USA/USSR: The Dogma Stand [Social Conscience?]


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Sep 22, 2013
How did the Cold War complement humanity's evaluation of governance-oriented customs?



Imagine that great (fictional) titans/superhumans who are rivals align themselves to debate about the contention and contours between capitalist USA (the modern world empire) and communist USSR (the only true rival in world history) about the value/place of commerce and peace. What would be said/argued?


Snake-Eyes vs. Storm-Shadow

These two skilled ninja-assassins stand for the martial efficiency of carrying out strict commands; Snake is an American patriot, while Storm is a cunning pseudo-socialist.

SNAKE-EYES: Capitalism/democracy runs liberty!
STORM-SHADOW: Socialism/communism runs social controls.
SNAKE-EYES: People prefer free-choice lifestyle...
STORM-SHADOW: Governance creates sanity-imagination.
SNAKE-EYES: Citizens want to vote for desirable policies.
STORM-SHADOW: Sometimes liberty only creates vice...
SNAKE-EYES: Patriotism is challenging under fascist regimes!
STORM-SHADOW: We must not keep citing Nazi Germany in debates.
SNAKE-EYES: The Soviet Union collapsed, because officials went unchecked.
STORM-SHADOW: American politicians are not free from corruption...
SNAKE-EYES: It's easier promoting peace with free/open markets.
STORM-SHADOW: I doubt the Russian mafia caters to Pepsi!
SNAKE-EYES: Modern problems are addressed by liberal thinkers.
STORM-SHADOW: Communism aimed to end organized crime.
SNAKE-EYES: American law does cater to civil reform idealism!
STORM-SHADOW: Socialism is conducive to asset-control.
SNAKE-EYES: The aim of the World Bank is to offer modern teamwork!
STORM-SHADOW: Can Wall Street solve the problem of social avarice?

{Snake-Eyes & Storm-Shadow}


Cyclonus vs. Agus

Cyclonus is a wolfish Machiavellian first-knight robot of the martial army of robots known as Decepticons. Agus is a valiant pro-democracy freelance space-pilot robot who defends capitalism.

CYCLONUS: Americans are too sentimental about marketing.
AGUS: The Cold War between the USA and USSR generated indulgences.
CYCLONUS: We want commerce to promote purity!
AGUS: Sometimes vulnerability is the friend of intellectualism.
CYCLONUS: Capitalism promotes too much frivolity...
AGUS: Communism leaves little room for liberal folklore.
CYCLONUS: Storytelling does no always offer objectivity.
AGUS: Good journalism creates a stable and open-minded society!
CYCLONUS: Why do Americans romanticize bank robbers (e.g., Bonnie & Clyde)?
AGUS: Capitalism creates 'space' for much 'socialization creativity.'
CYCLONUS: It seems the Cold War reminded people of conspiracy-paranoia.
AGUS: Open consumerism offers citizens a solid way to celebrate networks.
CYCLONUS: Yet, Wall Street has been criticized for piracy/malfeasance.
AGUS: We can cure dogma fears with ideas about uncensored teamwork.
CYCLONUS: Perhaps social networks offer creativity regarding etiquette.
AGUS: It's etiquette/customs management that led to the downfall of the USSR.
CYCLONUS: I worry that democracy creates too much hyperbole...
AGUS: Perhaps new age negotiations between America and China offer hope.
CYCLONUS: There's some continuing room/space for governance dialogue!
AGUS: Capitalism will always create liberal opportunities.
CYCLONUS: Socialism will be remembered for its views on general hygiene.

{Cyclonus & Agus}


Superman vs. Nuclear Man

Superman is the iconic democratic superhero who defends America from villainy. Nuclear Man is the powerful adversary who reminds us of the continuing presence of anarchy.

SUPERMAN: America is the birthplace for inventive politics.
NUCLEAR MAN: Early Soviet leaders/philosophers espoused great dreams!
SUPERMAN: The USSR was in danger of becoming a monolith of power...
NUCLEAR MAN: To manage social dreams, you need controlled assets!
SUPERMAN: Overly-rigid thinking about governance breeds rebelliousness.
NUCLEAR MAN: Communism offers stimulation regarding oligarchy.
SUPERMAN: America's system of checks-and-balances is very holistic.
NUCLEAR MAN: Does Wall Street create intelligence towards piracy?
SUPERMAN: America (TrumpUSA) works with the World Bank to create dialogue.
NUCLEAR MAN: The USSR will be remembered for its stance on anarchy!
SUPERMAN: American capitalism will be honored for its commitment to innovation.
NUCLEAR MAN: Perhaps the symbolic Cold War will be a 'trophy' for political science.
SUPERMAN: The competition between the USA and USSR will toast economists!
NUCLEAR MAN: Hail to market-driven education...

{Superman & Nuclear Man}


TRUMP: Americans love history, Carter!
CARTER: The USA stands for intellectual freedom, Mr. President.
TRUMP: The Cold War reminds us of duty/labor.
CARTER: Maybe Pepsi sales in modern Moscow is brilliant.
TRUMP: Commerce creates social conscience imagination...
CARTER: Profitable networking stimulates the human brain!
TRUMP: Modern media networks (EWTN, Al Jazeera) promote reflection.
CARTER: Good journalism will lead to illuminating historianship.


Here's to continued forms of Cold War dissection...and mature storytelling!




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