Wake-Up Call

Do I really have explain to you that decent people don't want to endanger those around us? You see, if I were to get sick and infect my wife, clients or coworkers I would feel bad about that. Do you seriously not understand?
We understand weapons grade virtue signalling just fine.

Why do you not understand that you've been had, to the point that you're a useful idiot for BigPharm and it's technocratic lackeys?


How many times have I reminded you that history is a prankster? Who would have guessed that Canada, demure, inoffensive, shrinking violet among nations, would rise to lead a world-wide revolt against the Satanic dominion of digital neo-Bolshevism? I mean, what else can you call it — this political Saint Vitus Dance sweeping Western Civ that seeks to destroy every constitutional liberty, deprive citizens of life, property, and even language, and reduce every individual to an internet-surveilled and controlled automaton… this global megalomaniacal mental illness posturing as “government?”

Well, now it has happened, and the head of Canada’s government, Justin Trudeau — arguably the most fatuous would-be tyrant in the former “Free World” — has failed to emerge from his hidey-hole for the better part of a week, perhaps afraid of seeing his shadow like the groundhog of legend, and it begins to look as if his days as Prime Minister grow short. It’s rumored that the Canadian military told Mr. Trudeau in plain un-Woke Canadian English to fuck-off, they will not take orders to put down the truckers’ protest, and even the Mounties are wobbling, so it’s left to the Ottawa police, who threaten to arrest anyone aiding the truckers with food, water, and fuel. Wait and see how quickly that will turn to fighting in the streets. Constitutional crisis, ay?

Meanwhile, a dozen or so other members of the Western Civ Club of Nations are ditching their Covid-19 mandates and restrictions. The reason: despite the mighty forces of deliberate organized mind-fuckery and resulting mass delusion, the Covid-19 “vaccines” are finally revealed as a criminal fraud, a danger to all who submitted to them, and an insult to the age-old accrued intelligence of the human race as used-to-be represented by science, ethics, and law.

And still, America’s own putative leader, the empty suit known as “Joe Biden,” had the temerity to go on TV last week and once again tell his sore-beset people to “get vaccinated… get your kids vaccinated!” Who does he think he’s speaking to? The counter-information to Tony Fauci’s criminal bullshit is flooding the zone, despite America’s sinister Intel Community attempting to control the captured and discredited legacy news media.

Boosters ....ya need boosters to protect you from White supremacy and the Russians
Rant all you like but you will tow the line eventually or the country will never get out if it and all the conspiracy theorists and government haters are to blame.
Do I really have explain to you that decent people don't want to endanger those around us? You see, if I were to get sick and infect my wife, clients or coworkers I would feel bad about that. Do you seriously not understand?
I understand that everything you have just written has been categorically been disproved by studies and research, and you need to believe that, still, to justify all of the behaviors you have taken up to this point. . . mostly because of your world view. It is time to rethink your life.

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I understand that everything you have just written has been categorically been disproved by studies and research, and you need to believe that, still, to justify all of the behaviors you have taken up to this point. . . mostly because of your world view. It is time to rethink your life.

View attachment 598472
I've had a lot of vaccinations and I have never been sick a day in my life. Maybe you are fragile in some way? Allergic to needles? Who gives a fuck? My entire life has been one toxin after another and I am building houses nearly sixty. What's a shot? It's nothing. Be a man and treat it like the minor momentary inconvenience it really is.
I've had a lot of vaccinations and I have never been sick a day in my life. Maybe you are fragile in some way? Allergic to needles? Who gives a fuck? My entire life has been one toxin after another and I am building houses nearly sixty. What's a shot? It's nothing. Be a man and treat it like the minor momentary inconvenience it really is.
I've had a lot of vaccinations and I have never been sick a day in my life. Maybe you are fragile in some way? Allergic to needles? Who gives a fuck? My entire life has been one toxin after another and I am building houses nearly sixty. What's a shot? It's nothing. Be a man and treat it like the minor momentary inconvenience it really is.
I don't give a shit about the shots.

