Voters punished Biden for problems he didn't cause and effectively addressed

Because nothing. I asked what Trump was going to do about inflation and you said it was fixed at 2.1%
Because--you-- argued that the current rate of 2.1% was normal and did not need addressed -- that it had been fixed and thus should not be an issue for the election.

You need to save your talking pint handouts so you have some hope of remembering what you said.
Because--you-- argued that the current rate of 2.1% was normal and did not need addressed -- that it had been fixed and thus should not be an issue for the election.

You need to save your talking pint handouts so you have some hope of remembering what you said.
Does 2.1.% inflation need to be fixed?

How is Trump going to do that?
‘In what will be a generous gift to his successor, President Joe Biden beat inflation, brought down gas prices, created millions of jobs, spurred strong growth, boosted retirement savings and revived American manufacturing — just in time for Donald Trump to take credit for all of it.

Any objective assessment of Biden’s tenure would show him to have been a highly successful president, especially on economics (even if no president can actually bring down the price of gas all by himself). The fact that he is widely viewed as a failure shows just how warped our political and informational systems are.

In the inevitable circular firing squad Democrats and progressives are now assembling, one of the most prominent criticisms is that the party plays too much to its highly educated base, and if it wants to succeed then it must reconnect with working-class voters. As Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., said Wednesday, “It should come as no great surprise that a Democratic Party which has abandoned working-class people would find that the working class has abandoned them.”

Yet, far from “abandoning” working-class people, Biden’s has been the most economically populist presidency in decades, probably since FDR’s. He was the first president to walk a picket line, with striking autoworkers. His labor record has been exemplary: He banned noncompete agreements for most workers, expanded overtime pay and saved the pensions of hundreds of thousands of workers. The Federal Trade Commission is finally attacking monopoly power. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which all but lay fallow under Trump, is protecting consumers again. The bills he signed have begun a manufacturing boom, focused purposefully on jobs that don’t require college degrees.’

President Biden, yet another Democratic president who cleaned up yet another Republican mess.

Trump inherited a strong economy from President Obama – a strong economy Trump managed to run into the ground.

Trump again inherits a strong economy from President Biden – which Trump will likely run into the ground.
Harris lost because she could not think of one thing she would have done differently than Biden. She came off as insincere, no future plan for America, no imagination, she needed to define herself, be Harris, not another establishment politician. She needed to tell the American people why they needed to vote for her and not against Trump. She never defined herself, as to why we needed to vote for her. She started out great, the hope, the change, the plan but when she began increasing the negative hate Trump, which played well to her base but Americans wanted answers to issues.

She had no real plan for helping Americans realize their dreams, we went from needing $75,000 a year income to purchase a home to over $120,000 a year to buy a new home, Harris’ answer was to shell out a $25,000 tax credit, which we all know well that would increase housing prices. Trump had an answer and it made sense, bring the cost of energy down to bring the cost of goods down. First time home buyers were only 24% of the market, that is the lowest percentage ever, the dream was gone and no answers from Harris.

Play the blame game, much like Hillary, she did not have a plan. Biden was more likable, defined himself and got his message across, Harris was not Trump and that was all she had.
Harris lost because she could not think of one thing she would have done differently than Biden. She came off as insincere, no future plan for America, no imagination, she needed to define herself, be Harris, not another establishment politician. She needed to tell the American people why they needed to vote for her and not against Trump. She never defined herself, as to why we needed to vote for her. She started out great, the hope, the change, the plan but when she began increasing the negative hate Trump, which played well to her base but Americans wanted answers to issues.

Actually, she lost because Hispanic and Asian Men wouldn't vote for a woman. Trump did worse with white people this time out and blaks were more or less a wash. It's pretty much like Jews voting for Hitler, but there you are.

Harris lost because she could not think of one thing she would have done differently than Biden. She came off as insincere, no future plan for America, no imagination, she needed to define herself, be Harris, not another establishment politician. She needed to tell the American people why they needed to vote for her and not against Trump. She never defined herself, as to why we needed to vote for her. She started out great, the hope, the change, the plan but when she began increasing the negative hate Trump, which played well to her base but Americans wanted answers to issues.

She had no real plan for helping Americans realize their dreams, we went from needing $75,000 a year income to purchase a home to over $120,000 a year to buy a new home, Harris’ answer was to shell out a $25,000 tax credit, which we all know well that would increase housing prices. Trump had an answer and it made sense, bring the cost of energy down to bring the cost of goods down. First time home buyers were only 24% of the market, that is the lowest percentage ever, the dream was gone and no answers from Harris.

Play the blame game, much like Hillary, she did not have a plan. Biden was more likable, defined himself and got his message across, Harris was not Trump and that was all she had.
All of that on Harris… yet other than “I’ll fix it all”… where did Trump do any of that?
All of that on Harris… yet other than “I’ll fix it all”… where did Trump do any of that?
Trump never told the American people why they needed to vote for him and not against Harris?
He never defined himself as to why we needed to vote -for- him?

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
All of that on Harris… yet other than “I’ll fix it all”… where did Trump do any of that?
He didn’t but they perceived Trump as an outsider, they viewed Trump as change. When Harris said she would not change anything that Biden had done, she lost.

Her supporters did not have any reason to vote for her. That is why 11,000,000 people less went to the polls in 2024 than in 2020, Trumps numbers tracked pretty close to the same as in 2020.

She gave tons of reasons to not vote for Trump and I agreed with some, but I asked and I read. Why should l have voted FOR Harris, I asked that question several times on this board, why should I vote FOR the answer was basically because of Trump. I was given no reason for either candidate and went third party.

He didn’t but they perceived Trump as an outsider, they viewed Trump as change. When Harris said she would not change anything that Biden had done, she lost.

Her supporters did not have any reason to vote for her. That is why 11,000,000 people less went to the polls in 2024 than in 2020, Trumps numbers tracked pretty close to the same as in 2020.

She gave tons of reasons to not vote for Trump and I agreed with some, but I asked and I read. Why should l have voted FOR Harris, I asked that question several times on this board, why should I vote FOR the answer was basically because of Trump. I was given no reason for either candidate and went third party.

He didn’t

Nuff said

Specious criticism then
Trump never told the American people why they needed to vote for him and not against Harris?
He never defined himself as to why we needed to vote -for- him?

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Did what he had to say have anything to do with what papa criticized Harrisfor?


Her supporters did not have any reason to vote for her. That is why 11,000,000 people less went to the polls in 2024 than in 2020, Trumps numbers tracked pretty close to the same as in 2020.

She gave tons of reasons to not vote for Trump and I agreed with some, but I asked and I read. Why should l have voted FOR Harris, I asked that question several times on this board, why should I vote FOR the answer was basically because of Trump. I was given no reason for either candidate and went third party.

So you pissed away your vote and you are very proud of yourself.

The total is not going to be 11 million less. The final number will probably be closer to 5 million after all the CA votes are counted. (Why it takes them a week to count all the votes, who knows)

The thing here is that the reason why so many people didn't bother this time is that if you lived in one of the 43 states that weren't in play, voting was barely worth the effort.

2020 had a higher participation rate because Covid, riots, and recession lit a fire under people's asses.

This time, people watched the Democrats shoot themselves in the foot and just resigned themselves to another Trump term he probably won't live through.
People that fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.

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