Vote Fraud Allegations Gathers Steam

CivilLiberty said:
I never ever said that there was "no narrative" in reality TV.


I thought you said you prefer narrative film. I thought the "narrative" part was the implied difference. Little did i guess that something as unimportant as the choice of medium would affect your choices so.
jimnyc said:
Typical Spilly, try to lay blame on others. YOU made the claims or inferred them, how about YOU backup what you stated. Or can't you?

Yes, we are ALL laughing at you guys foaming at the mouth for another 4 years.

not this time, jim. you said the exits polls were undepenable. you said they should NOT be relied upon as any kind of a marker. i have presented data that says they are. you also haven't said why we don't abolish them altogether. you are the one who needs to present data or facts that show that they are unreliable, or constantly off the mark. you also haven't explained why this 'problem' occurred in only the battleground states. i can see you see my point but don't want to admit it. it's alright. stay partisan. if you think that's what's good for our country.

spillmind said:
not this time, jim. you said the exits polls were undepenable. you said they should NOT be relied upon as any kind of a marker. i have presented data that says they are. you also haven't said why we don't abolish them altogether. you are the one who needs to present data or facts that show that they are unreliable, or constantly off the mark. you also haven't explained why this 'problem' occurred in only the battleground states. i can see you see my point but don't want to admit it. it's alright. stay partisan. if you think that's what's good for our country.


I'm glad we've accounted for one half of the suicidal foaming liberals! :laugh:

There were quite a few last minute polls that were taken and a few showed Kerry with a large lead. Should we sue them?

Maybe the early exit polls were accurate, and then things turned in Bush's favor. Either way, IT'S A POLL AND NOT CONSIDERED TO BE ANYTHING MORE THAN AN INDICATOR! The votes are all that counts and you have nothing on that.

I told you 8 months ago that Bush would be re-elected. You scoffed. I claimed I would laugh my ass off for 4 more years while whiners like you stew in your own shit.

Well, I'm cracking up! How does the shit feel?
jimnyc said:
I'm glad we've accounted for one half of the suicidal foaming liberals! :laugh:

There were quite a few last minute polls that were taken and a few showed Kerry with a large lead. Should we sue them?

Maybe the early exit polls were accurate, and then things turned in Bush's favor. Either way, IT'S A POLL AND NOT CONSIDERED TO BE ANYTHING MORE THAN AN INDICATOR! The votes are all that counts and you have nothing on that.

I told you 8 months ago that Bush would be re-elected. You scoffed. I claimed I would laugh my ass off for 4 more years while whiners like you stew in your own shit.

Well, I'm cracking up! How does the shit feel?

i can see you are never going to challenge the facts, because you can't. you are going to continue to treat an incredible exceptioin as something commonplace in every election. of course, you won't present any data showing any of this, we are just supposed to rely on your FACTLESS OPINION as gospel. at this point, it's totally pointless to try to debate with you.

you've to taken my attempt at a discussion back to the tenth grade. you were right! something totally shady happened, and after a TERRIBLE presidency, SOMEHOW the touchscreen electronic voting machines amazingly tallied more votes then there were voters and bush won! it doesn't get anymore fair and square is that?! i'll bet you can't name ONE other democracy in the world that has NO PAPER TRAIL. there are documented problems. but the fact is, you just don't care. your boy is in and to hell with how it happened.

you support a farce of a democracy, corrupt politics, and the death of american ideals. for this, i hope you sleep better at night.

a challenge to bush lovers: if you feel so confident about our process, and what went down on nov. 2., i challenge any of you to please present data that shows that exit polls are unreliable and usually off. an please provide an explanation why this only occurred in the battleground states.
spillmind said:
i can see you are never going to challenge the facts, because you can't. you are going to continue to treat an incredible exceptioin as something commonplace in every election. of course, you won't present any data showing any of this, we are just supposed to rely on your FACTLESS OPINION as gospel. at this point, it's totally pointless to try to debate with you.

you've to taken my attempt at a discussion back to the tenth grade. you were right! something totally shady happened, and after a TERRIBLE presidency, SOMEHOW the touchscreen electronic voting machines amazingly tallied more votes then there were voters and bush won! it doesn't get anymore fair and square is that?! i'll bet you can't name ONE other democracy in the world that has NO PAPER TRAIL. there are documented problems. but the fact is, you just don't care. your boy is in and to hell with how it happened.

you support a farce of a democracy, corrupt politics, and the death of american ideals. for this, i hope you sleep better at night.

a challenge to bush lovers: if you feel so confident about our process, and what went down on nov. 2., i challenge any of you to please present data that shows that exit polls are unreliable and usually off. an please provide an explanation why this only occurred in the battleground states.

