VFW demands apology after host says he's 'uncomfortable' calling fallen soldiers hero

A WWII vet I know says we have no business being in Iraq and Afghanistan. Does THAT make him a "pimp faced moron"?
Or are only vets allowed to criticize the Military and its soldiers actions nowadays?

was he criticizing the mission....or the guys who died?....there is a difference....

The war based on lies*, a/k/a Bush's war, I hope. his "discomfort" pales in comparison to those sent on "The Hunt for The Man Who Threatened Poppy." He should remember who is sacrificing, the reasons why matter not.

*Or "bad intel" as Bush so casually phrased it. Remember his little "joke" about not finding WMD's? Looking under a table & laughing; Nixon is a saint compared to the cockroach
named George W. Bush.
The saddest part of this incident is that the moronic wanna be morally superior liberal has benefited from all those heroes (makes him uncomfortable) deaths.

Their deaths allow him to spew such bile in such an insensitive way on the eve of Memorial Day.

The bastard really doesn't get it.

No, he really doesn't. Fuck em. :mad:

Fuck you. You say "fuck'em" to Chris Hayes, but the politician you most support would damage the military more than any politician alive today, with the exception of Ralph Nader and it's close between those two.

Don't compare your slimy GE/NBC piece of shit with Ron Paul. Dr. Paul served honorably in the U.S. Military. So, piss off cretin.
No, he really doesn't. Fuck em. :mad:

Fuck you. You say "fuck'em" to Chris Hayes, but the politician you most support would damage the military more than any politician alive today, with the exception of Ralph Nader and it's close between those two.

Don't compare your slimy GE/NBC piece of shit with Ron Paul. Dr. Paul served honorably in the U.S. Military. So, piss off cretin.

So did Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright, your point?
A WWII vet I know says we have no business being in Iraq and Afghanistan. Does THAT make him a "pimp faced moron"?
Or are only vets allowed to criticize the Military and its soldiers actions nowadays?

was he criticizing the mission....or the guys who died?....there is a difference....

The war based on lies*, a/k/a Bush's war, I hope. his "discomfort" pales in comparison to those sent on "The Hunt for The Man Who Threatened Poppy." He should remember who is sacrificing, the reasons why matter not.

*Or "bad intel" as Bush so casually phrased it. Remember his little "joke" about not finding WMD's? Looking under a table & laughing; Nixon is a saint compared to the cockroach
named George W. Bush.
You can't be against the War AND support the troops. "Well, I'm against the war in Afghanistan but I hope our boys kill all the bad guys there!"

If I thought there was no reason to be in Afghanistan in the first place then doesn't it follow that I think there's no one there that our guys should kill either? So why would I support them doing that?

The way you support the troops is to not send them to useless wars in the first place. Or when you see it's a quagmire you should then support bringing the troops home.
Fuck you. You say "fuck'em" to Chris Hayes, but the politician you most support would damage the military more than any politician alive today, with the exception of Ralph Nader and it's close between those two.

Don't compare your slimy GE/NBC piece of shit with Ron Paul. Dr. Paul served honorably in the U.S. Military. So, piss off cretin.

So did Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright, your point?

Read, dipshit. Read.
No, he really doesn't. Fuck em. :mad:

Fuck you. You say "fuck'em" to Chris Hayes, but the politician you most support would damage the military more than any politician alive today, with the exception of Ralph Nader and it's close between those two.

Don't compare your slimy GE/NBC piece of shit with Ron Paul. Dr. Paul served honorably in the U.S. Military. So, piss off cretin.

So did I. Did you?
Fuck you. You say "fuck'em" to Chris Hayes, but the politician you most support would damage the military more than any politician alive today, with the exception of Ralph Nader and it's close between those two.

Don't compare your slimy GE/NBC piece of shit with Ron Paul. Dr. Paul served honorably in the U.S. Military. So, piss off cretin.

So did I. Did you?

Uh, no one mentioned you. I have a funny feeling no one here cares about your life. Wadda ya think?
He's a pimp faced moron
He has herpes of the mouth. He breaks out all the time and you can't get rid of him without Lysine, which he should get for saying pus about heroes on Memorial Day.

Free speech is one thing. Treasonous speech against fighting men is intolerable.

No it's not, it's free speech.

P.S. Women die fighting in war, also.
Which I strongly disapprove of. Women should not serve under arms except as the last possible resort. I regard it as disgraceful that women are serving in combat zones while there are able-bodied men available.

When I was in the Corps back in the 50s our Women Marines were fully trained in infantry tactics and small arms proficiency but they were not assigned to line companies. They served very efficiently in supply, maintenance, motor pool and clerical functions but were not expected to confront men under arms unless unavoidably necessary.

