Van Jones: Rubio Is ‘Dangerous’ to Democrats


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Cyrus Afzali
13 Feb 2013

Sen. Marco Rubio’s delivery of the GOP response to the State of the Union shows he’s a force the Democrats must reckon with, says former White House advisor Van Jones.

The Florida Republican poses a “dangerous” political threat to Democrats because of his keen ability to emotionally connect with voters, Jones said.


Read more:
Van Jones: Rubio Is ?Dangerous? to Democrats
Rubio better watch out.

I wonder how many women will turn up "after 15 years of silence", claiming Rubio rubbed their boobs or grabbed their butts. Maybe the Dems will pay for a rape claim this time. Is Gloria Allred being prepped?
By Cyrus Afzali
13 Feb 2013

Sen. Marco Rubio’s delivery of the GOP response to the State of the Union shows he’s a force the Democrats must reckon with, says former White House advisor Van Jones.

The Florida Republican poses a “dangerous” political threat to Democrats because of his keen ability to emotionally connect with voters, Jones said.


Read more:
Van Jones: Rubio Is ?Dangerous? to Democrats

Nobody even noticed his speech. How did he connect, by sweating and gulping down water? He's like Bobby Jindal, in political limbo and will be there for years after his unfortunate political attempt on the world stage.
Rubio better watch out.

I wonder how many women will turn up "after 15 years of silence", claiming Rubio rubbed their boobs or grabbed their butts. Maybe the Dems will pay for a rape claim this time. Is Gloria Allred being prepped?

All they have is him taking a drink of water. They're already becoming desperate because they know what profound horror is about to abound after four more years of this incompetence, massive debt, shrinking economy, low gdp, higher taxes, inflation, high unemployment, record numbers on welfare etc.
Yup, Sarah. Dismiss him. Pretend he's of little consequence. That may work, if the media is successful in convincing the less informed on the right. If that doesn't work, you can always Herman Cain him.
What I find odd is that the left seems to be especially afraid of Marco. You don't usually start trying to marginalize GOP candidates until about 1 year out from the elections.
Yup, Sarah. Dismiss him. Pretend he's of little consequence. That may work, if the media is successful in convincing the less informed on the right. If that doesn't work, you can always Herman Cain him.
What I find odd is that the left seems to be especially afraid of Marco. You don't usually start trying to marginalize GOP candidates until about 1 year out from the elections.

Of course they are frightened. I can't imagine having to campaign on the massive failures left behind by this admin.
Rubio better watch out.

I wonder how many women will turn up "after 15 years of silence", claiming Rubio rubbed their boobs or grabbed their butts. Maybe the Dems will pay for a rape claim this time. Is Gloria Allred being prepped?

All they have is him taking a drink of water. They're already becoming desperate because they know what profound horror is about to abound after four more years of this incompetence, massive debt, shrinking economy, low gdp, higher taxes, inflation, high unemployment, record numbers on welfare etc.

Yes and if he had said something other than the same old warmed over republican spew peopole might remember that instead of the "all they have is him drinking water".

You on the right cant get past the fact that your historically failed ideas need to be tossed.
Trotting out the Van Jones boogeyman again, eh? No one would know what he's up to except that righties keep publicizing his doings. I guess they need an an example of a "typical" democrat/progressive/socialist/marxist to trot out in lieu of actual arguments. :cool:
Everytime Rubio goes on stage he will have to to the "Im the son of an imigrant speach" and then tell about his mom on medicare and his student loans stuff.

Then he will have to talk about killing all of the things that helped him.

He makes a fool of himself trying to please everyone.
Everytime Rubio goes on stage he will have to to the "Im the son of an imigrant speach" and then tell about his mom on medicare and his student loans stuff.

Then he will have to talk about killing all of the things that helped him.