Does the shit make a *squishy squishy* sound when you move in your seat?

Watching those like you spend their time getting angry about the election and looking for anything they can to explain the reasoning behind a dead party just warms me up inside. I've read stories of those already being seen by shrinks because they can't function in public after Bush won. Do you need a recommendation? I think half of DU can give you one.

Bush won. It's over. Move on. Take a deep breath. Smoke a joint. Relax....

Nevermind, this is too fucking funny! Eat shit and enjoy my boy Bush for 4 more years! :laugh:
it's apparent that you guys can't refute the data, and it's apparent that you won't do any research because the current corrupt events favor your interest.

however if this happened the other way, you'd have all our heads on a stick. would i be banned if i said this thread shows very clearly the two main moderators to be hypocrites?

so save your conspiracy theory tinfoil bullshit and read the data :read: and weep for our country. the people may never see their power over their government again.

i can't figure out what is more disturbing. the fact that we push our joke of a democracy on other people and wonder why they reject it, or the general apathy of the media to address these concerns?

the worst part of it all is that kerry hasn't stood up and said anything to challenge this obvious fraud. i'll concede that you guys were right that he was a spineless piece of shit that was unfit for command!

way to justify corruption for bush!!! :thanks:

i know truth is ringing in all of your collective consciences somewhere, and here's a bit more:

Matthew 7 15-27
15 "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles? 17 So, every sound tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears evil fruit. 18 A sound tree cannot bear evil fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus you will know them by their fruits. 21 "Not every one who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?' 23 And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers.' 24 "Every one then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house upon the rock; 25 and the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. 26 And every one who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house upon the sand; 27 and the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell; and great was the fall of it."
Well well welll!

Spilly boy! Where ya been hiding?

Looks like 4 more years (at least!) of Tinfoil Headgear for you and your Fancy Compadre! BTW, I haven't seen the dumbed-down version of Spilly lately, what happened to him? Did you two break up?

Yep, I remember the good old days when you promised all 'NeoCon Bushies' a severe trouncing in November... what happened, man?

See, this is what happens when you just don't participate in getting your man elected. You and your boyfriend should have been down there organizing parades in San Francisco instead of doing... whatever it is you do.

As far as the rest of this thread goes... I fail to see how any thinking person can take some fucked up polls and make the leap that an election was rigged. Get a life.

You've really got to be reaching to make that conclusion. A couple of extra wraps of Reynolds Wrap will hold that tinfoil tighter, that may help. It will also make you more aerodynamic. :D
All that shit must be stinking up the place, huh spilly?

Do you laugh out loud like I do when you drive down the road and see some schmuck with a Kerry-Edwards bumper sticker?

Do you get the giggles like I do when I hear about those needing to see shrinks after Bush was re-elected?

Do you get tears in your eyes from laughing so hard like I do when I see the nitwits repeating the 'stolen election' rant they used for the past 4 years?

It does my heart good to see you reaching for the conspiracies as usual.

Damn, Spilly, watching you make an ass out of yourself is worth any money I spent on this board! :laugh:
Sir Evil said:
I have always been fair with you and never did ya wrong and now ya got go call me a name, that hurts you fucker! :D

Please refrain from calling him any further names. I believe he is on egg shells and could take himself from the gene pool at any moment. I'd hate to lose the first liberal to grace this board with his inane rants and mind boggling conspiracy theories.

Spilly, get some sleep my good man. It'll do you some good. Maybe sleep the whole 4 years away and you can wake up and make believe it was all just a bad nightmare. If you visit your local clinic, they might just help you with a comfy white jacket and some magic pills to assist you.
Sir Evil said:
I have always been fair with you and never did ya wrong and now ya got go call me a name, that hurts you fucker! :D

I feel your pain, SE. I really do.

Indeed! I, too, have suffered undeserved barbs at the hands of Spilly... when all along I only had his best interests at heart.

The ungrateful whelp!
dilloduck said:
So is there a leader that you could suggest to us?

Our nation is full of good, competent leaders. But there seems to be something about our political process that either restrains them from stepping forward or getting involved in the political process.

