Tobacco and smoking are short term risk taking behaviors, not healthcare, I thought that went without saying. Apparently not. We don't typically allow adults to supply minors with harmful substances and for good reason. They're harmful. The one exception we make really is for the medical community. We allow them to dose children with toxic chemical and radiation. We allow them to perform mastectomies on young girls to fight cancer. None of you seem to be confused on the difference in this regard but here you let you bigotry and ignorance lead you to irrational arguments.
Incorrect, tobacco is a long-term risk taking behavior, not a short-term one, so again I must ask you, why do we restrict children from using tobacco, since, as you claim, their brains are fully capable of making fully informed long-term risk analyses?
Well, you kind of need to know the cause if you hope to treat it. You, sitting comfortably from your couch get to roll around in ignorance but the professionals who have to care for the people who are suffering don't have that luxury.
Yes, and since other people groups have experienced worse from society and not resorted to suicide, you can't blithely blame their high rates on the way they are treated.
What? Are you connecting coherent points here?
Your own stated ignorance and lack of desire to understand any of their underlying issues negates your point.
How can you know any of that before I even link to a study? Why do you all feel the need to fantasize at me rather than responding with reason?
Okay, so 12 months. That's not really a very long time.
If you want to make an argument about a particular study you have to link to it. If you want to argue that average people are facing the sort of discrimination and hate trans people do under the same sort of circumstances then provide that evidence. All the evidence I've seen shows how this tiny community faces violence and discrimination without much of a support group.
African Americans suffered worse violence and discrimination for much longer without correspondingly high suicide rates. Chinese immigrants to this country suffered worse violence and discrimination without correspondingly high suicide rates. From their experience alone, you cannot make the case that the high suicide rates in the trans community is solely to be blamed on discrimination. No, there's something much bigger at play here, and we're papering over it, pretending we're solving problems when we're not.
Or not trying to deny them healthcare because of your own ignorance and bigotry.
Not denying them anything, merely letting them become mature enough to make a fully formed, adult decision.
It doesn't. One case from a previous century in no way indicates that's often the case today. You don't seem to understand how reason and logic work.
It illustrates the basis on which to make the reasoned argument that it is likely to happen. I do not believe that psychology from 100 in the future will still consider this level of hormonal and surgical messing with teenagers' bodies to be the best way to address their depression and feelings about their bodies.
It's still an argument based on a logical fallacy.
On the contrary, one that you can't refute. You've provided no logical or reasoned argument that we will still be removing developing teenagers' sexual organs as the best treatment. You've basically not moved past the "NUH-UH" stage.
Its fanstasy and cosplay.
Which is a really stupid thing to say if you're attempting to make others believe you know what you're talking about.
I'm guessing in 100 years we will be able to do it with gene editing.
Again, after a person has become an adult and agrees to lose their ability to reproduce and have a normal sex life.