Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell: Obama Stimulus Helped


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
By Laura Bassett

Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell (R), a potential vice president pick for Mitt Romney, reluctantly admitted on CNN's "State of the Union" Sunday morning that President Obama's policies helped to dig Virginia out of the recession.

“Did [the stimulus] help us in the short-run with health care and education and spending to balance the budget? Sure,” he told host Candy Crowley. “Does it help us in the long-term to really cut the unemployment rate? I’d say no.”

Asked whether the president "deserves a tiny bit of credit" for Virginia's better-than-average economy, McDonnell responded, "Well, sure. I think there are national policies that have had some impact.”

More: Bob McDonnell Gives Obama Some Credit For Virginia's Economy (VIDEO)
Gee, I wonder why wingnuts are ignoring this thread...?
When you spend $787 billion of our money, there damn well better be something good that came from it. I am sure there were a few success stories, but experts say each job cost us over a million. Not a good bang for our buck. Most of the money is just gone with nothing to show for it. I realize some public unions probably got money to shore up their pensions and there were some temporary jobs. I think there have been government jobs created more than private ones.

For that much money, we had a right to expect more. It was a failure.

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