Vet cuts down Mexican Flag

Did you see the look in his eyes?

Indeed, it was the look of a crazy man. It is no wonder no one in the video even tried to move until he was gone and only then did the store owner walk up to retrieve the Mexican flag which was on the ground. It was obvious that he was scared of this man. It seems to me that the store owner is more of a patriot than this vet based on their behaviors.


ohhhh thats so rich....

sooo, soooo rich.

like scrubbing my ass with double dipped brownies in a hot fudge bath..
Sorry Gunny, not illegal.

But, luckily for all of us, Old Glory is much stronger than anyone who might accidentally or purposely disgrace her. No shop owner flying it under another country's flag will ever be able to damage her honor which was purchased with the blood of hundreds of thousands of American servicemen and women who have died for her. And, anyone who thinks some law has more sway than that blood is not only delusional but contemptible.

According to the link provided by mattskramer, it is indeed illegal to display flags one on top of the other during a time of peace. The flags are supposed to be displayed on separate poles at identical heights.
It appears Executive Order 10834 in your link is at odds with the definition of "What is a Flag?" in your link. I'm inclined to go with the definition of the former since it is law; whereas, the latter is opinion.

I don’t know. I was just trying to help. I don’t know if is technically illegal to do what the storeowner did. Perhaps there should be a law and a small fine assessed for future incidences of breaching “flag protocol”. This is the USA. This is not Mexico. Still. It isn’t big on my list of priorities. I still think the vet was a bigger jerk in this incident – don’t you agree?
How do you know that the storeowner did this deliberately? Perhaps he though that it didn’t make a difference. Perhaps he was not thinking. Perhaps he did not do it intentionally. Instead of trying to communicate, reason with, and understand the storeowner, this bully vet marched right up and cut the flag down. He was a creep.

It was stated on the news the storeowner displayed the Mexican flag above the US flag to show support for Mixican immigrants. So yes, it was deliberate.
It was stated on the news the storeowner displayed the Mexican flag above the US flag to show support for Mixican immigrants. So yes, it was deliberate.

Okay. I missed that part. Okay. Shame on him. I think he should receive a small fine.
I don’t know. I was just trying to help. I don’t know if is technically illegal to do what the storeowner did. Perhaps there should be a law and a small fine assessed for future incidences of breaching “flag protocol”. This is the USA. This is not Mexico. Still. It isn’t big on my list of priorities. I still think the vet was a bigger jerk in this incident – don’t you agree?

Jerk I'm not sure about. The aggressor? Yes. He probably should have headed to the nearest Federal agency, flag code in hand, and reported the guy.
It appears Executive Order 10834 in your link is at odds with the definition of "What is a Flag?" in your link. I'm inclined to go with the definition of the former since it is law; whereas, the latter is opinion.

I would think that if it is an executive order, it would only apply to federal agencies, not private citizens. I would guess that the store owner would be protected against prosecution by the First Amendment. If you can burn a US flag, you can surely fly it below a different flag.

I am pretty sure about that, but not absolutely positive.
Jerk I'm not sure about. The aggressor? Yes. He probably should have headed to the nearest Federal agency, flag code in hand, and reported the guy.

I agree but then he would not have gotten his "15 minutes of fame" (or infamy).
I would think that if it is an executive order, it would only apply to federal agencies, not private citizens. I would guess that the store owner would be protected against prosecution by the First Amendment. If you can burn a US flag, you can surely fly it below a different flag.

I am pretty sure about that, but not absolutely positive.

The executive order defines what is officially a flag. I don't know what law the "Flag Code" falls under, or if it does, but it is the code, not the ExO, that proper display falls under.
The executive order defines what is officially a flag. I don't know what law the "Flag Code" falls under, or if it does, but it is the code, not the ExO, that proper display falls under.

Thanks for the info. The flag code is a public law, not executive order. However, I am still pretty sure that it is merely demonstrating what is advisable and that violations cannot be prosecuted. I am 97% sure of that.
From what I saw on the news, he looked genuinely ticked off. He didn't look like he was looking for his "15 secs."

I disagree. I think that he knew that there was a camera. He looked right into it after he finished taking the flag. He spoke to the camera. He presented the knife to the camera. He gave his name to the camera. If he was really ticked off, he would have just taken the flag, ignored the camera, and gone home.
I disagree. I think that he knew that there was a camera. He looked right into it after he finished taking the flag. He spoke to the camera. He presented the knife to the camera. He gave his name to the camera. If he was really ticked off, he would have just taken the flag, ignored the camera, and gone home.

We'll just have to disagree. IMO, he was going to do what he did, camera or no. The fact that he adressed the camera after the fact and gave his name tells me only he is proud, rather than ashamed, of what he did.
and had I seen that flag up I would have cut it down and burned the mexican flag as well. I used to wait for the bus right across the street from that place on my way to and from work. But now that I drive i dont go in that direction. But since I heard of that I have been driving by to make sure they dont pull the same stunt. Its on the corner of Sutro and 4th street. In Reno Nevada
How do you know that the storeowner did this deliberately? Perhaps he though that it didn’t make a difference. Perhaps he was not thinking. Perhaps he did not do it intentionally. Instead of trying to communicate, reason with, and understand the storeowner, this bully vet marched right up and cut the flag down. He was a creep.

He did it as a sign of protest of the illegals rounded up the prior week by ICE in reno nevada they raided 11 mcdonalds and arrested 56 illegals. They were threatening protests and riots too.. They did do the protest. I saw them and gave them the bird as I drove by.

I know this man, Jim Brossard. His phone number is in my phone. He's a brother Harely rider and a damn good man. I wish he'd have called me before he went down there and cut down that flag. I'd have loved to have been there.

But the word is out here in Reno. Do it again, and we'll be over to cut that one down too. You're not going to get away with that shit here in this town.
Wanna bet he is arrested and charged with committing a crime with a deadly weapon? And a hate crime? Probably conveying a threat and theft as well.

Nope. Didn't happen. The law here in Reno is too scared to touch him. He's got way to much support. They'd make a martyr out of him, and a national hero. They want the incident to cool off. They don't want to give it any more coverage than it's already got, because they know what he did, someone else will do again, and that's the truth. We most assuredly will here in Reno.

I'm sick and tired of these fucking illegals myself, and I'm ready for whatever kind of fight these sons a bitches bring, even if it means I get arrested. Fuck it.
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