay straight....regardless of which side of the fence you are on, its obvious its taking place currently.

But, keep denying the obvious. Wear those shoes you want to fit so badly.
Blacks against whites
Whites against whites
Gays against straights
Dems against Repubs
Mainstream media/social websites against free speech

I have never seen governors, senators, congressmen, mayors, judges threaten to murder a POTUS voted in by the people of the USA.

I have never heard of states and the people running those states, or parts of the government involved in those states REFUSE to do as POTUS states or orders as Commander In Chief.

Oh yes. We are in the midst of several unnamed civil wars and pretend that it is NOT what is going on.
I guess you lived secluded in a cave from 2009 - 2017
unnamed civil war......why are you acting like this is a new the 60s they said the same thing.....race wars are coming blah blah blah
Given Everything They Asked Their Powerful Daddies For

There were wars back then, and the spoiled, pushy, feralphile, fairyphile Left won them. Otherwise, they would have been shamed and shunned into silence and whimpering in the shadows ever since.

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