While I believe there are exceptions to every rule women in general are not designed by nature to be psychologically or physically adaptable to prolonged combat conditions and so should not be subjected to it because of some politically correct and misguided feminist nonsense.
He has herpes of the mouth. He breaks out all the time and you can't get rid of him without Lysine, which he should get for saying pus about heroes on Memorial Day.

Free speech is one thing. Treasonous speech against fighting men is intolerable.

No it's not, it's free speech.

P.S. Women die fighting in war, also.
Which I strongly disapprove of. Women should not serve under arms except as the last possible resort. I regard it as disgraceful that women are serving in combat zones while there are able-bodied men available.

When I was in the Corps back in the 50s our Women Marines were fully trained in infantry tactics and small arms proficiency but they were not assigned to line companies. They served very efficiently in supply, maintenance, motor pool and clerical functions but were not expected to confront men under arms unless unavoidably necessary.

While I believe there are exceptions to every rule women in general are not designed by nature to be psychologically or physically adaptable to prolonged combat conditions and so should not be subjected to it because of some politically correct and misguided feminist nonsense.

Remember it's different now. Every American who serves his/her country does so on a voluntary basis. In my mind that makes them all double heroes. And since they do volunteer I think they should get to choose if they serve in a combat position.
No it's not, it's free speech.

P.S. Women die fighting in war, also.
Which I strongly disapprove of. Women should not serve under arms except as the last possible resort. I regard it as disgraceful that women are serving in combat zones while there are able-bodied men available.

When I was in the Corps back in the 50s our Women Marines were fully trained in infantry tactics and small arms proficiency but they were not assigned to line companies. They served very efficiently in supply, maintenance, motor pool and clerical functions but were not expected to confront men under arms unless unavoidably necessary.

While I believe there are exceptions to every rule women in general are not designed by nature to be psychologically or physically adaptable to prolonged combat conditions and so should not be subjected to it because of some politically correct and misguided feminist nonsense.

Remember it's different now. Every American who serves his/her country does so on a voluntary basis. In my mind that makes them all double heroes. And since they do volunteer I think they should get to choose if they serve in a combat position.

Wow! We agree on something. As long as they use the same physical tests.
I also get tired of the VFW using veterans for their politics. Seems the speaker in question was telling of his thoughts regarding the use of the word hero, and to me it meant some kind of thought process taking place, the man was thinking and maybe that's what disturbs some, rather than just the platitudes, slogans, adages and so on that so often go with veterans, wars and the military.
I also get tired of the VFW using veterans for their politics. Seems the speaker in question was telling of his thoughts regarding the use of the word hero, and to me it meant some kind of thought process taking place, the man was thinking and maybe that's what disturbs some, rather than just the platitudes, slogans, adages and so on that so often go with veterans, wars and the military.

did you hear obama's speech today? he was chastising those who treated the vietnam vets with dissrespect. You know who those people were? They were the anit war LEFT.
Yes it is. Look at the Westboro Baptist Church case.

What part of you stink don't YOU understand? Instead YOU offer up diversions.

Give up boy.

You try to pass yourself off as informed lover of "LIBERTY and FREEDOM" yet you don't have a clue about either.

I always know when my point has struck a nerve and left you discombobulated, because you respond with the "Boy" comment. Hahaha.

What "diversions" did I "offer up"?

"Westboro Baptist Church wins Supreme Court case for right to protest military funerals"

"The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Westboro Baptist Church on Wednesday. As Robert Barnes reported:

The First Amendment protects a fringe church's anti-gay protests at military funerals, a nearly unanimous Supreme Court ruled Wednesday in a powerful opinion that spoke to the nation's tolerance for even hateful public speech."

Westboro Baptist Church wins Supreme Court case for right to protest military funerals

Westboro gets a pass while someone who expresses discomfort is labeled "treasonous". Reality got lost in the shuffle. The ultra right Westboro bunch cheers our troops' deaths. That noted, Hayes needs to do his job, or find a new one.
What a way to honor our Men & Women in the Military. Seriously, only GE/NBC could fuck up this badly. A 'War on Soldiers?' Wow, we'll see how that goes for them. What a mess.
I read what the guy quoted and I took it to mean that far too often the reverence we all feel for the ultimate sacrifice of our young men and women is sullied by politics and overused by the pro war crowd. Their deaths should never, ever be used to glorify war itself, it should be something that every single one of us considers a last resort.

That is how I understood his comment(s) also.
Same here, but lying scum CON$ervoFascists couldn't be lying scum CON$ervoFascists if they didn't take what people say out of context and then lie about it!

It is well that war is so terrible, or we should get too fond of it.
- Robert E. Lee

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