War and the Constitution: How do we justify U.S. involvement in Ukraine?


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Fast forward a month and a half from when this article was written and thanks to a brave young American releasing "classified" documents we know the extent of Biden's violating the War Powers Act.


Congress has not only not declared war on Russia; it has not authorized the use of American military forces against it. Yet, it has given President Joe Biden a blank check for $100 billion and authorized him to spend it on military equipment for Ukraine however he sees fit.

He has promised to continue giving Ukraine whatever it needs for “as long as it takes.” As long as it takes to do what? He cannot answer that because he has no clear military objective. Eliminating Russian troops from Ukraine and Crimea or Russian President Vladimir Putin from office are not realistically attainable military goals.

Congress has only authorized weapons and cash to be sent to Ukraine, but Biden has sent troops as well. The U.S. involvement in Vietnam began the same way: no declaration of war, no authorization for the use of military force, yet a gradual buildup of American troops as advisers and instructors, and then a congressionally supported war that saw half a million American troops deployed, 10% of whom came home in body bags.

We don’t know how many American troops are in Ukraine, as they are out of uniform and their whereabouts a secret. We do know that they are involved in hostilities, since much of the hardware that Biden has sent requires American know-how to operate and maintain. And some of the weaponry has American troops actually targeting Russian forces and pulling the triggers.
Are American soldiers killing Russian soldiers? Yes. None of it has been authorized by Congress, but Congress has paid for it in borrowed dollars.

Now back to the Constitution. The War Powers Resolution, which requires presidential notification to Congress of the use of American military force, is unconstitutional because it consists of Congress giving away one of its core functions -- declaring war. The Supreme Court has characterized delegating away core functions as violative of the separation of powers.

Nevertheless, Biden has not informed Congress of his intentions to use American troops violently. Yet, he has used the Navy and the CIA to attack Germany — a war crime and a violation of the NATO treaty — and he has soldiers out of uniform in Ukraine, so as to perpetuate the deception that boots are not on the ground.

Don’t be surprised if Biden gives War Powers Act notice secretly to the Gang of Eight. What’s that? The Gang of Eight is the Congress within the Congress. It consists of the chairs and ranking members of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees and the Republican and Democratic leaders of the House and Senate with which the president legally shares secrets.

Just as Congress cannot delegate away its war-making powers to the president, it cannot delegate them away to the Gang of Eight. The concept of the Gang of Eight is antithetical to democratic values. Informing them of whatever violence the president is up to is done under an oath of secrecy. What kind of democracy operates and kills in secret?


"We" have no place "Justifying" anything anymore.

You missed the memo......
We're peasants now. Subjects to be pawned, used and manipulated as they see fit.
You have no rights. You own nothing. They allow you to temporarily believe you own at their discretion. (Mostly to keep you pacified and silent)

Welcome to the price of doing nothing.
Think I'm kidding? wtfu already.
The goal of ejecting Putin from Ukraine is entirely achievable.

But Putin is counting on you useful idiots to wear down America's resolve against his mass murdering, genocide, and war crimes.
The rest of the world has.to assist in this effort as.well, it shouodn't allbe on Americas shoulders. If not entirely militarily then Europe and others should be helping tonprop up the U.S dollar and keep it strong enough to withstand International pressures from their adversaries.
The rest of the world has.to assist in this effort as.well, it shouodn't allbe on Americas shoulders. If not entirely militarily then Europe and others should be helping tonprop up the U.S dollar and keep it strong enough to withstand International pressures from their adversaries.

But none of that is actually happening is it?
Now ask yourself a simple question......why?
Fast forward a month and a half from when this article was written and thanks to a brave young American releasing "classified" documents we know the extent of Biden's violating the War Powers Act.

Congress has not only not declared war on Russia; it has not authorized the use of American military forces against it. Yet, it has given President Joe Biden a blank check for $100 billion and authorized him to spend it on military equipment for Ukraine however he sees fit.​
He has promised to continue giving Ukraine whatever it needs for “as long as it takes.” As long as it takes to do what? He cannot answer that because he has no clear military objective. Eliminating Russian troops from Ukraine and Crimea or Russian President Vladimir Putin from office are not realistically attainable military goals.​
Congress has only authorized weapons and cash to be sent to Ukraine, but Biden has sent troops as well. The U.S. involvement in Vietnam began the same way: no declaration of war, no authorization for the use of military force, yet a gradual buildup of American troops as advisers and instructors, and then a congressionally supported war that saw half a million American troops deployed, 10% of whom came home in body bags.​
We don’t know how many American troops are in Ukraine, as they are out of uniform and their whereabouts a secret. We do know that they are involved in hostilities, since much of the hardware that Biden has sent requires American know-how to operate and maintain. And some of the weaponry has American troops actually targeting Russian forces and pulling the triggers.​
Are American soldiers killing Russian soldiers? Yes. None of it has been authorized by Congress, but Congress has paid for it in borrowed dollars.​
Now back to the Constitution. The War Powers Resolution, which requires presidential notification to Congress of the use of American military force, is unconstitutional because it consists of Congress giving away one of its core functions -- declaring war. The Supreme Court has characterized delegating away core functions as violative of the separation of powers.​
Nevertheless, Biden has not informed Congress of his intentions to use American troops violently. Yet, he has used the Navy and the CIA to attack Germany — a war crime and a violation of the NATO treaty — and he has soldiers out of uniform in Ukraine, so as to perpetuate the deception that boots are not on the ground.​
Don’t be surprised if Biden gives War Powers Act notice secretly to the Gang of Eight. What’s that? The Gang of Eight is the Congress within the Congress. It consists of the chairs and ranking members of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees and the Republican and Democratic leaders of the House and Senate with which the president legally shares secrets.
Just as Congress cannot delegate away its war-making powers to the president, it cannot delegate them away to the Gang of Eight. The concept of the Gang of Eight is antithetical to democratic values. Informing them of whatever violence the president is up to is done under an oath of secrecy. What kind of democracy operates and kills in secret?

