Vatican offers to mediate peace talks

The Catholics of European history brought us the civilized western world. Most Christians are Catholics. All of the great Knighthood organizations were Catholic.

Long live the catholic kingdom of Jerusalem where
Jews and Muslims lived in peace

This was because, as Hamilton puts it, “once their rule had been established the Franks proved remarkably tolerant in their treatment of non-Christian subjects.”

The atheists are safe and thrive in the western part of the world, because of Catholicism, and the love and prosperity it has brought to the west. It’s amazing. The atheists are safe to criticize Christianity in the west, which brought them safety.
The Catholics of European history brought us the civilized western world. Most Christians are Catholics. All of the great Knighthood organizations were Catholic.

Long live the catholic kingdom of Jerusalem where
Jews and Muslims lived in peace

This was because, as Hamilton puts it, “once their rule had been established the Franks proved remarkably tolerant in their treatment of non-Christian subjects.”

The atheists are safe and thrive in the western part of the world, because of Catholicism, and the love and prosperity it has brought to the west. It’s amazing. The atheists are safe to criticize Christianity in the west, which brought them safety.
The Church isn't found in numbers. They have always been the LITTLE flock.

You can be sure, if a BILLION people follow a religion, that religion isn't ",the church"

In vain do they worship me, reaching as doctrine the commands of men
The Pope is willing to mediate peace talks between Israel and Hamas.
-----Does the Pope know this-----
Googled “spitting on Christians” and I got About 42,200,000 results (0.55 seconds) . Can you guess who the spitter's were/are? As a Christian does this
spitting on Christians - Google Search

Spitting update Reality is at your door. Muslims do not do the following & now you know who does
Christians in Jerusalem Want Jews to Stop Spitting on Them a few weeks ago, a senior Greek Orthodox clergyman in Israel attended a meeting at a government office in Jerusalem's Givat Shaul quarter. When he returned to his car, an elderly man wearing a skullcap came and knocked on the window.
Christians in Jerusalem want Jews to stop spitting on them

Oct 12, 2004 - Christians in Jerusalem Want Jews to Stop Spitting on Them. A few weeks ago, a senior Greek Orthodox clergyman in Israel attended a meeting at a government office in Jerusalem's Givat Shaul quarter. When he returned to his car, an elderly man wearing a skullcap came and knocked on the window.
I don't see why you think it would end in murder
I don’t see how it ends in anything else. For three groups that should have so much in common, they refuse to show even the most basic of respect to each other.
This will probably sound pessimistic, but there will be no peace in this world until the Prince of Peace returns.

The only type of "peace" that is possible is either the type of peace through the barrel of a gun, like in North Korea.... or the fake peace that the bible prophesied, which will happen in the last days for a short time.
I don’t see how it ends in anything else. For three groups that should have so much in common, they refuse to show even the most basic of respect to each other.

The teachings of Jesus preclude hating an entire group of people or treating others with disrespect.

The long-standing feud in the Middle East is between Israel and Israel's Muslim neighbors, so why are you putting Christians into it?

Our government has funded both sides... but our government certainly does NOT represent Christianity, just in case anyone thought that.
The Pope is willing to mediate peace talks between Israel and Hamas.

There is absolutely NO WAY Israel will broke any Peace after what Hamas has done.

That's like handing out candies around Halloween to gang members instead of guns.

That isn't going to happen.

If the Pope wants to "help", he should stay out of the political warfare.

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