Was the FISA court mislead by the Steele Dossier?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
If the Steele “Dossier” was, in whole or in part, a component of the surveillance application,
then the agent and the Attorney General or his authorized agent should know the history and veracity of the “Dossier.” Any document used in application for a wiretap must be thoroughly vetted.

It has been reported that then FBI Director James Comey called the “Dossier” salacious and unverified. It is likely, the federal judge questioned the applying agent about the sources and credibility of each and every source. What the agent and the application represented to the court must be absolutely true.
Otherwise, the judge issued a warrant on false and misleading information which would have contaminated and vitiated any and all fruits of the poisonous tree. James H. Walsh was associate general counsel with the U.S. Department of Justice Immigration and Naturalization Service from 1983 to 1994

FISA Court Likely Abused If Steele Dossier Was Involved

Now if Comey lied to the Senate he's guilty of perjury. BUT if what he testified (see below) is true... then the FISA warrants were obtained illegally and Comey et.al. are guilty.

Subsequently, however, former FBI director James Comey told a Senate committee that the dossier remained “salacious and unverified.” Obviously, if the FBI had not verified the dossier by the time Comey testified in June 2017, then the Bureau cannot possibly have verified the dossier when DOJ sought the FISA warrant nine months earlier, in September 2016.
Did Comey Really Testify That the Entire Steele Dossier Was Unverified?

Either way we have not heard the end of Comey's potential legal problems.

And of course the entire question about Comey's leaking of documents...
White House officials would not explain their reasoning but Sanders’s statements appear derived from an opinion column published in the Hill in June by George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley.
Among Turley’s key points:
  • “There are ethical and departmental rules against the use of material to damage a former represented person or individual or firm related to prior representation. The FBI website warns employees that ‘dissemination of FBI information is made strictly in accordance with provisions of the Privacy Act; Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a; FBI policy and procedures regarding discretionary release of information in accordance with the Privacy Act; and other applicable federal orders and directives.’”
  • “One such regulation is § 2635.703, on the use of nonpublic information, which states, ‘An employee shall not engage in a financial transaction using nonpublic information, nor allow the improper use of nonpublic information to further his own private interest or that of another, whether through advice or recommendation, or by knowing unauthorized disclosure.’”
  • “The standard FBI employment agreement bars the unauthorized disclosure of information ‘contained in the files, electronic or paper, of the FBI’ that impact the bureau and specifically pledges that ‘I will not reveal, by any means, any information or material from or related to FBI files or any other information acquired by virtue of my official employment to any unauthorized recipient without prior official written authorization by the FBI.’”
Analysis | Did James Comey violate federal laws?
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Was the FISA court mislead by the Steele Dossier?

Extremely unlikely. They'd have to have simply not read the FISA application and, in turn, asked no questions of the petitioners for that to have happened. FISA judges -- all four that on four separate occasions separately granted FISA warrants -- may have been born at night, but none were born the night before the FBI's FISA application to wiretap Carter Page appeared on their docket.
If the Steele “Dossier” was, in whole or in part, a component of the surveillance application,
then the agent and the Attorney General or his authorized agent should know the history and veracity of the “Dossier.” Any document used in application for a wiretap must be thoroughly vetted.

It has been reported that then FBI Director James Comey called the “Dossier” salacious and unverified. It is likely, the federal judge questioned the applying agent about the sources and credibility of each and every source. What the agent and the application represented to the court must be absolutely true.
Otherwise, the judge issued a warrant on false and misleading information which would have contaminated and vitiated any and all fruits of the poisonous tree. James H. Walsh was associate general counsel with the U.S. Department of Justice Immigration and Naturalization Service from 1983 to 1994

FISA Court Likely Abused If Steele Dossier Was Involved

Now if Comey lied to the Senate he's guilty of perjury. BUT if what he testified (see below) is true... then the FISA warrants were obtained illegally and Comey et.al. are guilty.

Subsequently, however, former FBI director James Comey told a Senate committee that the dossier remained “salacious and unverified.” Obviously, if the FBI had not verified the dossier by the time Comey testified in June 2017, then the Bureau cannot possibly have verified the dossier when DOJ sought the FISA warrant nine months earlier, in September 2016.
Did Comey Really Testify That the Entire Steele Dossier Was Unverified?

Either way we have not heard the end of Comey's potential legal problems.