There is no justification.

It's a war to protect the money laundry of every western white collar grifter across the world.
But none of that is actually happening is it?
Now ask yourself a simple question......why?
Their dollar and resources aren't as far reaching as Americas.. Their intel agencies are miles behind America and even England. In some cases, they feel it is simply a gift to U.S..military corps as they don't have strong domestic mi!litary manufacturing capabi!ities.etc. Also,.these leaders face strong domestic opposition. Sometimes genuine in their source other.times viia manipulation from foreign agencies.
There is no justification.

It's a war to protect the money laundry of every western white collar grifter across the world.

As reports surface of Zelensky and his generals siphoning off hundreds of millions for themselves.

It was so predictable.
As reports surface of Zelensky and his generals siphoning off hundreds of millions for themselves.

It was so predictable.
Um...retard? Those "reports" are coming directly from Tass and RT.

You useful idiots are so predictable.
The next thing you know, the useful idiots will tell us Putin is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being they've ever known in their lives.

“Why don't you pass the time by playing a little solitaire?”
Fast forward a month and a half from when this article was written and thanks to a brave young American releasing "classified" documents we know the extent of Biden's violating the War Powers Act.

Congress has not only not declared war on Russia; it has not authorized the use of American military forces against it. Yet, it has given President Joe Biden a blank check for $100 billion and authorized him to spend it on military equipment for Ukraine however he sees fit.​
He has promised to continue giving Ukraine whatever it needs for “as long as it takes.” As long as it takes to do what? He cannot answer that because he has no clear military objective. Eliminating Russian troops from Ukraine and Crimea or Russian President Vladimir Putin from office are not realistically attainable military goals.​
Congress has only authorized weapons and cash to be sent to Ukraine, but Biden has sent troops as well. The U.S. involvement in Vietnam began the same way: no declaration of war, no authorization for the use of military force, yet a gradual buildup of American troops as advisers and instructors, and then a congressionally supported war that saw half a million American troops deployed, 10% of whom came home in body bags.​
We don’t know how many American troops are in Ukraine, as they are out of uniform and their whereabouts a secret. We do know that they are involved in hostilities, since much of the hardware that Biden has sent requires American know-how to operate and maintain. And some of the weaponry has American troops actually targeting Russian forces and pulling the triggers.​
Are American soldiers killing Russian soldiers? Yes. None of it has been authorized by Congress, but Congress has paid for it in borrowed dollars.​
Now back to the Constitution. The War Powers Resolution, which requires presidential notification to Congress of the use of American military force, is unconstitutional because it consists of Congress giving away one of its core functions -- declaring war. The Supreme Court has characterized delegating away core functions as violative of the separation of powers.​
Nevertheless, Biden has not informed Congress of his intentions to use American troops violently. Yet, he has used the Navy and the CIA to attack Germany — a war crime and a violation of the NATO treaty — and he has soldiers out of uniform in Ukraine, so as to perpetuate the deception that boots are not on the ground.​
Don’t be surprised if Biden gives War Powers Act notice secretly to the Gang of Eight. What’s that? The Gang of Eight is the Congress within the Congress. It consists of the chairs and ranking members of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees and the Republican and Democratic leaders of the House and Senate with which the president legally shares secrets.
Just as Congress cannot delegate away its war-making powers to the president, it cannot delegate them away to the Gang of Eight. The concept of the Gang of Eight is antithetical to democratic values. Informing them of whatever violence the president is up to is done under an oath of secrecy. What kind of democracy operates and kills in secret?

What are you babbling about now? We are just giving military aid as we have many other countries, acting our interests and of our allies. I have seen nothing about any troops on the ground and neither have you. You just like Puting, as Donny does, and see some benefit most normal Americans that support the independence of Ukraine and the security of NATO, do not see. Vlad should not have invaded. I and most Americans support efforts of the Ukrainians to remain free from Russian takeover, and approve of military aid to help them repel the barbaric Russian invasion, being waged as a terrorist action by Russia, against the Ukrainian people (not just their military), completely outside the rules of war and against international treaties and law, by the war criminal Vladimir Putin.
What are you babbling about now? We are just giving military aid as we have many other countries, acting our interests and of our allies. I have seen nothing about any troops on the ground and neither have you. You just like Puting, as Donny does, and see some benefit most normal Americans that support the independence of Ukraine and the security of NATO, do not see. Vlad should not have invaded. I and most Americans support efforts of the Ukrainians to remain free from Russian takeover, and approve of military aid to help them repel the barbaric Russian invasion, being waged as a terrorist action by Russia, against the Ukrainian people (not just their military), completely outside the rules of war and against international treaties and law, by the war criminal Vladimir Putin.

Clueless as well. Maybe you could use that organ between your ears once in a while before spouting? Nah.
What are you babbling about now? We are just giving military aid as we have many other countries, acting our interests and of our allies. I have seen nothing about any troops on the ground and neither have you.

The leaker blew the lid clean off that lie.

I can remember back to the day when liberoidal dudes like you were completely skeptical of the media narrative....Now you slurp it up like mother's milk.

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Clueless as well. Maybe you could use that organ between your ears once in a while before spouting? Nah.
Maybe you could quit your support of Russia over the free world. Appeasement is not the answer. Maybe you should immigrate.

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