He makes a fool of himself trying to please everyone.

obama wrote a fucking BOOK about being the son of an immigrant, for Christ's sake.
Youre stupididity is teh reesin youre pratey iz dieing.
Drinking water on camera is proof he is a republican thief. Just ask msnbc, they talked about it ALL DAY the next day.
Everytime Rubio goes on stage he will have to to the "Im the son of an imigrant speach" and then tell about his mom on medicare and his student loans stuff.

Then he will have to talk about killing all of the things that helped him.

He makes a fool of himself trying to please everyone.

obama wrote a fucking BOOK about being the son of an immigrant, for Christ's sake.
Youre stupididity is t reesin youre pratey iz dieing.

You dont get it do you?

His dad fought for castro in cuba.

he comes here and marries an American.

they Use the american system that is designed to aid Americans get ahead.

Then he trashes anyone who uses it who is not his family and wants to gut the programs.

wake up
By Cyrus Afzali
13 Feb 2013

Sen. Marco Rubio’s delivery of the GOP response to the State of the Union shows he’s a force the Democrats must reckon with, says former White House advisor Van Jones.

The Florida Republican poses a “dangerous” political threat to Democrats because of his keen ability to emotionally connect with voters, Jones said.


Read more:
Van Jones: Rubio Is ?Dangerous? to Democrats

Why do you think the Left and their lapdogs in the Media have been spending so much time, Sturm und Drang over his taking a sip of water?

To divert from his message.
Everytime Rubio goes on stage he will have to to the "Im the son of an imigrant speach" and then tell about his mom on medicare and his student loans stuff.

Then he will have to talk about killing all of the things that helped him.

He makes a fool of himself trying to please everyone.

obama wrote a fucking BOOK about being the son of an immigrant, for Christ's sake.
Youre stupididity is t reesin youre pratey iz dieing.

You dont get it do you?

His dad fought for castro in cuba.

he comes here and marries an American.

they Use the american system that is designed to aid Americans get ahead.

Then he trashes anyone who uses it who is not his family and wants to gut the programs.

wake up

He's a bad immigrant? Compared to all the illegals? Thats weak....
A sip of water? or a complete inability to communicate without a teleprompter?[ame=]Obama gets lost reading his teleprompter- Teleprompter-in-Chief - YouTube[/ame]
Everytime Rubio goes on stage he will have to to the "Im the son of an imigrant speach" and then tell about his mom on medicare and his student loans stuff.

Then he will have to talk about killing all of the things that helped him.

He makes a fool of himself trying to please everyone.

obama wrote a fucking BOOK about being the son of an immigrant, for Christ's sake.
Youre stupididity is t reesin youre pratey iz dieing.

You dont get it do you?

His dad fought for castro in cuba.

he comes here and marries an American.

they Use the american system that is designed to aid Americans get ahead.

Then he trashes anyone who uses it who is not his family and wants to gut the programs.

wake up

You are pretty clueless. Funny stuff
Why else would they be trying to destroy him for taking a sip of water? lol
Everytime Rubio goes on stage he will have to to the "Im the son of an imigrant speach" and then tell about his mom on medicare and his student loans stuff.

Then he will have to talk about killing all of the things that helped him.

He makes a fool of himself trying to please everyone.

obama wrote a fucking BOOK about being the son of an immigrant, for Christ's sake.
Youre stupididity is t reesin youre pratey iz dieing.

You dont get it do you?

His dad fought for castro in cuba.

he comes here and marries an American.

they Use the american system that is designed to aid Americans get ahead.

Then he trashes anyone who uses it who is not his family and wants to gut the programs.

wake up

Fidel was seen as the lesser of 2 evils by most Cubans, AND the US Central Intelligence Agency. Cuba was just the first in a long list of failures in nation building.
My father in law and my uncle were both involved in the revolution in vastly different ways, but I have learned much about our involvement from them.
Look who the modern democrat party uses as a spokesperson for political ideology. A former domestic terrorist who once led an arson and looting rampage and converted to communism while in jail.

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