I care about the vaccine passports. :rolleyes:

Naomi Wolf - Why Vaccine Passports Equal Slavery Forever​

Your ignorance of history is disgusting.

I mean, that is how fascist Germany literally got started, by issuing HEALTH PASSES, and confiscating the arms of people it thought were a threat to it's rule. :rolleyes:


Nazi Germany gesundheitspass (health pass)

The parallel between COVID vaccine passports and Nazi Germany​

". . . . In 1940s Germany, the Main Office for Public Health of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party issued a health passport known as the gesundheitspass (health card. bill of health. health pass) to allegedly track the health of the German people. In reality, these passports became one of the many tools used by the Nazi Party to identify and weed out non-Aryans.

While we haven’t seen anything like the atrocities that occurred in Nazi Germany — at least, not yet — there are striking parallels between how Hitler used health passes to control the Jews and how our government wants to use COVID passports to control Americans.

Government constantly assures us that COVID vaccine passports will protect our private information, but the reality is that they will make the names, phone numbers, and locations of people easily available to the government — in real-time if digital — and that will give government everything it needs to eventually create a “social credit system.”

Tech industry experts tell us that the digital platform used to support vaccine passports is the same platform used in China’s “social credit system.“ Some of the areas tracked in real time by China are (via New Horizons):

  • Medical history
  • Social media posts and internet search history
  • Bank accounts and credit cards
  • Residence, employment, and criminal history
  • Relationships and religious activities
  • Political activity
Once obtained, this information is fed to a central database to create a “social credit score” used to reward or punish citizens. Those with a high score are able to participate freely in society while those with a low score are prohibited from traveling, borrowing money, keep a job, or even get their children into school.

Government and the technocrats working to push COVID vaccine passports claim they can completely protect privacy, but as we know all-too-well post-9/11, protecting privacy is secondary to government’s insatiable need for power over our daily lives — a reality made worse in the age of COVID tyranny we find ourselves living in.

This means that despite government assurances that COVID vaccine passports will only be used to track compliance, they can easily be used to create a China-styled social credit system since they both use the same platform.

Biden continues to claim that vaccine passport mandates are off the table, but a division within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Federal Health IT Coordinating Council) recently predicted that “vaccine credentials” will become a “de facto requirement” to participate in ordinary activities.

I don't give a shit about the shots.

I care about the vaccine passports. :rolleyes:

Naomi Wolf - Why Vaccine Passports Equal Slavery Forever​

Your ignorance of history is disgusting.

I mean, that is how fascist Germany literally got started, by issuing HEALTH PASSES, and confiscating the arms of people it thought were a threat to it's rule. :rolleyes:


Nazi Germany gesundheitspass (health pass)

The parallel between COVID vaccine passports and Nazi Germany​

". . . . In 1940s Germany, the Main Office for Public Health of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party issued a health passport known as the gesundheitspass (health card. bill of health. health pass) to allegedly track the health of the German people. In reality, these passports became one of the many tools used by the Nazi Party to identify and weed out non-Aryans.

While we haven’t seen anything like the atrocities that occurred in Nazi Germany — at least, not yet — there are striking parallels between how Hitler used health passes to control the Jews and how our government wants to use COVID passports to control Americans.

Government constantly assures us that COVID vaccine passports will protect our private information, but the reality is that they will make the names, phone numbers, and locations of people easily available to the government — in real-time if digital — and that will give government everything it needs to eventually create a “social credit system.”

Tech industry experts tell us that the digital platform used to support vaccine passports is the same platform used in China’s “social credit system.“ Some of the areas tracked in real time by China are (via New Horizons):

  • Medical history
  • Social media posts and internet search history
  • Bank accounts and credit cards
  • Residence, employment, and criminal history
  • Relationships and religious activities
  • Political activity
Once obtained, this information is fed to a central database to create a “social credit score” used to reward or punish citizens. Those with a high score are able to participate freely in society while those with a low score are prohibited from traveling, borrowing money, keep a job, or even get their children into school.

