War against Israel in a nutshell

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Threads specifically on Israel/Palestine issues need to be spawned in the proper forum.
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Alternate placement of Israel/Palestine threads could be in Current Events if the topic and discussions are limited to a headline story. Or in Politics if there is a specific partisan or foreign policy issue.

Older threads placed in the forum will be allowed to run out here -- because they likely can't be cleaned to Zone2 standards at this point.
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Israel and issues are also part of the middle east. Palestinians live in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. It is all related.
Don't banish members to other boards or that is where they will post. Don't close threads because a certain member started it with an article of importance.
Contentious issues will exist in both boards because that is what is happening in the middle east, and Israel. You cannot strictly separate Israel from the middle east or vs., nor can religion and politics be separated on either board.
Like a spider's web, it is all interconnected.

Prager keeps it simple, yet poignant.

He reminds all that if the Jewish state put down their arms there would be a blood bath.

This is not a hypothetical....

Edwin Black, in his book, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust,” reminds of this:

1. On August 23 and 24, 1929, Hebron became a bloody nightmare. House to house, Arab mobs went, bursting into every room looking for hiding Jews. Religious books and scrolls were burned or torn to shreds. The defenseless Jews were variously beheaded, castrated, their breasts and fingers sliced off, and in some cases their eyes plucked from their sockets. Infant or adult, man or woman—it mattered not. The carnage went on for hours, with the Arab policemen standing down—or joining in. Blood ran in streamlets down the narrow stone staircases outside the buildings. House to house, room by room, the savagery was repeated.

a. Not a single victim was simply killed. Each was mutilated and tortured in accordance with their identities, the specific information provided by local Arabs. The Jewish man who lent money to Arabs was sliced open and the IOUs burned in his body. The Jewish baker’s head was tied to the stove and then baked. A Jewish scholar who had studied Koranic philosophy for years was seized, his cranium cut open, and his brain extracted. Another man was nailed to a door. Some sixty-seven Jews were brutally murdered.

This was the state of relations- long before Hitler ever gained power. Rather than an anomaly, this was one a along line of ongoing massacres.

2. Jan. 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler became the newly appointed Chancellor of Germany, Arabs throughout the Mideast petitioned to join the Nazi party.

Well that was certainty graphic , was he there? I find it astounding how graphic Jewish writers can be.

Prager keeps it simple, yet poignant.

He reminds all that if the Jewish state put down their arms there would be a blood bath.

This is not a hypothetical....

Edwin Black, in his book, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust,” reminds of this:

1. On August 23 and 24, 1929, Hebron became a bloody nightmare. House to house, Arab mobs went, bursting into every room looking for hiding Jews. Religious books and scrolls were burned or torn to shreds. The defenseless Jews were variously beheaded, castrated, their breasts and fingers sliced off, and in some cases their eyes plucked from their sockets. Infant or adult, man or woman—it mattered not. The carnage went on for hours, with the Arab policemen standing down—or joining in. Blood ran in streamlets down the narrow stone staircases outside the buildings. House to house, room by room, the savagery was repeated.

a. Not a single victim was simply killed. Each was mutilated and tortured in accordance with their identities, the specific information provided by local Arabs. The Jewish man who lent money to Arabs was sliced open and the IOUs burned in his body. The Jewish baker’s head was tied to the stove and then baked. A Jewish scholar who had studied Koranic philosophy for years was seized, his cranium cut open, and his brain extracted. Another man was nailed to a door. Some sixty-seven Jews were brutally murdered.

This was the state of relations- long before Hitler ever gained power. Rather than an anomaly, this was one a along line of ongoing massacres.

2. Jan. 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler became the newly appointed Chancellor of Germany, Arabs throughout the Mideast petitioned to join the Nazi party.

Well that was certainty graphic , was he there? I find it astounding how graphic Jewish writers can be.


What Dennis doesn't mention is there are currently equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea, and Jews think their g-d gave them all the land. He also failed to use the word "occupation" which supplies much of the motive for Hamas militants to fire bottle rockets into Israel in resistance. Dennis likely gets rich(er) from supporting the Jewish state and is lying through his rich white teeth about being interested in peace in Palestine; war is always much more profitable especially when you're not risking your own life.

"He also failed to use the word "occupation"

That's because there is no "occupation," dunce.

"In 2005, Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip under their unilateral disengagement plan. In July 2007, following the 2006 Palestinian legislative election and the Hamas takeover in 2007, Hamas had functioned as the de facto ruler in the Gaza Strip, forming an alternative Hamas Government in Gaza."
Gaza Strip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I beg to differ, Chic.
Israel couldn't afford to pay 20,000 soldiers to babysit 8000 squatters in Gaza so the heroic Jews pounded the chests and WHINED "never again" (again) and left for greener pastures on the West Bank.

