USAID Taken Off the Lease

We subside Egypt and Gaza to "be nice" to Israel. Gaza is a money pit. They use the money to hoard weapons

Gaza should be a paradise. Right on the Mediterranean Sea. Instead its full of ignorant Arabs.

We spend less than 1% of our Federal spending on foreign aid.

But foreign aid has alway been one of those knee jerk complaints from xenophobes and isolationists.

What you are saying came out of the mouths of flat earth Americans 80 years ago.

We spend less on foreign aid per capita than just about every first world country.

But in the minds of no nothings, it’s an imaginary giant number.
Every single dollar that we send to other countries, WE have to borrow and pay interest on. For Christ sake you democrats are fuckin stupid. You are incredibly frivilous with money. You guys dont give a fuck about balancing our budgets. All you guys do is burn money. The country is sick to death of your dipshit party. :cuckoo:
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