Video stunned tourist watch migrants invade beach in Spain


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Video: Stunned Tourists Watch Migrants Invade Beach in Spain

A shocking video shows stunned tourists looking on in fear as a boat load of migrants invade a beach before running away to evade police in Cadiz, Spain.

As savages storm the beach just like the wall in world war z , that's what Obama the pos has created for his puppet masters.
Don't think it isn't looking like this in the US as these same type of savages are the ones you will see raping your kid as the 4 yr old in Idaho.

You pathetic leftist liberals who fell for that gamed warfare on your weak minds have now jeopardized our entire nation all by your pathetic weak chants of " Let them in"... you idiots aint seen nothing yet.

Little do most sheep know it but Obama still works on the inside and you all are still to stupid to realize why everyone keeps stopping Trump and they are called the Shadow Gov".

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