'I can't believe my ears': Garry Kasparov on GOP lawmakers repeating Russian propaganda

every time one of you writes "russia, russia, russia" we've been reading it as your "pledge of allegiance."
No, Russia Russia Russia is YOUR pathetic plea of DESPERATION.
It's all just more of The Narrative from you subverted IDIOTS.
Vladimir Putin is the Republican nominee for President. Trump is just his spokesman. Yet Repubicans think Putin is scared of Trump. Here is a former citizen of the Soviet Union, a man who was at the top of Soviet society who left, and now he can't believe what he's hearing in America.

'I can't believe my ears': Garry Kasparov on GOP lawmakers repeating Russian propaganda​

Might as well quote Benedict Arnold providing an opinion on the USA from England.
Blackstone and other giant multi-nationals are losing significant investments in Russia; the GOP is merely doing its job as hired shills by sniveling about the Evul Ukranian Joos and their refusal to be butt taped by Russian imperialism and nuclear blackmail, is all. Their Party shills here are working hard on that.
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Garry is an Armenian Jew who has always spat at Russia .

He hates that Russia effectively threw him out and he is embittered and simply repeating all the fear narradigms for the Sheeple and Gullibles .
No dumbass, he hates Putin regime that is killing off democratic opposition and repressing freedom of speech and political freedom in Russia.
Vladimir Putin is the Republican nominee for President. Trump is just his spokesman. Yet Repubicans think Putin is scared of Trump. Here is a former citizen of the Soviet Union, a man who was at the top of Soviet society who left, and now he can't believe what he's hearing in America.

'I can't believe my ears': Garry Kasparov on GOP lawmakers repeating Russian propaganda​

# countries Putin invaded while Trump was in the WH: 0
# countries Putin invaded while Biden was in the WH: 2 (so far)
Ok. Putin was KGB. The only way to make it into the KGB was to be a hard core communist. Not only that but one who put the State above all others including family and friends.

So you were saying?

The irony is that if you actually knew anything about Uncle Volodya ,he was a capitalist or crook from the start .
Never a Communist .
He was a petty crook as a teen ager and until he took up Judo .
He later ran a mail order catalogue from Dresden back to Russia because his assigned KGB post was undemanding -- turning East Germs into potential spies and informants .
Then , when the KGB put him on civilian clothes assignment to work as the number two to the St Petersburg mayor , he ended up running the gambling casinos throughout the Oblast and also racketeered from the aid coming into his area when Russia reached its low point in the early nineties.

By now he was a multi millionaire and he was close to being arrested and gaoled for corruption before running to Moscow for shelter .

Probably why he gets on so well with St Donald .
Birds of a feather .etc

So stick to facts and not garbage -- like Mr P was and is a Communist .
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No dumbass, he hates Putin regime that is killing off democratic opposition and repressing freedom of speech and political freedom in Russia.
Stop being a fool and posting before you have read or understood what you want to criticise .
There is absolutely nothing in my post which conflicts with yours .
Not a single thought .
So off you go , you naughty boy. And also read post 28 carefully
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Ok. Putin was KGB. The only way to make it into the KGB was to be a hard core communist. Not only that but one who put the State above all others including family and friends.

So you were saying?
Putin was born into that. Russia has a lot of fixing to do. Communism screwed it up and along with WW 2 took a toll on its population.
every time one of you writes "russia, russia, russia" we've been reading it as your "pledge of allegiance."
Funny, I didn't write that. If that's what you took away from I advise you learn this new thing called literacy.
Ok. Putin was KGB. The only way to make it into the KGB was to be a hard core communist. Not only that but one who put the State above all others including family and friends.

So you were saying?
What's your point? Putin endorsed Biden, birds of a commie feather and such.
You go on there , switch of the brain cell in devotion for Trump...

It is quite sad really...

Trump has never been the source of the problem. His supporters delusions has been the main issue. They are so desperate they would follow anyone as long he told them what they want to hear.. This lead them to leaders with no ethics or mortality who will tell you exactly what you want to hear, i.e. Trump.

Truth is that MAGA want what vast majority Democrats are trying to deliver. They want reduced healthcare costs, they want proper education, reliable infrastructure, low crime, a country which is better for their children.... All the same stuff really...
The GOP has by leveraging wedge issues (e.g. Abortion, Gun laws, racial tensions,...) managed to get legislators and justices who are pro-Corporations who will back these wedge issues as well somewhat (reversing Roe v Wade was a step too far and they know it)...

So for the last 3 decades US has become more and more pro corporate, more profits at the cost of the people (e.g. reducing middle class, great income divides, increased pollution, dark money in politics,... MAGA are all against these things but this where the con comes in... Look at the MAGA leaders, they are not talking policies, it is wedge issues or grievance politics..
MAGA agaend if Trump gets elected is another Tax Cut (which won't pay for itself) and then say they need to cut spending (social security, Medicare, Medicaid, Infrastructure, Education, Policing,...) to pay for it... That is taking from everyone to put more money into Corporations and high income earners pockets... Bed that in and create a new normal..
A wall of whining, how quaint. Maybe if liberal trash wasn't busy fagging up the country, allowing hordes of illegals in, pushing their green fantasies and fake climate hoaxes we wouldn't need eccentric candidates. Cry more, your fear is hilarious.
Stop being a fool and posting before you have read or understood what you want to criticise .
There is absolutely nothing in my post which conflicts with yours .
Not a single thought .
So off you go , you naughty boy. And also read post 28 carefully
You said he hates Russia, NO HE DOESN'T.

Putin's is not Russia.
You said he hates Russia, NO HE DOESN'T.

Putin's is not Russia.
You are making it up .
Nowhere have I ever said that or anything like it .

He is an intelligent and very smart person and he uses his country ( Billions don't grow on trees) to move step by step away from old communist Russia which he probably liked more when much younger .
The effort to bring Soviet Russia into something approaching a Federation has been colossal and the achievement of centralising a number of regional Mafia type organisations into a functioning whole has been breathtaking .Albeit vicious .
That he now understands the need to slowly create an independent middle class is remarkable and within the BRICS economic and financial framework he will surely develop his own country even further.
With the US sinking beneath the waves he has every chance to complete an amazing life with huge success .

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