Killer Jews still control three of Gaza's land borders, and their ally controls the other.
Jews control the airspace, coastal waters, electromagnetic sphere, and population registry of Gaza; maybe you can tell us why Israel permits no exports from Gaza?

Why do some Jews think they are entitled to all the land between the River and the sea?

The Arabs did before 1967. :D

Prager keeps it simple, yet poignant.

He reminds all that if the Jewish state put down their arms there would be a blood bath.

This is not a hypothetical....

Edwin Black, in his book, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust,” reminds of this:

1. On August 23 and 24, 1929, Hebron became a bloody nightmare. House to house, Arab mobs went, bursting into every room looking for hiding Jews. Religious books and scrolls were burned or torn to shreds. The defenseless Jews were variously beheaded, castrated, their breasts and fingers sliced off, and in some cases their eyes plucked from their sockets. Infant or adult, man or woman—it mattered not. The carnage went on for hours, with the Arab policemen standing down—or joining in. Blood ran in streamlets down the narrow stone staircases outside the buildings. House to house, room by room, the savagery was repeated.

a. Not a single victim was simply killed. Each was mutilated and tortured in accordance with their identities, the specific information provided by local Arabs. The Jewish man who lent money to Arabs was sliced open and the IOUs burned in his body. The Jewish baker’s head was tied to the stove and then baked. A Jewish scholar who had studied Koranic philosophy for years was seized, his cranium cut open, and his brain extracted. Another man was nailed to a door. Some sixty-seven Jews were brutally murdered.

This was the state of relations- long before Hitler ever gained power. Rather than an anomaly, this was one a along line of ongoing massacres.

2. Jan. 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler became the newly appointed Chancellor of Germany, Arabs throughout the Mideast petitioned to join the Nazi party.

Well that was certainty graphic , was he there? I find it astounding how graphic Jewish writers can be.

I read what happened in Hebron but had no idea the " Palestinians" were such savage animals. They haven't changed.
War in a nutshell for Israel:

1. Use a tragedy that they never proved in order to plot a war
2. Blow everyone to hell in a lopsided shock and awe
3. Say mission accomplished and run like cowards.

Rinse and repeat a few years down the road.

Except you have the course of event drastically wrong. First, Hamas was building tunnels under Israel and was planning a massive attack. Second, the three Jewish teens were brutally murdered, then the poor Arab teen was killed in a counter attack (this murder was actually more vicious and just as regrettable). After the Arab killing the Hamas missiles started flying.

Only an antisemite would state Jews have no right to defend themselves. No country in the world wouldn't respond if their neighbor lobbied 1000s of missile at them!

Excellent reply GHook!! And what's with the "run like cowards" bullshit? The world was begging Israel for weeks to stop the war and withdraw their troops. If Israel would've kept their troops there, everyone would be screaming "occupation"! Honestly, R.C., you make no sense at all.
Prager keeps it simple, yet poignant.

He reminds all that if the Jewish state put down their arms there would be a blood bath.

This is not a hypothetical....

Edwin Black, in his book, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust,” reminds of this:

1. On August 23 and 24, 1929, Hebron became a bloody nightmare. House to house, Arab mobs went, bursting into every room looking for hiding Jews. Religious books and scrolls were burned or torn to shreds. The defenseless Jews were variously beheaded, castrated, their breasts and fingers sliced off, and in some cases their eyes plucked from their sockets. Infant or adult, man or woman—it mattered not. The carnage went on for hours, with the Arab policemen standing down—or joining in. Blood ran in streamlets down the narrow stone staircases outside the buildings. House to house, room by room, the savagery was repeated.

a. Not a single victim was simply killed. Each was mutilated and tortured in accordance with their identities, the specific information provided by local Arabs. The Jewish man who lent money to Arabs was sliced open and the IOUs burned in his body. The Jewish baker’s head was tied to the stove and then baked. A Jewish scholar who had studied Koranic philosophy for years was seized, his cranium cut open, and his brain extracted. Another man was nailed to a door. Some sixty-seven Jews were brutally murdered.

This was the state of relations- long before Hitler ever gained power. Rather than an anomaly, this was one a along line of ongoing massacres.

2. Jan. 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler became the newly appointed Chancellor of Germany, Arabs throughout the Mideast petitioned to join the Nazi party.

Well that was certainty graphic , was he there? I find it astounding how graphic Jewish writers can be.

I read what happened in Hebron but had no idea the " Palestinians" were such savage animals. They haven't changed.

Well for one I find it so graphic that makes it rather unbelievable, and for another, I do not think the Palestinians can be describes as such, without more proof .
aris, I believe the moderator message _may_ have been posted after a possible move from another section.

