USSC declines to hear appeal of gun waving lawyers

The Supreme Court on Monday turned away an appeal by a St. Louis couple whose law licenses were sanctioned after they pointed guns at Black Lives Matter protesters near their home in the summer of 2020.

The couple — Mark and Patricia McCloskey — asked the justices to vacate the sanctions against them, arguing the disciplinary action they received ran afoul of their Second Amendment right to protect themselves and their home in the face of what they say was a violent threat.

The court’s denial of the McCloskeys’ petition for appeal Monday came in an unsigned order without noted comment or dissent. The move leaves intact the disciplinary sanctions against the McCloskeys, which includes the possible indefinite suspension of their law licenses if they commit any violations over a one-year probationary period that began last February.

It's the crooked Deeeeeeeeep State.
The Bar is the same as the AMA. It's a private organization, SCOTUS has no jurisdiction because it's not a Constitutional issue
Shit his pants.


Just sayin'. ;)

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