Want to see the clearest example of our f*cked up Justice System? Watch "Making a Murderer"

I saw this series in toto. It's horrific. It shows you that our justice system is corrupt.

I think the worst part of the entire thing, if you had to focus on just one thing, was the way the defense lawyers and prosecution set the nephew up knowing he was a little off without his lawyer present, without moms permission and just talked him into circles until he didnt know which way was up.

Sad shit, but once they believe you are guilty it shows they will make sure to make everything go in that one direction whether you're innocent or not

Hey....that last paragraph ClosedCaption wrote^^^ It is exactly what the media and BLM does to all cops. Sucks...doesn't it CC?
When cops refuse to police their own, this kind of crap ensues.

Mmmay. When that is actually happening we'll talk. As of now....0.5% of cops are bad. A number that's smaller than any other walk of life outside the military. All you carpenters and plumbers and accountants need to police your coworkers better.

And out of those .05% cops that are bad they are surrounded by other cops who turn their head to their crimes.
That's exactly what happened in the Avery case.
I saw this series in toto. It's horrific. It shows you that our justice system is corrupt.

I think the worst part of the entire thing, if you had to focus on just one thing, was the way the defense lawyers and prosecution set the nephew up knowing he was a little off without his lawyer present, without moms permission and just talked him into circles until he didnt know which way was up.

Sad shit, but once they believe you are guilty it shows they will make sure to make everything go in that one direction whether you're innocent or not

Hey....that last paragraph ClosedCaption wrote^^^ It is exactly what the media and BLM does to all cops. Sucks...doesn't it CC?
When cops refuse to police their own, this kind of crap ensues.

Mmmay. When that is actually happening we'll talk. As of now....0.5% of cops are bad. A number that's smaller than any other walk of life outside the military. All you carpenters and plumbers and accountants need to police your coworkers better.

And out of those .05% cops that are bad they are surrounded by other cops who turn their head to their crimes.
As well as the corrupt prosecutors and judges.
I saw this series in toto. It's horrific. It shows you that our justice system is corrupt.

I think the worst part of the entire thing, if you had to focus on just one thing, was the way the defense lawyers and prosecution set the nephew up knowing he was a little off without his lawyer present, without moms permission and just talked him into circles until he didnt know which way was up.

Sad shit, but once they believe you are guilty it shows they will make sure to make everything go in that one direction whether you're innocent or not

Hey....that last paragraph ClosedCaption wrote^^^ It is exactly what the media and BLM does to all cops. Sucks...doesn't it CC?
When cops refuse to police their own, this kind of crap ensues.

Mmmay. When that is actually happening we'll talk. As of now....0.5% of cops are bad. A number that's smaller than any other walk of life outside the military. All you carpenters and plumbers and accountants need to police your coworkers better.

And out of those .05% cops that are bad they are surrounded by other cops who turn their head to their crimes.

Haha nope. Think about it. Criminals do crimes when no one is watching. Same as a criminal cop. Almost none of his peers will see him doing it (que the liberal survey of anonymous cops saying they all see it).

So ClosedCaption....do you know what crimes your neighbor is committing? Why are you covering for the child molester who works with you? Oh.....you didn't know he was doing it huh?
Oh for petes sake. Watch the documentary so you have something intelligent to comment on this topic, which is quite specific to an obvious case of injustice.
I think the worst part of the entire thing, if you had to focus on just one thing, was the way the defense lawyers and prosecution set the nephew up knowing he was a little off without his lawyer present, without moms permission and just talked him into circles until he didnt know which way was up.

Sad shit, but once they believe you are guilty it shows they will make sure to make everything go in that one direction whether you're innocent or not

Hey....that last paragraph ClosedCaption wrote^^^ It is exactly what the media and BLM does to all cops. Sucks...doesn't it CC?
When cops refuse to police their own, this kind of crap ensues.

Mmmay. When that is actually happening we'll talk. As of now....0.5% of cops are bad. A number that's smaller than any other walk of life outside the military. All you carpenters and plumbers and accountants need to police your coworkers better.

And out of those .05% cops that are bad they are surrounded by other cops who turn their head to their crimes.

Haha nope. Think about it. Criminals do crimes when no one is watching. Same as a criminal cop. Almost none of his peers will see him doing it (que the liberal survey of anonymous cops saying they all see it).

So ClosedCaption....do you know what crimes your neighbor is committing? Why are you covering for the child molester who works with you? Oh.....you didn't know he was doing it huh?
Who do you think you are accusing anyone of covering up a crime, especially one of child molestation. This thread is about ONE case of failed justice. You are off topic AND rude..

In summation:
To briefly recap, Making a Murderer is the culmination of a decade of work by the project’s creators, Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos, whoexhaustively chronicled the horrifying story of Steven Avery and his nephew Brendan Dassey. The two Wisconsin natives were accused of raping and killing Teresa Halbach, a young woman who had come to take pictures of Avery’s car for AutoTrader magazine. Steven Avery was supposedly the last person to see her alive, and his nephew eventually confesses that he and his uncle raped, tortured, and killed her, burning her body in the fire pit directly outside the house.

