Wagenknecht: Merkel bears responsibility for terrorist attacks


Nov 14, 2012

Party leader of Germany´s largest leftist party, DIE LINKE, Sahra Wagenknecht, said that Merkel bears a responsibility for terrorist attacks in Germany. The combination of complicity in the US´ oil-wars, that gave birth to ISIS and made it strong, the open borders and the underfunded security bodies makes attacks like in Berlin possible, according Wagenknecht. Germany must not be subordinate to US hegemony, she stressed previously.
She also noted that Merkel´s policy led to the rise of the AfD.

"Es gibt eine Mitverantwortung": Wagenknecht: Merkel mitschuldig an Attentat
Further right than Merkel means the Nazis will win.
Paranoia. Actually, further right than Merkel means right. Can´t you see those lunatics shoveling more foreigners into western countries like crazy?
I am going to Syria, soon. All Syrian criminals and islamists are either dead or in Germany.

Party leader of Germany´s largest leftist party, DIE LINKE, Sahra Wagenknecht, said that Merkel bears a responsibility for terrorist attacks in Germany. The combination of complicity in the US´ oil-wars, that gave birth to ISIS and made it strong, the open borders and the underfunded security bodies makes attacks like in Berlin possible, according Wagenknecht. Germany must not be subordinate to US hegemony, she stressed previously.
She also noted that Merkel´s policy led to the rise of the AfD.

"Es gibt eine Mitverantwortung": Wagenknecht: Merkel mitschuldig an Attentat
Merkel should be tried as a traitor to Germany.

Party leader of Germany´s largest leftist party, DIE LINKE, Sahra Wagenknecht, said that Merkel bears a responsibility for terrorist attacks in Germany. The combination of complicity in the US´ oil-wars, that gave birth to ISIS and made it strong, the open borders and the underfunded security bodies makes attacks like in Berlin possible, according Wagenknecht. Germany must not be subordinate to US hegemony, she stressed previously.
She also noted that Merkel´s policy led to the rise of the AfD.

"Es gibt eine Mitverantwortung": Wagenknecht: Merkel mitschuldig an Attentat
Merkel should be tried as a traitor to Germany.
It is easy to focus on Merkel but any other Chancellor of the cartel parties would act equally.
Of course, there are more but what is your point?

There are no others to the right of the CDU that I know of. The CDU is pretty right-wing. It's as right-wing as Forza Italia (Berlusconi's Party). Forza Italia is almost at the corporate state (Fascist) level in Italy.
There are plenty such as DVU, Republikaner, Pro (Pro Köln, NRW, Deutschland), Die Rechte.
And CDU is not "right wing". They are center-right, officially. In reality, there is no difference between a CDU-FDP government and a SPD-Green government.

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