And of course the entire question about Comey's leaking of documents...
White House officials would not explain their reasoning but Sanders’s statements appear derived from an opinion column published in the Hill in June by George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley.
Among Turley’s key points:
  • “There are ethical and departmental rules against the use of material to damage a former represented person or individual or firm related to prior representation. The FBI website warns employees that ‘dissemination of FBI information is made strictly in accordance with provisions of the Privacy Act; Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a; FBI policy and procedures regarding discretionary release of information in accordance with the Privacy Act; and other applicable federal orders and directives.’”
  • “One such regulation is § 2635.703, on the use of nonpublic information, which states, ‘An employee shall not engage in a financial transaction using nonpublic information, nor allow the improper use of nonpublic information to further his own private interest or that of another, whether through advice or recommendation, or by knowing unauthorized disclosure.’”
  • “The standard FBI employment agreement bars the unauthorized disclosure of information ‘contained in the files, electronic or paper, of the FBI’ that impact the bureau and specifically pledges that ‘I will not reveal, by any means, any information or material from or related to FBI files or any other information acquired by virtue of my official employment to any unauthorized recipient without prior official written authorization by the FBI.’”
Analysis | Did James Comey violate federal laws?
We'll wait for the investigation to be completed but the early answer is yes.

JOURNALISM: NY Times: Say, this Steele dossier appears to be false (and maybe was a Russian disinformation effort).
If the Steele “Dossier” was, in whole or in part, a component of the surveillance application,
then the agent and the Attorney General or his authorized agent should know the history and veracity of the “Dossier.” Any document used in application for a wiretap must be thoroughly vetted.

It has been reported that then FBI Director James Comey called the “Dossier” salacious and unverified. It is likely, the federal judge questioned the applying agent about the sources and credibility of each and every source. What the agent and the application represented to the court must be absolutely true.
Otherwise, the judge issued a warrant on false and misleading information which would have contaminated and vitiated any and all fruits of the poisonous tree. James H. Walsh was associate general counsel with the U.S. Department of Justice Immigration and Naturalization Service from 1983 to 1994

FISA Court Likely Abused If Steele Dossier Was Involved

Now if Comey lied to the Senate he's guilty of perjury. BUT if what he testified (see below) is true... then the FISA warrants were obtained illegally and Comey et.al. are guilty.

Subsequently, however, former FBI director James Comey told a Senate committee that the dossier remained “salacious and unverified.” Obviously, if the FBI had not verified the dossier by the time Comey testified in June 2017, then the Bureau cannot possibly have verified the dossier when DOJ sought the FISA warrant nine months earlier, in September 2016.
Did Comey Really Testify That the Entire Steele Dossier Was Unverified?

Either way we have not heard the end of Comey's potential legal problems.

And of course the entire question about Comey's leaking of documents...
White House officials would not explain their reasoning but Sanders’s statements appear derived from an opinion column published in the Hill in June by George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley.
Among Turley’s key points:
  • “There are ethical and departmental rules against the use of material to damage a former represented person or individual or firm related to prior representation. The FBI website warns employees that ‘dissemination of FBI information is made strictly in accordance with provisions of the Privacy Act; Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a; FBI policy and procedures regarding discretionary release of information in accordance with the Privacy Act; and other applicable federal orders and directives.’”
  • “One such regulation is § 2635.703, on the use of nonpublic information, which states, ‘An employee shall not engage in a financial transaction using nonpublic information, nor allow the improper use of nonpublic information to further his own private interest or that of another, whether through advice or recommendation, or by knowing unauthorized disclosure.’”
  • “The standard FBI employment agreement bars the unauthorized disclosure of information ‘contained in the files, electronic or paper, of the FBI’ that impact the bureau and specifically pledges that ‘I will not reveal, by any means, any information or material from or related to FBI files or any other information acquired by virtue of my official employment to any unauthorized recipient without prior official written authorization by the FBI.’”
Analysis | Did James Comey violate federal laws?

My understanding is that the request was 400 pages.

IMO, it is likely the judge did NOT read the whole attentively, and/or assumed the FBI was being professional.
Was the FISA court mislead by the Steele Dossier?

Extremely unlikely. They'd have to have simply not read the FISA application and, in turn, asked no questions of the petitioners for that to have happened. FISA judges -- all four that on four separate occasions separately granted FISA warrants -- may have been born at night, but none were born the night before the FBI's FISA application to wiretap Carter Page appeared on their docket.
They absolutely were.

