[VIDEO] ~ Teen arrested for asking cop about unwarranted raids...


Active Member
Apr 15, 2010
*reposting from youtube, this is not me or my story*

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0X1Acrty6E]YouTube - Teen Arrested For Asking Cop About Unwarranted Raids[/ame]

Info from vid description on YT account:

Message to youtube, this video is completely peaceful, legal,and non violent please uphold my rights by not removing the upload. I also do not condone any hateful comments or messages.

Robert Wanek

On May 6th I began shooting film for a new video project about unwarranted raids in Wahpeton nd, I was standing on a public street filming a notorious officer (Dustin Hill) who commonly practices unwarranted searches and seizures. He asked if I 'needed something' I responded by telling him 'no, I'm just filming a story about unwarranted raids in wahpeton' . He immediately
placed me under arrest for interfering with a police investigation, or hindering as he also coined it. There was no investigation going on, he was simply talking to a citizen on public property. I was taken into an interview room where I remained cuffed for roughly an hour, I was questioned by an officer without ever being read my miranda rights while he harrassed and grilled me.
After telling him the United States Constitution gives me the right to film in public he left, he returned after a long period of time and told me to stand up so he could remove my cuffs. I was then told to grab my camera and leave, and notified that I had 'Pissed Dustin Hill Off' I was released with NO CHARGES and my parents were never notified of my detainment, this is Orwellian authoritarian tactics of detaining a minor illegally for exercising his rights to intimidate him. I'm currently looking for the most effective avenue to seek legal action against the department but I would encourage anyone who is concerned about this issue to RESPECTFULLY and PROFESSIONALLY
contact the Wahpeton ND police dept at 701-642-7722 and voice your concerns . One act of disobeying the constitution under the protection of a shiny badge, is a strike against the rights of all men and women. I hope you will all stand with me in this fight against those who seek to overstrectch the boundaries of authority.

Robert Wane


RPF Thread Link
Assuming everything is as it appears...

if I said I were surprised, I'd be lying to you.
That officer should lose his badge. Simple as that.

However, don't you think it is going a bit far to say that this is a "Police state?" I mean, one kid was arrested and detained unlawfully by one police department... While the incident is very unfortunate, think about all the GOOD police officers, who actually help people, arrest criminals, etc. I won't call America a police state until this is happening consistently in multiple states. And as far as I know, the federal government had nothing to do with this.
Based on what is seen in this video clip it appears the police officer either has an exaggerated sense of his own authority or a diminished sense of citizens' rights. Presuming there are no related circumstances which are not mentioned in this report, Wanek's parents should hire a lawyer and sue the Wahpeton Police Department for falsely arrest and detention. If they can't afford to do that a public defender should be sought.

This is a minor issue but the implications are major and should not go unchallenged. Police authority is a dangerous social element if not managed very carefully.
That officer should lose his badge. Simple as that.

However, don't you think it is going a bit far to say that this is a "Police state?" I mean, one kid was arrested and detained unlawfully by one police department... While the incident is very unfortunate, think about all the GOOD police officers, who actually help people, arrest criminals, etc. I won't call America a police state until this is happening consistently in multiple states. And as far as I know, the federal government had nothing to do with this.

Injustice Everywhere
An artist who used a video camera to record being arrested by police is facing up to 15 years in prison.

Chris Drew has been charged with Class 1 felony under the Eavesdropping Act in Chicago, Illinois.

The bemused activist said he did not know anything about the law when he was protesting about restrictions on where artists can sell their work.

Read more: Chicago artist Chris Drew faces 15 years jail because he recorded own arrest | Mail Online

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72_ZzJCfESc]YouTube - Chris Drew Arrested in Chicago selling speech in Chicago --State Street in front of Macy's[/ame]
Pretty obvious the "artist" had priors.

A lot of them.

Thanks to the Chicago PD for taking another criminal off the street without anyone getting hurt.
Sorry, but the policeman was doing his job exactly the way he had been trained to do it.