If that sounds relatively clear-cut, you’re in for quite a ride. As it happens, Avery just finished 18 years of a prison sentence for a crime he was exonerated from by DNA evidence. Now, as his $36M lawsuit begins against the county, he’s suddenly being accused of a brutal murder, and the same people who railroaded him the first time are deeply involved with the new case.

Now if you're a fan of courtroom drama, documentaries or just a human life period....Watch this series. Its the most clear cut example of police / lawyer / Justice system collusion every caught on camera. In depth and seriously unbelievable.

If you've seen it...what do you think?

This is not surprising at all. Mike Nifong is the most public example of a politically minded DA violating peoples Rights.

And you all want to disarm the public. What morons you all are.
Hey....that last paragraph ClosedCaption wrote^^^ It is exactly what the media and BLM does to all cops. Sucks...doesn't it CC?
When cops refuse to police their own, this kind of crap ensues.

Mmmay. When that is actually happening we'll talk. As of now....0.5% of cops are bad. A number that's smaller than any other walk of life outside the military. All you carpenters and plumbers and accountants need to police your coworkers better.

And out of those .05% cops that are bad they are surrounded by other cops who turn their head to their crimes.

Haha nope. Think about it. Criminals do crimes when no one is watching. Same as a criminal cop. Almost none of his peers will see him doing it (que the liberal survey of anonymous cops saying they all see it).

So ClosedCaption....do you know what crimes your neighbor is committing? Why are you covering for the child molester who works with you? Oh.....you didn't know he was doing it huh?
Who do you think you are accusing anyone of covering up a crime, especially one of child molestation. This thread is about ONE case of failed justice. You are off topic AND rude..

Holding people accountable. If a coworker or neighbor of yours committed a crime you have to know about it and you must immediately report them. Right?
When cops refuse to police their own, this kind of crap ensues.

Mmmay. When that is actually happening we'll talk. As of now....0.5% of cops are bad. A number that's smaller than any other walk of life outside the military. All you carpenters and plumbers and accountants need to police your coworkers better.

And out of those .05% cops that are bad they are surrounded by other cops who turn their head to their crimes.

Haha nope. Think about it. Criminals do crimes when no one is watching. Same as a criminal cop. Almost none of his peers will see him doing it (que the liberal survey of anonymous cops saying they all see it).

So ClosedCaption....do you know what crimes your neighbor is committing? Why are you covering for the child molester who works with you? Oh.....you didn't know he was doing it huh?
Who do you think you are accusing anyone of covering up a crime, especially one of child molestation. This thread is about ONE case of failed justice. You are off topic AND rude..

Holding people accountable. If a coworker or neighbor of yours committed a crime you have to know about it and you must immediately report them. Right?
Again, you haven't even watched this documentary. Get back to the topic.
We're discussing the Avery case. YOU're off topic, bucs.

Not really. I used an example to point out the stupid statement of ClosedCaption on this case...saying how if they think you're guilty they come after you hard. Well....YEAH....that's their job.

Didn't they find a bullet in the suspects garage floor...with the victims DNA on it? And the defendants blood on her car keys and in her car? And....well....the jury already heard it.

In summation:
To briefly recap, Making a Murderer is the culmination of a decade of work by the project’s creators, Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos, whoexhaustively chronicled the horrifying story of Steven Avery and his nephew Brendan Dassey. The two Wisconsin natives were accused of raping and killing Teresa Halbach, a young woman who had come to take pictures of Avery’s car for AutoTrader magazine. Steven Avery was supposedly the last person to see her alive, and his nephew eventually confesses that he and his uncle raped, tortured, and killed her, burning her body in the fire pit directly outside the house.

If that sounds relatively clear-cut, you’re in for quite a ride. As it happens, Avery just finished 18 years of a prison sentence for a crime he was exonerated from by DNA evidence. Now, as his $36M lawsuit begins against the county, he’s suddenly being accused of a brutal murder, and the same people who railroaded him the first time are deeply involved with the new case.

Now if you're a fan of courtroom drama, documentaries or just a human life period....Watch this series. Its the most clear cut example of police / lawyer / Justice system collusion every caught on camera. In depth and seriously unbelievable.

If you've seen it...what do you think?

This is not surprising at all. Mike Nifong is the most public example of a politically minded DA violating peoples Rights.

And you all want to disarm the public. What morons you all are.

