Vladimir Putin, Barack Obama and Joe Biden


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

Of course, there are differences between the history of the Russian federation compared to the United States of America. But the bottom line is, it really is getting old to see maybe 5% of the American public keep on saying that Vladimir Putin is a monster or Russia is a dictator ship while not understanding the history of countries like France, England, and America, and the history of imperialism, the age of empires and expansion.

I’ve never understood the neoconservatives and far left who suggest Vladimir Putin or Russia is a monster. That doesn’t make sense. There’s a lot of holes in that argument. That would imply that Obama , Biden and trump are also monsters. Same thing with Hillary Clinton or the many Americans who have worked with Russia.

Neocon response number 1

“ Russia’s always been evil, whether it’s the Soviet union, the Russian empire, or the Russian federation they’ve always been evil…”

Ah wat ? … step back neocon … talk about white supremacy, white privilege if anything this exist now all of a sudden a white country in Ukraine get invaded, and you got all these neoconservatives and far left wingers up in arms . Yet They don’t say anything when a black or brown country gets invaded .

the United States invaded Iraq in 2003. Russia invaded Ukraine in 2021. This is a matter of political intrigue, a clash of empires. But give it some time in one or two years Vladimir Putin will be shaking hands with Joe Biden or Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis. And then how will all of these far left wingers and neoconservatives look? They are the ones were telling us. Vladimir Putin is a monster.

Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden will continue to insult each other, and they will get some portion of their population to believe that the other side is the devil. But just give it some time nobody’s going to be surprised when Joe Biden shakes hands with Vladimir Putin. And I can’t wait to see the look on the faces of the far left and the neoconservatives.
Well when it comes to the relationship between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. ..We can compare that to the relationship between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden. Kamala Harris once regarding Joe Biden as a white supremacist and called him a racist in the Democrat primary debates. But sometime after that Joe Biden tapped Kamala Harris as his vice president pick

I mean, you just can’t make this stuff up how gullible the far left and the neoconservatives are. Their worldview is not based on history, but based on propaganda. They don’t understand that there is always political intrigue ….world leaders may strongly disagree with each other, even insult each other even fight each other but then after sometime, they can become friends and allies. It doesn’t always work out that way, but sometimes it does.

Don’t be surprised when Joe Biden and Putin shake hands and the media acts as if nothing happened as if it’s regular.
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Of course, there are differences between the history of the Russian federation compared to the United States of America. But the bottom line is, it really is getting old to see maybe 5% of the American public keep on saying that Vladimir Putin is a monster or Russia is a dictator ship while not understanding the history of countries like France, England, and America, and the history of imperialism, the age of empires and expansion.

I’ve never understood the neoconservatives and far left who suggest Vladimir Putin or Russia is a monster. That doesn’t make sense. There’s a lot of holes in that argument. That would imply that Obama , Biden and trump are also monsters. Same thing with Hillary Clinton or the many Americans who have worked with Russia.

Neocon response number 1

“ Russia’s always been evil, whether it’s the Soviet union, the Russian empire, or the Russian federation they’ve always been evil…”

Ah wat ? … step back neocon … talk about white supremacy, white privilege if anything this exist now all of a sudden a white country in Ukraine get invaded, and you got all these neoconservatives and far left wingers up in arms . Yet They don’t say anything when a black or brown country gets invaded .

the United States invaded Iraq in 2003. Russia invaded Ukraine in 2021. This is a matter of political intrigue, a clash of empires. But give it some time in one or two years Vladimir Putin will be shaking hands with Joe Biden or Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis. And then how will all of these far left wingers and neoconservatives look? They are the ones were telling us. Vladimir Putin is a monster.

Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden will continue to insult each other, and they will get some portion of their population to believe that the other side is the devil. But just give it some time nobody’s going to be surprised when Joe Biden shakes hands with Vladimir Putin. And I can’t wait to see the look on the faces of the far left and the neoconservatives.
Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden will continue to insult each other, and they will get some portion of their population to believe that the other side is the devil. But just give it some time nobody’s going to be surprised when Joe Biden shakes hands with Vladimir Putin. And I can’t wait to see the look on the faces of the far left and the neoconservatives.
Dear Uncle may shake the hand of Piss Pants one day but it will be diplomatic and fake . I know enough about Putin to know he will only ever despise and hate him. They live in different universes .
It’s possible that Russia under Putin amd America under Biden won’t resume normal relations. But the thing is we cannot discount it considering the history of both countries.
From the title I was expecting a "walks into a bar" joke. I was disappointed.
Putin, Obama, and Biden walk in a bar. Biden trips over a red hat...
Obama sits at the end of the bar, Putin sits next to Obama, but pushes Obama to the floor, where Obama lands next to Biden. Obama stammers, "uh, uh, uh, wuh wuh what did you duh duh do duh ...... duh that for Vlad?"
Before Putin responds, Trump walks in, looks at Obama and Biden on the floor, picks up his red hat and puts it on, then sits next to Putin, where Obama was pushed off the stool...