When a policeman is conducting an investigation no outsider has the right to get involved. In this case, the policeman was speaking to a driver, the cameraman should not have gotten invloved. Any third party distrtaction can be interpreted as interference with a police investigation, including any form of verbal harrassment directed at the oficer.

You do not have to be guilty of a crime to get arrested. The police have a legal right to detain you on suspicion alone. The law provides them with 72 hours. They can detain you for 3 days, not including weekends or holidays, to investigate whether or not you have violated any law.

The lesson to be learned: When a police officer is in the act of performing his duty, do not even attempt to speak with the officer unless you have a legitimate emergency requiring his help or assistance. This is the law.

Footnote: Since 9/11, most states have upgraded "police or fire interference" to felony status.
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An artist who used a video camera to record being arrested by police is facing up to 15 years in prison.

Chris Drew has been charged with Class 1 felony under the Eavesdropping Act in Chicago, Illinois.

The bemused activist said he did not know anything about the law when he was protesting about restrictions on where artists can sell their work.

Read more: Chicago artist Chris Drew faces 15 years jail because he recorded own arrest | Mail Online

YouTube - Chris Drew Arrested in Chicago selling speech in Chicago --State Street in front of Macy's

I tried to pick the important moments of the clip instead of spending five minutes with it.

So they guy was protesting and got arrested? He was also filming it? Looked pretty peaceful on his part and the police.

Last time I tried that "i didnt know it was illegal" line it didnt work for me either.
That officer should lose his badge. Simple as that.

However, don't you think it is going a bit far to say that this is a "Police state?" I mean, one kid was arrested and detained unlawfully by one police department... While the incident is very unfortunate, think about all the GOOD police officers, who actually help people, arrest criminals, etc. I won't call America a police state until this is happening consistently in multiple states. And as far as I know, the federal government had nothing to do with this.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibSwITK4jjQ]YouTube - Police Brutality[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9llvTQn8v-c&feature=related]YouTube - Raw Video: Police Slam Wrong Man Into a Wall[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipb_PeXOdT4&feature=relmfu]YouTube - Raw Video: Deputy Shown Kicking Teen Girl[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkeCx3-pdYw]YouTube - St Louis Police strikes unarmed intoxicated man after telling officer to "Shut Up"[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8SK_Hpdjuo]YouTube - Cop Stops Ambulance[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x50mlk_DJOg&feature=related]YouTube - cop arrests fireman[/ame]

It's all throughout the country and happening consistently.
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An artist who used a video camera to record being arrested by police is facing up to 15 years in prison.

Chris Drew has been charged with Class 1 felony under the Eavesdropping Act in Chicago, Illinois.

The bemused activist said he did not know anything about the law when he was protesting about restrictions on where artists can sell their work.

Read more: Chicago artist Chris Drew faces 15 years jail because he recorded own arrest | Mail Online

YouTube - Chris Drew Arrested in Chicago selling speech in Chicago --State Street in front of Macy's

I tried to pick the important moments of the clip instead of spending five minutes with it.

So they guy was protesting and got arrested? He was also filming it? Looked pretty peaceful on his part and the police.

Last time I tried that "i didnt know it was illegal" line it didnt work for me either.

So...when do you get out?
Sorry, but the policeman was doing his job exactly the way he had been trained to do it.

When a policeman is conducting an investigation no outsider has the right to get involved. In this case, the policeman was speaking to a driver, the cameraman should not have gotten invloved. Any third party distrtaction can be interpreted as interference with a police investigation, including any form of verbal harrassment directed at the oficer.

You do not have to be guilty of a crime to get arrested. The police have a legal right to detain you on suspicion alone. The law provides them with 72 hours. They can detain you for 3 days, not including weekends or holidays, to investigate whether or not you have violated any law.

The lesson to be learned: When a police officer is in the act of performing his duty, do not even attempt to speak with the officer unless you have a legitimate emergency requiring his help or assistance. This is the law.

Footnote: Since 9/11, most states have upgraded "police or fire interference" to felony status.
The pivotal word in your brief is involved.

