Venom/Goblin: A Consumerism Drugstop!


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a consumerism-consciousness youthful 'doodle' about anti-TrumpUSA 'storytelling.'



Eddie Brock and Gabriel Stacy became the two American 'super-villains' Venom and Gray Goblin and terrorized countless Crate & Barrel stores across the USA. They despised Crate & Barrel, because they felt the business symbolized a modern-day consumerism-related pedestrian vanity, offering shoppers all kinds of dishware, containers, and kitchen-items as if decorating lifestyle can be likened to aesthetic sophistication! The only one who could stop Eddie Brock (Venom) and Gabriel Stacy (Gray Goblin) was Spider-Man, a web-soaring 'superhero.'

Spider-Man was actually the mild-mannered American photojournalist Peter Parker working at the popular newspaper Daily Bugle. Peter donned himself a spider-suit and mask and soared around the nation looking for evil-doers and crime syndicates to thwart with his incredible agility, self-composed strength, and web-shooters which could be used as ropes to swing on across a city skyline and also to trap enemies in confounding nets, rendering them more susceptible to the wrestling crime-fighting of Spidey. Spider-Man started devising ways to deal with both Venom and Gray Goblin (who were undermining pedestrian confidence in Wall Street and eBay).

Spider-Man found Venom and Gray Goblin at a Crate & Barrel store in Los Angeles that summer, creating havoc and throwing pumpkins filled with tear-gas and grabbing customers and throwing them out into the street (though not killing them). Spider-Man decided to tie Venom and Gray Goblin together so they would be unable to work as allies. Spider-Man connected sticky-webs between their arms so if they tried to pull away from each other, they'd only be pulled closer to one another. As the two supervillains became completely frustrated, Spidey proceeded to tie them up in whole web-cocoons and handed them over to the police. He then donned his society-identity of Peter Parker to interview them for the Daily Bugle.

PETER: Why did you attack Crate & Barrel?
VENOM (Eddie): We hate Planet Hollywood, Starbucks, Tom Cruise, and eBay!
GRAY GOBLIN (Gabriel): We also hate California Pizza Kitchen and Facebook.

PETER: Why resort to terrorism?
VENOM: President Trump has and will continue to fail Americans...
GRAY GOBLIN: There's no difference between Nazi Germany and 'TrumpUSA'!

PETER: You think there's no difference between capitalism and fascism?
VENOM: How could there be a difference between piracy and authoritarianism?
GRAY GOBLIN: Think about it, Peter --- a profiteer is simply someone who demoralizes the homeless...

PETER: Perhaps your 'capitalism-critique' is 'clever,' but what about teamwork and religion?
VENOM: The corruption of capitalism does not allow for comfortable appreciation of spiritual optimism...
GRAY GOBLIN: Who in their right mind would believe that it is 'positive' to be poor in the modern age?

PETER: Women walk to work in NYC with brown-bag lunches and think idealistically about 'capitalism.'
VENOM: Aha, gender equivocation can't get you out of the 'mess' of 'profit-based mob psychology.'
GRAY GOBLIN: Not even the Pope can save Wall Street, Peter...

PETER: Do you two believe the AntiChrist is some kind of a movie star?
VENOM: Do you believe that Tom Cruise cares about the concerns of blacks in Harlem on welfare?
GRAY GOBLIN: Do you even think Tom Cruise understands the needs of unwed black mothers?

PETER: This is all very 'stimulating,' but terrorism creates only feelings of escalating mistrust...
VENOM: You're not seriously suggesting we 'embrace' Facebook as 'diplomats of art,' are you?
GRAY GOBLIN: There's no difference, Peter, between terrorism and revolution!

PETER: Well, in this incarceration-center, you two can brood about 'Facebook fanaticism.'
VENOM: Thanks for this interview, Peter...
GRAY GOBLIN: Remember us as 'titans.'




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