LMFAO Republicans have a war on:

Women, African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanics, Senior Citizens, Children.. Did I leave anyone out??? You fucking leftists are soo panicked over the upcoming elections .. the only thing you have left in your arsenal is a propaganda campaign filled with lies and scare tactics..

You don't really think any deeper than race do you? That's pretty much the deepest thought
we can expect out of a pathetic person like you. Congrats on becoming the most racist poster on the board.
LMFAO Republicans have a war on:

Women, African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanics, Senior Citizens, Children.. Did I leave anyone out??? You fucking leftists are soo panicked over the upcoming elections .. the only thing you have left in your arsenal is a propaganda campaign filled with lies and scare tactics..
Sure looks like you know your Republican political party well! But no panic, just the facts as they stand. The stories under the categories listed well speak for themselves.
LMFAO Republicans have a war on:

Women, African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanics, Senior Citizens, Children.. Did I leave anyone out??? You fucking leftists are soo panicked over the upcoming elections .. the only thing you have left in your arsenal is a propaganda campaign filled with lies and scare tactics..
Sure looks like you know your Republican political party well! But no panic, just the facts as they stand. The stories under the categories listed well speak for themselves.

Do you actually expect anyone to take your pathetic lies seriously? You know everyone in this forum is laughing at you, don't you? That includes your libturd brethren, although they won't admit it.
LMFAO Republicans have a war on:

Women, African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanics, Senior Citizens, Children.. Did I leave anyone out??? You fucking leftists are soo panicked over the upcoming elections .. the only thing you have left in your arsenal is a propaganda campaign filled with lies and scare tactics..

It has worked for them before. What issues did Obama run on in the last election, aside from lies and scare tactics?
My war on them is due to their total disrespect of our immigration laws.
Their continual sneaking into our country has led to lower blue collar wages, and strained our services such as hospital emergency rooms that the deadbeats use as their free healthcare clinics.


Eat shit and die if you don't like it !
LMFAO Republicans have a war on:

Women, African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanics, Senior Citizens, Children.. Did I leave anyone out??? You fucking leftists are soo panicked over the upcoming elections .. the only thing you have left in your arsenal is a propaganda campaign filled with lies and scare tactics..
Sure looks like you know your Republican political party well! But no panic, just the facts as they stand. The stories under the categories listed well speak for themselves.

Do you actually expect anyone to take your pathetic lies seriously? You know everyone in this forum is laughing at you, don't you? That includes your libturd brethren, although they won't admit it.

And they call ME captain obvious!

So your argument is ending voter fraud and ending illegal immigration is anti-Hispanic. Even Kazakhstan has voter ID. The poverty stricken and less sophisticated people of Kazakhstan can obtain identification, but our poor can't? The argument that minorities are somehow retard and helpless therefore they can't obtain ID to vote is well racist and insulting. Checking ID is so common sense only a mental midget in the Democrat party would argument against.

Answer this, why did great Hispanic and workers right 'activist' Caesar Chavez, fight HARD against illegal immigration. He even went to the border and cracked some of his fellow Mexicans heads in. He was violently against illegal immigration? Why? He was so against illegal immigration, because it mostly hurts the LEGAL Hispanic immigrants and Hispanic Americans that are here. They over-crowd and bankrupt schools and hospitals. They take jobs and suppress wages. Illegal immigration is solely responsible for Chavez's inability to Unionize farm workers. If liberal politicians were honest they would make stopping illegal immigration a Union and unskilled worker (their constituents) crusade!

So being against illegal immigrants is really PRO-Hispanic American, Pro-Union, Pro-Unskilled Worker and Pro-Low Waged Workers!
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So your argument is ending voter fraud and ending illegal immigration is anti-Hispanic. Voter Id is even in Kazakhstan, but our poor can't obtain ID, but the fuckos in Kazakhstan can? The argument that minorities are some minorities are somehow retard and helpless so they can't obtain ID to vote is well racist and insulting. Checking ID is so common sense only a mental midget in the Democrat party would argument against.

Answer this why did great Hispanic 'activist' and workers right activist Caesar Chavez, fight HARD against illegal immigration. He even went to the border and cracked some of his fellow Mexicans heads in. He was violently against illegal immigration? Why because it most hurts the LEGAL hispanic immigrants that are here. They over-crowd and bankrupt schools and hospitals. They take jobs and suppress wages. Illegal immigration is solely responsible for Chavez's inability to Unionize farm workers.

So being against illegal immigrants is really PRO-Hispanic American!
You have to consider the terrible way Hispanics and Latinos are being treated by the powers that be and that is simply inexcusable due to the profiling issue, for one, that is an egregious overreach into the lives of many Latinos who are American by birth. That is certainly not fair but yet they too have to pay the price with the penchant to get rid of them as a whole by Conservatives who are simply too afraid that the growing Hispanic/Latino population is going to edge them out of office since they overwhelmingly vote Democratic! So let's just get rid of them now! That's just how it is, like it or not. Consequently, many have filed lawsuits due to their gross mistreatment and have cited much profiling, very nasty treatment and lack of respect as some things they have encountered.
LMFAO Republicans have a war on:

Women, African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanics, Senior Citizens, Children.. Did I leave anyone out??? You fucking leftists are soo panicked over the upcoming elections .. the only thing you have left in your arsenal is a propaganda campaign filled with lies and scare tactics..
Sure looks like you know your Republican political party well! But no panic, just the facts as they stand. The stories under the categories listed well speak for themselves.