There is a joke in there somewhere, I need help with this.
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View attachment 798567
Of course, there are differences between the history of the Russian federation compared to the United States of America. But the bottom line is, it really is getting old to see maybe 5% of the American public keep on saying that Vladimir Putin is a monster or Russia is a dictator ship while not understanding the history of countries like France, England, and America, and the history of imperialism, the age of empires and expansion.

I’ve never understood the neoconservatives and far left who suggest Vladimir Putin or Russia is a monster. That doesn’t make sense. There’s a lot of holes in that argument. That would imply that Obama , Biden and trump are also monsters. Same thing with Hillary Clinton or the many Americans who have worked with Russia.

Neocon response number 1

“ Russia’s always been evil, whether it’s the Soviet union, the Russian empire, or the Russian federation they’ve always been evil…”

Ah wat ? … step back neocon … talk about white supremacy, white privilege if anything this exist now all of a sudden a white country in Ukraine get invaded, and you got all these neoconservatives and far left wingers up in arms . Yet They don’t say anything when a black or brown country gets invaded .

the United States invaded Iraq in 2003. Russia invaded Ukraine in 2021. This is a matter of political intrigue, a clash of empires. But give it some time in one or two years Vladimir Putin will be shaking hands with Joe Biden or Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis. And then how will all of these far left wingers and neoconservatives look? They are the ones were telling us. Vladimir Putin is a monster.

Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden will continue to insult each other, and they will get some portion of their population to believe that the other side is the devil. But just give it some time nobody’s going to be surprised when Joe Biden shakes hands with Vladimir Putin. And I can’t wait to see the look on the faces of the far left and the neoconservatives.
Those most driven to seek power are psychopaths/sociopaths. I mean, what else matters to them?


In fact, if you look at what city has the most psychopaths/sociopaths, look no further than Washington DC

And this is not just the US, it's every government around the world. It just so happens that very few countries have as much power as the US, so it's light draws more of the moths to it.

As for Putin and his actions, you can't really blame him for not wanting a NATO country on its border, the same way the US did not want Russia in Cuba. I'm not defending how he has handled things to stop it, but to overlook this seems stupid. The US almost started WW3 over it with the Cuban missal crisis.
I’ve never understood the neoconservatives and far left who suggest Vladimir Putin or Russia is a monster.
If you have never understood, you can not make the comparison to the USA or any other country. You have never understood, and not to be insulting, is because you were not taught the history, or you did not learn the history.

I will suggest you start here if you really want to know.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Center — The Gulag Archipelago The Gulag Archipelago

Another good place to start is here
I Chose Freedom: The Personal Political Life of a Soviet Official is a book by the Soviet Ukrainian defector Viktor Kravchenko. It was a bestseller in the United States and Europe. The book was written in 1946 and published in 1947.
Putin, Obama, and Biden walk in a bar. Biden trips over a red hat...
Obama sits at the end of the bar, Putin sits next to Obama, but pushes Obama to the floor, where Obama lands next to Biden. Obama stammers, "uh, uh, uh, wuh wuh what did you duh duh do duh ...... duh that for Vlad?"
Before Putin responds, Trump walks in, looks at Obama and Biden on the floor, picks up his red hat and puts it on, then sits next to Putin, where Obama was pushed off the stool...

There is a joke in there somewhere, I need help with this.
needs a punchline.
Those most driven to seek power are psychopaths/sociopaths. I mean, what else matters to them?


In fact, if you look at what city has the most psychopaths/sociopaths, look no further than Washington DC

And this is not just the US, it's every government around the world. It just so happens that very few countries have as much power as the US, so it's light draws more of the moths to it.

As for Putin and his actions, you can't really blame him for not wanting a NATO country on its border, the same way the US did not want Russia in Cuba. I'm not defending how he has handled things to stop it, but to overlook this seems stupid. The US almost started WW3 over it with the Cuban missal crisis.
Here are the list of careers with the most sociopaths

1. CEO (those who fund politicians)
2. Lawyer (politicians themselves)
3. Media (those who protect politicians)

Those three run the US.

