Warmest 12 month period based on the giss...Heading for the hottest year in recorded history


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Below is GISS monthly (blue) and 12-month running average (red) over the satellite period. The 12-month running average continues to work higher and is now well above the previous peak in 2010 and the long-term trendline.

This year is kicking ass! If the nino models are even close to being right with the 1.5-1.8c, 3.4 area of the pacific = This will be probably be the first .7c year in recorded history. I think the pause is over!!!
I heard from a pro-met on Americawx this year is around .79c on the giss for Jan, Feb and March. This is from the .75c from Dec, Jan and Feb means... This sucker builds like those models are saying we could jump over the .7c's!
omg, we are going to die!!!!!

it got warm

I can see that you don't watch meteorology events like I do and think it is just dumb to watch the weather. ;)

My dear, what is dumb is you sound like the sky is falling of the Globull warming cult.
so what exactly does this mean the warmest.? and what exactly are we suppose to DO ABOUT IT. And I think it's dumb to sit around and worry over how hot or cold our earth everyday. it's gets you where, beside insane
So tell me how taxing energy is going to change anything here. As if our energy use was the cause to begin with but I will concede that point for this argument. How does higher taxation cure the problem that doesn't really exist?

Don't worry.. Your friends at NASA have been doing a little HOT inclusion of areas that have no temp readings around the poles (note the grey areas that suddenly turn very hot... and the brown areas that turn red hot without reasoning)

Its all adjustments in an attempt to keep the lie alive... And shills like Matthew spout the crap as gospel..

GISS Tweaks the Short-Term Global Temperature Trend Upwards
Last edited:
4 months to the Global Climate Conference...

Put on your hip waders as the shit is going to get real deep from the alarmist shills..

And in the real world..... Temps have risen a little in the short term (note my previous post of fiddling with temps) but nowhere near historic levels.. and the trend is still cooling...
So the 2 PPM of CO2 added last year is causing the additional heat this year?

Someone gave the kids at NASA red crayons and told them to color in the grey shaded areas in the arctic... a nice blue just wouldn't do for the alarmists..
omg, we are going to die!!!!!

it got warm

I can see that you don't watch meteorology events like I do and think it is just dumb to watch the weather. ;)

My dear, what is dumb is you sound like the sky is falling of the Globull warming cult.
so what exactly does this mean the warmest.? and what exactly are we suppose to DO ABOUT IT. And I think it's dumb to sit around and worry over how hot or cold our earth everyday. it's gets you where, beside insane
Drink plenty of water and take your salt tablets. Problem solved.
Climate science has become a joke....

Tamper with the data so that they can claim that each year is the hottest year ever.


Completely disregard the satellite data that says that they are lying.


And then compound the lie by saying that the satellite data confirms that whatever year is the warmest ever.


How long must they lie, and how large must the lies be before you warmers get a clue. Can you really be this blind to reality?
Tell me matthew, what is the margin of error for that claim? How many orders of magnitude larger is the margin of error than the claimed margin of being the warmest ever? Are you really this naive? Do you conduct the rest of your life with this level of naiveté?

Do you rush out and buy a particular detergent because the manufacturer promised you the whitest shirts ever and showed you a picture of two shirts...one whiter than the other? Do you buy cars because of commercials? Property? Food? Clothing? Etc?
Matthew doesnt discuss climate science. he just puts up 'warmest evah' press releases.

what ever happened to Chris? that was his favourite hobby too.

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