That's YOUR opinion

So your argument is ending voter fraud and ending illegal immigration is anti-Hispanic. Voter Id is even in Kazakhstan, but our poor can't obtain ID, but the fuckos in Kazakhstan can? The argument that minorities are some minorities are somehow retard and helpless so they can't obtain ID to vote is well racist and insulting. Checking ID is so common sense only a mental midget in the Democrat party would argument against.

Answer this why did great Hispanic 'activist' and workers right activist Caesar Chavez, fight HARD against illegal immigration. He even went to the border and cracked some of his fellow Mexicans heads in. He was violently against illegal immigration? Why because it most hurts the LEGAL hispanic immigrants that are here. They over-crowd and bankrupt schools and hospitals. They take jobs and suppress wages. Illegal immigration is solely responsible for Chavez's inability to Unionize farm workers.

So being against illegal immigrants is really PRO-Hispanic American!
You have to consider the terrible way Hispanics and Latinos are being treated by the powers that be and that is simply inexcusable due to the profiling issue, for one, that is an egregious overreach into the lives of many Latinos who are American by birth. That is certainly not fair but yet they too have to pay the price with the penchant to get rid of them as a whole by Conservatives who are simply too afraid that the growing Hispanic/Latino population is going to edge them out of office since they overwhelmingly vote Democratic! So let's just get rid of them now! That's just how it is, like it or not. Consequently, many have filed lawsuits due to their gross mistreatment and have cited much profiling, very nasty treatment and lack of respect as some things they have encountered.

You certainly have one thing going for you.....A vivid imagination.
Not a shred of evidence provided by you..
Oh, this is typical liberal group think...
You people are attempting to lump all people with Spanish surnames into a class of victims. All for purely political gain.
That is a classic example of racism.
LMFAO Republicans have a war on:

Women, African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanics, Senior Citizens, Children.. Did I leave anyone out??? You fucking leftists are soo panicked over the upcoming elections .. the only thing you have left in your arsenal is a propaganda campaign filled with lies and scare tactics..

The only war we're in is with all these radical leftist democrats.
LMFAO Republicans have a war on:

Women, African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanics, Senior Citizens, Children.. Did I leave anyone out??? You fucking leftists are soo panicked over the upcoming elections .. the only thing you have left in your arsenal is a propaganda campaign filled with lies and scare tactics..

The only war we're in is with all these radical leftist democrats.

You got that right my friend..
Get these narco terrorists in your city and the word "war" will take on a whole new meaning.

I feel most sorry for blacks as they are the objects of hispanic ethnic cleansing.
So your argument is ending voter fraud and ending illegal immigration is anti-Hispanic. Voter Id is even in Kazakhstan, but our poor can't obtain ID, but the fuckos in Kazakhstan can? The argument that minorities are some minorities are somehow retard and helpless so they can't obtain ID to vote is well racist and insulting. Checking ID is so common sense only a mental midget in the Democrat party would argument against.

Answer this why did great Hispanic 'activist' and workers right activist Caesar Chavez, fight HARD against illegal immigration. He even went to the border and cracked some of his fellow Mexicans heads in. He was violently against illegal immigration? Why because it most hurts the LEGAL hispanic immigrants that are here. They over-crowd and bankrupt schools and hospitals. They take jobs and suppress wages. Illegal immigration is solely responsible for Chavez's inability to Unionize farm workers.

So being against illegal immigrants is really PRO-Hispanic American!
You have to consider the terrible way Hispanics and Latinos are being treated by the powers that be and that is simply inexcusable due to the profiling issue, for one, that is an egregious overreach into the lives of many Latinos who are American by birth. That is certainly not fair but yet they too have to pay the price with the penchant to get rid of them as a whole by Conservatives who are simply too afraid that the growing Hispanic/Latino population is going to edge them out of office since they overwhelmingly vote Democratic! So let's just get rid of them now! That's just how it is, like it or not. Consequently, many have filed lawsuits due to their gross mistreatment and have cited much profiling, very nasty treatment and lack of respect as some things they have encountered.

You certainly have one thing going for you.....A vivid imagination.
Not a shred of evidence provided by you..
Oh, this is typical liberal group think...
You people are attempting to lump all people with Spanish surnames into a class of victims. All for purely political gain.
That is a classic example of racism.
The evidence speaks well for itself in the links provided! And you should certainly know volumes about racism. Tell me what Republicans have truly done to advance the rights and equality of Hispanics and Latinos in this country. Let's hear it!
"Yawn" is exactly RIGHT and the attitude most Republicans take when confronted with helping Hispanics and Latinos in these United States. You have just provided a very essential clue as to their feelings for this ethnicity of folks. That is why they reject Republicans and vote for Democrats each election and will continue to vote Democratic! End of story.

a serial poster of left-wing nutjob propaganda

it is you left-wing losers and your pandering that brought about the huge humanitarian crisis of tens of thousands of HISPANIC illegal children on our southern border

you paid-to-post soros lemmings here are the biggest douchebag hypocrites on Earth

a serial poster of left-wing nutjob propaganda

it is you left-wing losers and your pandering that brought about the huge humanitarian crisis of tens of thousands of HISPANIC illegal children on our southern border

you paid-to-post soros lemmings here are the biggest douchebag hypocrites on Earth
Alas, the Yawning Republican returns again to learn more truth for himself and his political party! Well great! And talk about hypocrisy, you need to know and realize that Republicans are turning this unfortunate problem into a political issue at the risk of many children who deserve much better! And I also notice that you did not give any credit to President Obama for deporting far more immigrants than Dubya ever did during his presidency! Conveniently "forgotten" by you, huh!

You need to read the following article Carefully, word for word, to understand the issues before you attempt to speak again!

Opinion: How we can help kids crossing the border - CNN.com
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