Voters will crawl on their belly through glass to vote for Trump now.

Biden ran in 2020 on a campaign theme of uniting the country. Instead, for four years now, he has done everything he could to divide us. This is Trump's chance to claim he wants to unite the country.
Uniting the country isn't possible. This is Trump’s chance to run on defeating the enemy wherever they are found.

Trump quote
They aren't after me. They are after you. I'm just standing in the way.

Now we know what that means.
People DIED. It's not the time or place to joke about it

Yes, I was referring to his personal plight and I wasn't aware of the other person who died which is why I added the update.

When Reagan was almost assassinated one of his detail I believe suffered from permanent brain damage. He died years later and it was deemed a homicide because they linked the brain damage to his death.

Reagan still found a joke or two which made him more popular and helped the country heal.

Trump has to be respectful to those who died, this is what makes it different. He can still bring some calm to the situation, though it won't be as easy to do in this instance and in this hyper radical political climate.
People DIED.

Corey Comperatore, former volunteer fire chief, husband and father...

He'll blow it...

Biden didn't do anything, this was all Trump with the division
The left have been foaming division before Trump even entered the picture. Biden said he would unite the country but the fact is, he thought just by winning in 2020 the country would be united and he has spent the last four years purposely dividing the country.
It's an idiotic phrase.

The guy who tried to shoot him yesterday was a Republican.
You actually don't know that. His father was a registered Republican, his mother is registered as a Democrat. Although he was registered as a Republican he has been involved with the deep blue and may have only registered as a Republican to vote in the primaries against Trump.
No, it did not. This does not change who he is or is views

They exposed, once again, the gas lighting by the MSM. Their credibility is further shot.

"Wait, I was told he was the evil one who will have us all shot or in prison".

They see a man get shot and stand up, address the crowd, his people. His American Patriots.

He is going to get an extended boost that will remain until the November election.
The belly crawlers through glass are just the same people. Donnie's new tough guy posters won't win anyone over that didn't like him before.

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