No one wants that. You remind me of those fat girl posts that start "People say I'm fat but I'm beautiful" just playing the victim right out the gate

In summation:
To briefly recap, Making a Murderer is the culmination of a decade of work by the project’s creators, Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos, whoexhaustively chronicled the horrifying story of Steven Avery and his nephew Brendan Dassey. The two Wisconsin natives were accused of raping and killing Teresa Halbach, a young woman who had come to take pictures of Avery’s car for AutoTrader magazine. Steven Avery was supposedly the last person to see her alive, and his nephew eventually confesses that he and his uncle raped, tortured, and killed her, burning her body in the fire pit directly outside the house.

If that sounds relatively clear-cut, you’re in for quite a ride. As it happens, Avery just finished 18 years of a prison sentence for a crime he was exonerated from by DNA evidence. Now, as his $36M lawsuit begins against the county, he’s suddenly being accused of a brutal murder, and the same people who railroaded him the first time are deeply involved with the new case.

Now if you're a fan of courtroom drama, documentaries or just a human life period....Watch this series. Its the most clear cut example of police / lawyer / Justice system collusion every caught on camera. In depth and seriously unbelievable.

If you've seen it...what do you think?

This is not surprising at all. Mike Nifong is the most public example of a politically minded DA violating peoples Rights.

And you all want to disarm the public. What morons you all are.

No one wants that. You remind me of those fat girl posts that start "People say I'm fat but I'm beautiful" just playing the victim right out the gate

Actually they do. You guys crack me up. You want maximum government power over the people and then you're shocked when they abuse their power. You would think that supposedly intelligent people would figure out after thousands of years of history that this is the natural way of things. Governments abuse their power...it's what they do...

In summation:
To briefly recap, Making a Murderer is the culmination of a decade of work by the project’s creators, Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos, whoexhaustively chronicled the horrifying story of Steven Avery and his nephew Brendan Dassey. The two Wisconsin natives were accused of raping and killing Teresa Halbach, a young woman who had come to take pictures of Avery’s car for AutoTrader magazine. Steven Avery was supposedly the last person to see her alive, and his nephew eventually confesses that he and his uncle raped, tortured, and killed her, burning her body in the fire pit directly outside the house.

If that sounds relatively clear-cut, you’re in for quite a ride. As it happens, Avery just finished 18 years of a prison sentence for a crime he was exonerated from by DNA evidence. Now, as his $36M lawsuit begins against the county, he’s suddenly being accused of a brutal murder, and the same people who railroaded him the first time are deeply involved with the new case.

Now if you're a fan of courtroom drama, documentaries or just a human life period....Watch this series. Its the most clear cut example of police / lawyer / Justice system collusion every caught on camera. In depth and seriously unbelievable.

If you've seen it...what do you think?

This is not surprising at all. Mike Nifong is the most public example of a politically minded DA violating peoples Rights.

And you all want to disarm the public. What morons you all are.

No one wants that. You remind me of those fat girl posts that start "People say I'm fat but I'm beautiful" just playing the victim right out the gate

Actually they do. You guys crack me up. You want maximum government power over the people and then you're shocked when they abuse their power. You would think that supposedly intelligent people would figure out after thousands of years of history that this is the natural way of things. Governments abuse their power...it's what they do...
You're all over the map. Stay on topic.

In summation:
To briefly recap, Making a Murderer is the culmination of a decade of work by the project’s creators, Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos, whoexhaustively chronicled the horrifying story of Steven Avery and his nephew Brendan Dassey. The two Wisconsin natives were accused of raping and killing Teresa Halbach, a young woman who had come to take pictures of Avery’s car for AutoTrader magazine. Steven Avery was supposedly the last person to see her alive, and his nephew eventually confesses that he and his uncle raped, tortured, and killed her, burning her body in the fire pit directly outside the house.

If that sounds relatively clear-cut, you’re in for quite a ride. As it happens, Avery just finished 18 years of a prison sentence for a crime he was exonerated from by DNA evidence. Now, as his $36M lawsuit begins against the county, he’s suddenly being accused of a brutal murder, and the same people who railroaded him the first time are deeply involved with the new case.

Now if you're a fan of courtroom drama, documentaries or just a human life period....Watch this series. Its the most clear cut example of police / lawyer / Justice system collusion every caught on camera. In depth and seriously unbelievable.

If you've seen it...what do you think?

This is not surprising at all. Mike Nifong is the most public example of a politically minded DA violating peoples Rights.

And you all want to disarm the public. What morons you all are.

No one wants that. You remind me of those fat girl posts that start "People say I'm fat but I'm beautiful" just playing the victim right out the gate

Actually they do.

So when I tell you I dont want something, your response is to just say "yes you do" so you can continue being the victim of things you believe someone wants? Thats a complicated way to go about it.

You guys crack me up. You want maximum government power over the people and then you're shocked when they abuse their power. You would think that supposedly intelligent people would figure out after thousands of years of history that this is the natural way of things. Governments abuse their power...it's what they do...

No, actually I dont...which to you means I really really do so why dont I just give you my login info so you can present my opinion for me
It's an Archie Bunker strategy. "Us vs Them".
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