Government and the technocrats working to push COVID vaccine passports claim they can completely protect privacy, but as we know all-too-well post-9/11, protecting privacy is secondary to government’s insatiable need for power over our daily lives — a reality made worse in the age of COVID tyranny we find ourselves living in.

This means that despite government assurances that COVID vaccine passports will only be used to track compliance, they can easily be used to create a China-styled social credit system since they both use the same platform.

Biden continues to claim that vaccine passport mandates are off the table, but a division within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Federal Health IT Coordinating Council) recently predicted that “vaccine credentials” will become a “de facto requirement” to participate in ordinary activities.

Even if this bullshit were likely to happen what is the benefit to remaining unvaccinated? You don't care about the shot? OK then get it and spare yourself a bunch of unnecessary hassle. Pick your battles wisely and you won't end up dying on pointless hills.
I knew you wouldn't get it.
I'll get jabbed when the World Economic Forum dissolves the smart cities and gives up on their "New Normal," and 4th industrial revolution plans. . . til then? They can fuck off. It is apparent I am needed here.
I'll get jabbed when the World Economic Forum dissolves the smart cities and gives up on their "New Normal," and 4th industrial revolution plans. . . til then? They can fuck off. It is apparent I am needed here.
I made the decision long ago to live as if I reside in a free country. So far it's been true because I do whatever I want and no one says any different. Why are you so oppressed? Where did you fuck up in your life that you have to blame the world economic forum? You are about 80% responsible for your own troubles. Fix your own shit and then worry about the other 20%.
The question of the usefulness of any action that may have been made by the government is debatable but the government absolutely has the power to do what it did. Having never had to deal with a world-wide pandemic it's clear many people never thought about the possibility at all. After all they always find the magic bullet at the end of the movie. Crisis averted and the world is saved.
Masketeerrorist Jabberwackos

The Glowbully governments created the crisis with their planned-panic panDEMic. If they had let things alone, the cronyvirus would have soon died out on its own outside China as it did within China (only 4,000 deaths. Even those were really caused by old age or extremely rare immune deficiencies). It would have repeated the pattern of Ebola, which fizzled as soon as it got outside of the pristine but toxic air of the jungle.
Masketeerrorist Jabberwackos

The Glowbully governments the crisis with their planned-panic panDEMic. If they had let things alone, the cronyvirus would have soon died out on its own outside China as it did within China (only 4,000 deaths. Even those were really caused by old age or extremely rare immune deficiencies). It would have repeated the pattern of Ebola, which fizzled as soon as it got outside of the pristine toxic air of the jungle.
Parts of China endured the most draconian lockdowns the world has ever seen. They bought the world a month to get ready.
I understand that everything you have just written has been categorically been disproved by studies and research, and you need to believe that, still, to justify all of the behaviors you have taken up to this point. . . mostly because of your world view. It is time to rethink your life.

View attachment 598472
Better still. Show the studies which prove your point. I know you can't and you are a liar.
Get that up ya.
I made the decision long ago to live as if I reside in a free country. So far it's been true because I do whatever I want and no one says any different. Why are you so oppressed? Where did you fuck up in your life that you have to blame the world economic forum? You are about 80% responsible for your own troubles. Fix your own shit and then worry about the other 20%.

You don't know me, AT ALL.

Way to make this personal. . . is that all you have left?

This isn't about me, it is about future generations.

You are in denial of what the hell is going on. Never mind, I can't reason with you. I have already proved what the global agenda is, the requirement of people to have electronic devices and electronic papers and a social credit system to move around and live. . . you just don't like what I am telling you, and are in denial of it.
I've had a lot of vaccinations and I have never been sick a day in my life. Maybe you are fragile in some way? Allergic to needles? Who gives a fuck? My entire life has been one toxin after another and I am building houses nearly sixty. What's a shot? It's nothing. Be a man and treat it like the minor momentary inconvenience it really is.

You're actually a coward and a fag who let them inject you with a vaxxx that isn't even a vaxx ....and doesn't even work



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