However, the video posted in the OP was posted in a thread started an hour or so before in this section originally:


Three messages were closed on the other board.
The video on the middle east problem I posted earlier as part of a reply on another thread.
The two boards can not be completely separate, there are overlaps of issues. You can't have one exclusively Israel and the other anything except Israel. Israel is part of the Middle East and issues throughout the Middle East effect attitudes towards Israel.
Aris, true. I was just talking about this thread being moved and hinting at the duplicity of another thread already here.
Well that was certainty graphic , was he there? I find it astounding how graphic Jewish writers can be.

I read what happened in Hebron but had no idea the " Palestinians" were such savage animals. They haven't changed.

Well for one I find it so graphic that makes it rather unbelievable, and for another, I do not think the Palestinians can be describes as such, without more proof .

You could find that proof if you were so inclined. Just listen to the bloodthirsty crowd:

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...nor can religion and politics be separated on either board.
Dude, one of the founding principles of this country, is to separate politics and religion.
Israel constitution never said you must be JEWISH to enter Israel, you have to be JEW not Jewish the same way I can't go to Egypt because I'm not Egyptian - this is the only RACIAL term for ONE of the laws for receiving Israeli ID, you can also prove you have Israeli Arab relative even if you are Palestinian and receive Israeli ID, just like the terrorist - whats his name? Mahmad Mfarga! the one bombed Israeli bus and injured 27 people in the blast.
...nor can religion and politics be separated on either board.
Dude, one of the founding principles of this country, is to separate politics and religion.

The middle east and western asia in not the US. You can't expect our constitution, rights and laws to be applied over there.
Religion cannot be separated from politics in the middle east. You have hamas, hezbullah, ISIS and Iran all using religion "as" their political system.
It is a very different world over there. It is not main street USA.
...nor can religion and politics be separated on either board.
Dude, one of the founding principles of this country, is to separate politics and religion.

No it's not.

Religion is fine so long as you don't include God. Shove any moral point of view down our throats, gay marriage, recycling, global warming, abortion, etc., and it's all golden so long as you never utter the word God in the same breath.
...nor can religion and politics be separated on either board.
Dude, one of the founding principles of this country, is to separate politics and religion.
Israel constitution never said you must be JEWISH to enter Israel, you have to be JEW not Jewish the same way I can't go to Egypt because I'm not Egyptian - this is the only RACIAL term for ONE of the laws for receiving Israeli ID, you can also prove you have Israeli Arab relative even if you are Palestinian and receive Israeli ID, just like the terrorist - whats his name? Mahmad Mfarga! the one bombed Israeli bus and injured 27 people in the blast.

So what is the difference. Jewish is being like a Jew but not, and a Jew has a Mother whom is also a Jew?
Dude, one of the founding principles of this country, is to separate politics and religion.
Israel constitution never said you must be JEWISH to enter Israel, you have to be JEW not Jewish the same way I can't go to Egypt because I'm not Egyptian - this is the only RACIAL term for ONE of the laws for receiving Israeli ID, you can also prove you have Israeli Arab relative even if you are Palestinian and receive Israeli ID, just like the terrorist - whats his name? Mahmad Mfarga! the one bombed Israeli bus and injured 27 people in the blast.

So what is the difference. Jewish is being like a Jew but not, and a Jew has a Mother whom is also a Jew?

Same as you being American, are you American because your roots are those of the First nation people, or are you American because your forefathers killed the First nation people and stole their land.

Under CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW Jew and Jewish can describe a cultural heritage going back 4,500 years ( nearly 4 times longer than arab muslim culture ) A race of people, a religion and a heritage . Can you show the same thing for your ISLAMONAZI hero's ?
Israel constitution never said you must be JEWISH to enter Israel, you have to be JEW not Jewish the same way I can't go to Egypt because I'm not Egyptian - this is the only RACIAL term for ONE of the laws for receiving Israeli ID, you can also prove you have Israeli Arab relative even if you are Palestinian and receive Israeli ID, just like the terrorist - whats his name? Mahmad Mfarga! the one bombed Israeli bus and injured 27 people in the blast.

So what is the difference. Jewish is being like a Jew but not, and a Jew has a Mother whom is also a Jew?

Same as you being American, are you American because your roots are those of the First nation people, or are you American because your forefathers killed the First nation people and stole their land.

Under CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW Jew and Jewish can describe a cultural heritage going back 4,500 years ( nearly 4 times longer than arab muslim culture ) A race of people, a religion and a heritage . Can you show the same thing for your ISLAMONAZI hero's ?

Can you ever answer a question without insulting the poster or is that your style. 45000 years ago the Hebrew people begun trying to attain the land through battles and lost it many times. The land in question has never known peace except for short periods and never did the Jewish or Hebrew people ever have control of it all. Abraham came from the land of UR which were moon worshippers, so he was arab as well.
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