Video of Malcolm X on White Liberals controlling Black America....”White liberals are dangerous and deceitful“

This is very telling.

Malcolm knew that White Liberals are lying sacks of shit and are exploiting black people.

Wake the fuck up!

Interesting for sure. However, George Floyd's ghost could make a You Tube video calling for an immediate end to the rioting and the rioters would still steal the computer monitor, smart device or television they were watching it on. It's that kind of cult . . .
This is very telling.

Malcolm knew that White Liberals are lying sacks of shit and are exploiting black people.

Wake the fuck up!

yep i've seen this video before ...i wonder if it was filmed after he started to become less radical before he was murdered by the nation of islam ?

Clearly it was filmed before he was murdered. ;)
This one stings, huh, libs?

Malcolm saw right through your bullshit and called you out on it.

Maybe you should attack him and his character.
This one stings, huh, libs?

Malcolm saw right through your bullshit and called you out on it.

Maybe you should attack him and his character.
When I started reading some of his writings, I was shocked by what I found. Such as this. It’s been a number of years ago.
This is very telling.

Malcolm knew that White Liberals are lying sacks of shit and are exploiting black people.

Wake the fuck up!

Malcolm X was too radical.
MLK was great. Conservatives hated both.

They sure love them some MLK now though. They even try to claim he was a repub.

“I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses … And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”
- Martin Luther King Jr.
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Funny how these people see things. Do they really think Malcolm X was with the party whose presidential nominee said that extremism in defense of liberty is no vice?


Now do they really think Malcolm X would support a party who believes that the first black president was not American? Do you really think Malcolm would endorse the man who kep pushing birtherism long after Obama was elected? Malcolm X would have started in on Nixon, and Reagan would have had no chance.

The dixiecrat types then are conservative republicans now. Those liberals Malcolm X talked about helped elect the first black president. These republicans make disingenuous look honest.

So let me speak for X today since so many whites want to.

White voters, X said, “are so evenly divided that every time they vote, the race is so close they have to go back and count the votes all over again. Which means that any bloc, any minority that has a bloc that sticks together is in a strategic position. Either way you go, that’s who gets it.”

Yet Republicans, said Malcolm X, failed to consider anything that will improve life in black communities, have decided to implement voter suppression to prevent us from voting, voted against a bill on voting rights and have tried to erase civil rights policies, knowing the party could suckers blacks into blind support in the next election by talking about how democrats owned slaves 160 years ago.

Malcolm X said, “the Republicans put you last. ‘Cause you’re a chump. A political chump! … Any time you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that party opposed everything you need for equality, if you are dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that party while trying to get other blacks to join that party — you’re not only a chump but you’re a traitor to your race.”
This is very telling.

Malcolm knew that White Liberals are lying sacks of shit and are exploiting black people.

Wake the fuck up!

Malcolm X was too radical.
MLK was great. Conservatives hated both.

X was not radical. He scared the white establishment because he wasn't talking about nonviolence.
BLM is another example of white liberals using blacks. This time it’s to push communism on the USA.

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