Jack Welsh was a terrific leader as head of GE. And Phil Condit of Boeing also retired recently. Either one would make a better leader than who we have now.

More realistically, a President needs to be or have been either a Senator, Governor, of Vice President of the US. Today, I don't see a viable candidate that inspires confidence. Once removed from the political machine though, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

And perhaps that's the problem - the good, talented leaders go to the "smart" place - corporate America. To make it in politics, you need to make a huge personal sacrifice and enter the world of public service, develop political credentials, etc.

To make it through that process, you have to have a certain thirst for power - I don't think a purely altruistic person would also possess the personality to strive in the political world.


NightTrain said:
Well well welll!

Spilly boy! Where ya been hiding?

Looks like 4 more years (at least!) of Tinfoil Headgear for you and your Fancy Compadre! BTW, I haven't seen the dumbed-down version of Spilly lately, what happened to him? Did you two break up?

Yep, I remember the good old days when you promised all 'NeoCon Bushies' a severe trouncing in November... what happened, man?

See, this is what happens when you just don't participate in getting your man elected. You and your boyfriend should have been down there organizing parades in San Francisco instead of doing... whatever it is you do.

As far as the rest of this thread goes... I fail to see how any thinking person can take some fucked up polls and make the leap that an election was rigged. Get a life.

You've really got to be reaching to make that conclusion. A couple of extra wraps of Reynolds Wrap will hold that tinfoil tighter, that may help. It will also make you more aerodynamic. :D

you currently wear or once recently sported a mullet. nuff said.
jimnyc said:
All that shit must be stinking up the place, huh spilly?

Do you laugh out loud like I do when you drive down the road and see some schmuck with a Kerry-Edwards bumper sticker?

Do you get the giggles like I do when I hear about those needing to see shrinks after Bush was re-elected?

Do you get tears in your eyes from laughing so hard like I do when I see the nitwits repeating the 'stolen election' rant they used for the past 4 years?

It does my heart good to see you reaching for the conspiracies as usual.

Damn, Spilly, watching you make an ass out of yourself is worth any money I spent on this board! :laugh:

watching you act like a third grader is depressing, but not in the least surprising.
Sir Evil said:
That's out of line Spilly! So we are hypocrites? I have said many times had Kerry won that I would be disappointed but that would be about that, I certainly wouldn't be scouring the net to come up with some bullshit theory as to why!

the difference you are seeing is the average conservative here stacked next to a few left wing dings who can accept Bush won, and simply nothing more!

I have always been fair with you and never did ya wrong and now ya got go call me a name, that hurts you fucker! :D

if one of you cronies here were to come up with something. and i'd bet my paycheck they would. they would not move on, and neither would you, old friend.
jimnyc said:
Please refrain from calling him any further names. I believe he is on egg shells and could take himself from the gene pool at any moment. I'd hate to lose the first liberal to grace this board with his inane rants and mind boggling conspiracy theories.

Spilly, get some sleep my good man. It'll do you some good. Maybe sleep the whole 4 years away and you can wake up and make believe it was all just a bad nightmare. If you visit your local clinic, they might just help you with a comfy white jacket and some magic pills to assist you.

huh? when all else fails, smear your enemy and make them out to be losers! that is the bushco. way. bravo. :clap:

i bet you feel much better about yourself after this riveting display.
spillmind said:
you currently wear or once recently sported a mullet. nuff said.

Owww! That cuts, Spilly, it really does. :cry:

I still don't know where you get that mullet bit, I had one back in the day in highschool when all of us young cool hetero studs did. But you've never seen a pic of that!

What does that have to do with what I posted to you? That cuts deep, man. It really does. :cry: :cry: :cry:
since all the bush lovers/america haters have totally abondoned the thread topic for lack of factual evidence supporting their claims, i've given up the debate and resorted to a tangent of my own.

Sir Evil said:
your wrong Spilly! Like I said, I would of been dissapointed about Kerry winning but would of supported him as I am an American, not a right wing nut job!
I could care less what others think about my way but I have said several times that I am far from leaning way to the right, conservative yes! I know my postion and I make it clear, you do as well and I respect you for that! never once have I claimed you to be anything more than what your posts represent, give me the same respect and perhaps some others here and you will find that we are not all that psychotically leaning right! :D

fair enough. i trust what you say. my humble apologies.

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