Again, not surprising because all they want is power.
“Let the reader who expects this book to be a political expose slam it shut right now. . . . If only it were so simple! If only it were true that there exist evil people insidiously committing evil deeds, whom it is necessary simply to separate out and destroy. But the line dividing good from evil cuts through the heart of every human being. . . . This line is not static within us; it sways to and fro over the years. Even in a heart imbued with evil, it allows a small bridgehead of good to remain. And it permits a small niche of evil to survive even in the kindest of hearts.”

only with knowledge, can you understand
It depicted collectivization in the USSR and caused a serious strike to the communist regime and Stalin. It depicted the crimes of the Stalinist regime, in particular the Famine of 1932-1933, the Gulag, the cooperation of the governments of Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler and the Holodomor.

I believe I will reread these classics of history, and classics they are. People commenting on Russia, making the comparison to the USA, negatively, have no knowledge of what they speak of.
The author of, "I choose freedom". A very sad story. A story that should be taught in our schools.

On 25 February 1966, Kravchenko was found dead from a gunshot wound to his head at his desk in his apartment in Manhattan. Kravchenko's death was officially ruled a suicide, and this view is widely accepted, including by biographer Gary Kern.[7]

FBI files obtained by Kern after a six-year lawsuit show that President Lyndon B. Johnson had taken a strong interest in Kravchenko's suicide and had demanded that the FBI determine if his suicide note was authentic or a Soviet fabrication.[2] The FBI ruled that it was authentic, yet some details concerning Kravchenko's last days remain questionable, and his son Andrew believes he could have been a victim of a KGB assassination.[3][4] Andrew Kravchenko produced a documentary film in 2008, The Defector,[8][9] about his father.[10] Kravchenko's decision to defect from the Soviet Union resulted in family members he left behind facing harassment, imprisonment and even death, with more than 30 relatives of Kravchenko being killed in the Soviet Union as a reprisal for his defection.[2] It is known that Kravchenko's location was discovered by NKVD agents in 1944, notably Mark Zborowski, and subsequently closely monitored by the NKVD and later by KGB special
If you have never understood, you can not make the comparison to the USA or any other country. You have never understood, and not to be insulting, is because you were not taught the history, or you did not learn the history.

I will suggest you start here if you really want to know.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Center — The Gulag Archipelago The Gulag Archipelago

Another good place to start is here
I Chose Freedom: The Personal Political Life of a Soviet Official is a book by the Soviet Ukrainian defector Viktor Kravchenko. It was a bestseller in the United States and Europe. The book was written in 1946 and published in 1947.
I would agree 100% that the Soviet union was more strict compared to the Russian federation. But also to that point today the Russian federation is not a communist country. I was never for communism.

Also, while the Soviet union existed, there have always been dirt Poor capitalistic democratic countries in South America.

I do believe that the best route for a country is either Christianity or some form of secularism. As in a Catholic state or a secular state.

When I go back to my earlier point …. In a day and age where the current President of the United States appoints a vice president, who previously called him a white supremacist. … I won’t discount Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden shaking hands again.
Putin, Obama, and Biden walk in a bar. Biden trips over a red hat...
Obama sits at the end of the bar, Putin sits next to Obama, but pushes Obama to the floor, where Obama lands next to Biden. Obama stammers, "uh, uh, uh, wuh wuh what did you duh duh do duh ...... duh that for Vlad?"
Before Putin responds, Trump walks in, looks at Obama and Biden on the floor, picks up his red hat and puts it on, then sits next to Putin, where Obama was pushed off the stool...

There is a joke in there somewhere, I need help with this.
Putin, Obama, and Biden walk in a bar. Biden trips over a red hat...
Obama sits at the end of the bar, Putin sits next to Obama, but pushes Obama to the floor, where Obama lands next to Biden. Obama stammers, "uh, uh, uh, wuh wuh what did you duh duh do duh ...... duh that for Vlad?"

Before Putin responds, Trump walks in, looks at Obama and Biden on the floor, picks up his red hat and puts it on, then sits next to Putin, where Obama was pushed off the stool...

Obama and Biden manage to pick themselves up off the floor, and sit at the bar with Trump and Putin, Obama makes sure he sits one seat away from Putin.

Putin produces four glasses and orders a fifth of Russian Vodka and pours begins to pour drinks for the four of them. Trump also produces for glasses, with MAGA clearly etched into the glass. Trump offers everyone a glass but Obama and Biden scoff at Trump and refuse the glass. Biden says, "I would not be caught dead drinking from a MAGA glass." Obama tries to say something but it is heard as a series of stutters and pauses.

Putin raises his glass for a toast, "to resetting relations between our two great countries." All four drink. Immediately Obama and Biden begin choking and gasping for air, they fall on the ground, turning blue, dying.

Putin looks at Trump and asks, "are you not going to help your fallen comrades." Trump replies, "I did, I offered them a Make America Great Again glass," adding, "old KGB poison glass trick? Vlad?"

moral of the story, in a bar with three adversaries, Trump is smart enough to make america great again.

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