Voltron-Scorponok (A.I.): Socialism Venom


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The sci-fi action film Virtuosity starring Russell Crow and Denzel Washington presents the cyber-culture paranoia story of a virtual-reality humanoid monster (Crowe) constructed from the neural patterns of multiple serial killers creating a reign of terror (when it escapes into the 'real world'), prompting a valiant ex-cop (Washington) to deter its anarchy.

The modern world is so immersed in cyber-conveniences (e.g., eTrade, eBay, Facebook, Amazon.com, etc., etc.) that we start to wonder if the vast connected computers on the new global network (i.e., Internet) will literally create a monstrous 'mega-mind' of consumerism/capitalism greed and gluttony.

This is a mock dialogue between Russell Crowe and Denzel Washington about the modernism themes (relevant to globalization and consumerism) in their film Virtuosity.

The dialogue references the modernism symbolic value of the two pop-culture fictional robots Voltron (a monarchy-defender) and Scorponok (a fascist brute).

Such a dialogue I think captures some of the capitalism governance intrigue of our arguably commerce-Machiavellian 'TrumpUSA.'

It's no wonder there are so many A.I. paranoia films out there these days symbolic of modernism 'viruses.'

Will TrumpUSA deify or demonize the capitalism-socialism negotiation debate?


CROWE: I was happy with the way Virtuosity turned out...
WASHINGTON: Yeah, your 'virtual-reality' psycho character was very clever.
CROW: Your valiant-cop character paired nicely --- some nice 'humanism overtones.'
WASHINGTON: There's so much 'cyber-intrigue' now...
CROWE: The Internet is a new marketplace really.
WASHINGTON: Sure, eBay, Amazon, etc., and all kinds of businesses advertise on Facebook.
CROWE: Do you realize how many people carry mobile phones equipped with cameras?
WASHINGTON: Everyone's an amateur photographer; they upload countless snapshots onto Facebook.
CROWE: Facebook has become like a 'pedestrianism magazine.'
WASHINGTON: Right, a real bean-counter's sign of modernism 'traffic.'
CROWE: I don't think there will be another film quite like Virtuosity.
WASHINGTON: I wonder if all the coordinated cyber-consumer activity will raise questions about capitalism.
CROWE: Surely, there will be some kind of 'socialism-backlash.'
WASHINGTON: Meanwhile, I'm sure sci-fi writers will continue to develop ideas regarding 'choreographed IQ.'
CROWE: The two pop-culture fictional giant robots Voltron and Scorponok symbolize 'super-intelligence.'
WASHINGTON: Voltron is pro-democracy, and Scorponok is a fascist, right?
CROWE: Correct. Voltron reminds us that A.I./robots can be friendly, but Scorponok is a terrorist.
WASHINGTON: What would Karl Marx say about Voltron/Scorponok/Facebook?
CROWE: Interesting question, Denzel. I think Marx would say, "Kids love stories about robots!"
WASHINGTON: And McDonald's Happy Meals. Kids love that too. Maybe Voltron will save our soul...
CROWE: I think Virtuosity will be remembered as a film representative of 'modernism anti-socialism.'
WASHINGTON: The Bible says the AntiChrist will rise at the End of Days to test mankind.
CROWE: I bet the AntiChrist will be an Internet-virus or a movie star (or some being corrupting commerce)!
WASHINGTON: We could coordinate storytelling with capitalism paranoia for democratic value...


Voltron and Scorponok:


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