Venerable Leftist Weekly Demands President's Impeachment Over Mass Surveillance...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Pretty surprising. Good to see there is still some honesty & integrity in our American Media.

In the pages of The Nation, the oldest continuously published weekly in the country and the self-described “flagship of the left,” a former member of the House of Representatives has called for the impeachment of the president over revelations of massive government surveillance of ordinary citizens.

Democrat Elizabeth Holtzman of New York, who sat on the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate era, powerfully yet dispassionately lays out the case for the immediate impeachment of the president.

“Nothing less is necessary to protect our constitutional system and preserve our democracy,” she declares.

The last straw for the retired Congresswoman was the revelation that the president “directed the wiretapping of hundreds, possibly thousands, of Americans” (a number that is likely conservative).

“As a matter of constitutional law, these and other misdeeds constitute grounds for the impeachment,” writes Holtzman in her bombshell treatise. “A President, any President, who maintains that he is above the law — and repeatedly violates the law — thereby commits high crimes and misdemeanors, the constitutional standard for impeachment and removal from office...

Read more: The Nation demands impeachment over mass surveillance | The Daily Caller
there is just one HUGE problem here, and that is ,
...retired Congresswoman

if there were 200 or more active liberal/democRAT and RINO Congresspersons who had her ideals and morals we just might get somewhere, but with the current Obozo :suck: we will be fucked till the end of his term........, then IF another liarberal democRAT gets in the WH, e.g., Hitlery this once great country is for certain doomed :up:
The public first learned about warrantless wiretaps in 2005 thanks to coverage in the New York Times . The stories focused on the National Security Agency, which monitors foreign communications and intelligence. The newspaper revealed that the agency was monitoring phone and e-mail conversations of people in the United States who were communicating with people in other countries. This type of monitoring required a warrant, but President George W. Bush authorized it without warrants.

The Bush administration insisted that the program was legal, although many people, particularly civil libertarians, disagreed. In 2008, Congress passed a law that updated the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to give the administration the legal authority to do what it was already doing.

Doesn't the President have to break the law to be impeached?

PolitiFact | The Obameter: Restrict warrantless wiretaps
Lets READ what is REALLY printed in the Nation!

Like many others, I have been deeply troubled by Bush's breathtaking scorn for our international treaty obligations under the United Nations Charter and the Geneva Conventions. I have also been disturbed by the torture scandals and the violations of US criminal laws at the highest levels of our government they may entail, something I have written about in these pages [see Holtzman, "Torture and Accountability," July 18/25, 2005]. These concerns have been compounded by growing evidence that the President deliberately misled the country into the war in Iraq. But it wasn't until the most recent revelations that President Bush directed the wiretapping of hundreds, possibly thousands, of Americans, in violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)--and argued that, as Commander in Chief, he had the right in the interests of national security to override our country's laws--that I felt the same sinking feeling in my stomach as I did during Watergate."

Read more: The Impeachment of George W. Bush | The Nation The Impeachment of George W. Bush | The Nation
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Lets READ what is REALLY printed in the Nation!

Like many others, I have been deeply troubled by Bush's breathtaking scorn for our international treaty obligations under the United Nations Charter and the Geneva Conventions. I have also been disturbed by the torture scandals and the violations of US criminal laws at the highest levels of our government they may entail, something I have written about in these pages [see Holtzman, "Torture and Accountability," July 18/25, 2005]. These concerns have been compounded by growing evidence that the President deliberately misled the country into the war in Iraq. But it wasn't until the most recent revelations that President Bush directed the wiretapping of hundreds, possibly thousands, of Americans, in violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)--and argued that, as Commander in Chief, he had the right in the interests of national security to override our country's laws--that I felt the same sinking feeling in my stomach as I did during Watergate."

Read more: The Impeachment of George W. Bush | The Nation The Impeachment of George W. Bush | The Nation
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]nation on Twitter | TheNationMagazine on Facebook

Maybe leftists just don't get "irony".. The Daily Caller never once implied that the piece in The Nation was recent or new.. Just dredged it up to make a CASE for being consistent.

It's a useful tool to STOP the finger pointing of "who did it first" that seems to be the PRIMARY partisian defense of the indefensible.

I for one --- appreciate the irony... Thanks for pointing it out and getting all hysterical about WHO said it and WHEN it was said --- rather than WHAT was said..

<<Daily Caller should have put a tag line at the bottom with the date of publication.. But then again -- Jon Stewart never has to provide those details when he gets ironic -- does he? .>>
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Maybe it's about time all you rightwing nuts started apologizing for all the time you kept up with the lie that liberals never criticized President Obama.
Lets READ what is REALLY printed in the Nation!

Like many others, I have been deeply troubled by Bush's breathtaking scorn for our international treaty obligations under the United Nations Charter and the Geneva Conventions. I have also been disturbed by the torture scandals and the violations of US criminal laws at the highest levels of our government they may entail, something I have written about in these pages [see Holtzman, "Torture and Accountability," July 18/25, 2005]. These concerns have been compounded by growing evidence that the President deliberately misled the country into the war in Iraq. But it wasn't until the most recent revelations that President Bush directed the wiretapping of hundreds, possibly thousands, of Americans, in violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)--and argued that, as Commander in Chief, he had the right in the interests of national security to override our country's laws--that I felt the same sinking feeling in my stomach as I did during Watergate."

Read more: The Impeachment of George W. Bush | The Nation The Impeachment of George W. Bush | The Nation
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]nation on Twitter | TheNationMagazine on Facebook

Maybe leftists just don't get "irony".. The Daily Caller never once implied that the piece in The Nation was recent or new.. Just dredged it up to make a CASE for being consistent.

It's a useful tool to STOP the finger pointing of "who did it first" that seems to be the PRIMARY partisian defense of the indefensible.

I for one --- appreciate the irony... Thanks for pointing it out and getting all hysterical about WHO said it and WHEN it was said --- rather than WHAT was said..

<<Daily Caller should have put a tag line at the bottom with the date of publication.. But then again -- Jon Stewart never has to provide those details when he gets ironic -- does he? .>>

Very few posters actually read the posts on Message Boards. That's been my experience. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Peace.
The title of this OP and of the Caller's link are huge lies. I guess hater dupes are used to total BS. It's just part of the huge pile of Pubcrappe that makes them careless Pub hater dupes...
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