If Wanek was merely standing there without a camera would he still be subject to arrest for "involvement?" How is what Wanek did an "involvement?" He was observing and he had no way of knowing the cop was "investigating."

If in accordance with ND law a citizen who merely observes a police officer without interfering with him in any way can be arrested for "involvement," that law must necessarily be repealed. Because it promotes a repressive police state atmosphere.

The police are public servants, not the enforcement element of a governing nobility.
Honest I did not know there was a law making moving Fraxinus family ash wood out of state illegal so I ended up with twenty to life by the time I got done upsetting the officer who pulled me over.

First I had super dark tinted windows so she couldn't see who was in the truck when she walked uo from the patrol car.

Then the I had left the truck running since it was cold and the darned thing popped into gear when i reached to put my empty beer dip can down. Silly lady cop had her hands in the door reaching for my id from my drunk passenger.

She was visibly shaken and got all upset at me and told me keep my hands off her when i tried to give her a hug to calm her down. Said something about being scared of my big 220lb ass before she tazed me!

My cousin the lawyer says we have a heck of an excessive force case and will make millions for sure.
No really lol, i did none of this. Used to work in a dispatch center and prior my dad did always warn me to pay special close attention to what tiny cops told me to do since i am a big boy.
That officer should lose his badge. Simple as that.

However, don't you think it is going a bit far to say that this is a "Police state?" I mean, one kid was arrested and detained unlawfully by one police department... While the incident is very unfortunate, think about all the GOOD police officers, who actually help people, arrest criminals, etc. I won't call America a police state until this is happening consistently in multiple states. And as far as I know, the federal government had nothing to do with this.

Injustice Everywhere

Ummm, that shows about 16-20 instances per day...

1 Women is raped every minute... do we live in a "rape state?"

45 Murders are committed every day... do we live in a "murder state?"

Stop looking for an issue that really isn't there...
R - E - S - P - E - C - T

A whole lot of people would find their experiences with the Law Enforcement community to be much more pleasant if they'd just shut the hell up, and do what they're told to do.
Sorry, but the policeman was doing his job exactly the way he had been trained to do it.

When a policeman is conducting an investigation no outsider has the right to get involved. In this case, the policeman was speaking to a driver, the cameraman should not have gotten invloved. Any third party distrtaction can be interpreted as interference with a police investigation, including any form of verbal harrassment directed at the oficer.

You do not have to be guilty of a crime to get arrested. The police have a legal right to detain you on suspicion alone. The law provides them with 72 hours. They can detain you for 3 days, not including weekends or holidays, to investigate whether or not you have violated any law.

The lesson to be learned: When a police officer is in the act of performing his duty, do not even attempt to speak with the officer unless you have a legitimate emergency requiring his help or assistance. This is the law.

Footnote: Since 9/11, most states have upgraded "police or fire interference" to felony status.

If that were true, why were no charges filed?

Note that charges were not dismissed- they were never filed with the DA
That officer should lose his badge. Simple as that.

However, don't you think it is going a bit far to say that this is a "Police state?" I mean, one kid was arrested and detained unlawfully by one police department... While the incident is very unfortunate, think about all the GOOD police officers, who actually help people, arrest criminals, etc. I won't call America a police state until this is happening consistently in multiple states. And as far as I know, the federal government had nothing to do with this.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibSwITK4jjQ"]YouTube - Police Brutality[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9llvTQn8v-c&feature=related"]YouTube - Raw Video: Police Slam Wrong Man Into a Wall[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipb_PeXOdT4&feature=relmfu"]YouTube - Raw Video: Deputy Shown Kicking Teen Girl[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkeCx3-pdYw"]YouTube - St Louis Police strikes unarmed intoxicated man after telling officer to "Shut Up"[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8SK_Hpdjuo"]YouTube - Cop Stops Ambulance[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x50mlk_DJOg&feature=related"]YouTube - cop arrests fireman[/ame]

It's all throughout the country and happening consistently.

This is why cops get shot and nobody cares
If I beat an unarmed man with a stick, is not the right to thing for any witness to do physically intervene and stop me by any means necessary?

Stab the cop in the neck.

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