“In 2016, Hillary Clinton presidential candidate hired an ex-intelligence officer and foreign national, British subject Christopher Steele, to use Russian sources to find dirt (‘opposition research’) on her then political opponent Donald Trump. So much for the worry about ‘foreign interference’ in U.S. elections.”​

It took the exertions of then House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes to ferret out the hoax operation:

“The public would take years to learn of the funding sources of Steele, because Clinton camouflaged her role through three firewalls: the Democratic National Committee; the Perkins-Coie legal firm; and Glenn Simpson’s Fusion GPS opposition-research firm.”​

With what we now know about the sinister fabrications of the Steele Dossier. All who trafficked in the infectious dossier as if it were factual and disinterested have lost all credibility.

Rachel Maddow: “She is a Stanford graduate, Rhodes scholar, and MSNBC host — and she is emblematic of how academic progress often accompanies ethical and intellectual regress. Many of her 2016–19 evening cable news commentaries focused on the supposed dangers that candidate and then president Trump posed to the republic. She cited the Steele dossier chapter and verse as factual in making her arguments that Trump was dishonest and amoral and therefore an illegitimate president who should be removed. It will be difficult for any audience to take Maddow’s on-air assertions seriously in the future."

James Comey and the FBI: “James Comey, the former director of the FBI, knew intimately of the dossier, approved its use to spy on American citizens and to launch an investigation into Donald Trump’s purported Russian connection, and then serially lied about both the dossier’s authenticity and his own agency’s use of its author Christopher Steele, who at times was a paid informant for the FBI. More than a dozen top FBI agents, investigators, and lawyers who worked for Comey in the FBI’s Washington’s office have now either been fired, disgraced, reassigned, demoted, or they quit or have abruptly retired….”

We now know: The Steele Dossier bacillus
The focus should be on Obama. He should be in prison for illegally spying on Trump.
The focus should be on Obama. He should be in prison for illegally spying on Trump.

Obama is retired. Yes, he committed crimes, but imo, the real importance is A the people who still have jobs, and B. the culture that told them that this was the right action to take.

That culture is still there.

THAT needs to be the focus, imo.
The FISA court wasn't misled by the Steel dossier, it was misled by various FBI, CIA and DOJ employees who knowingly presented it as the gospel truth when they knew it was totally fabricated BS.
The FISA court wasn't misled by the Steel dossier, it was misled by various FBI, CIA and DOJ employees who knowingly presented it as the gospel truth when they knew it was totally fabricated BS.
A distinction without a point. The ONLY claim that justified the illegal warrant were the lies in the Dossier that Page was a Kremlin agent.
The FISA judges are complicit in this coup attempt!

The Steel dossier provided them plausible denyability of their treasonous actions!

Our country is in deep DEEP trouble!
The FISA judges are complicit in this coup attempt!

The Steel dossier provided them plausible denyability of their treasonous actions!

Our country is in deep DEEP trouble!
The FISA process is a judicial farce.
The FBI is a farce.
The Deep State is a farce.

The FISA judges are complicit in this coup attempt!

The Steel dossier provided them plausible denyability of their treasonous actions!

Our country is in deep DEEP trouble!

It is possible that the FISA judges were just operating as a rubber stamp, without actually doing their job of oversight, instead of having the intent of supporting the coup.

Regardless, they are at least completely corrupt and incompetent. They should all resign or be removed from office and blackballed from any office forever.

At least.
It is possible that the FISA judges were just operating as a rubber stamp, without actually doing their job of oversight, instead of having the intent of supporting the coup.

You are right...it IS possible.

But every time a FISA judge speaks publicly...I find it less and less likely.

Wrays response to them didn't help any.
If the Steele “Dossier” was, in whole or in part, a component of the surveillance application,
then the agent and the Attorney General or his authorized agent should know the history and veracity of the “Dossier.” Any document used in application for a wiretap must be thoroughly vetted.

It has been reported that then FBI Director James Comey called the “Dossier” salacious and unverified. It is likely, the federal judge questioned the applying agent about the sources and credibility of each and every source. What the agent and the application represented to the court must be absolutely true.
Otherwise, the judge issued a warrant on false and misleading information which would have contaminated and vitiated any and all fruits of the poisonous tree. James H. Walsh was associate general counsel with the U.S. Department of Justice Immigration and Naturalization Service from 1983 to 1994

FISA Court Likely Abused If Steele Dossier Was Involved

Now if Comey lied to the Senate he's guilty of perjury. BUT if what he testified (see below) is true... then the FISA warrants were obtained illegally and Comey et.al. are guilty.

Subsequently, however, former FBI director James Comey told a Senate committee that the dossier remained “salacious and unverified.” Obviously, if the FBI had not verified the dossier by the time Comey testified in June 2017, then the Bureau cannot possibly have verified the dossier when DOJ sought the FISA warrant nine months earlier, in September 2016.
Did Comey Really Testify That the Entire Steele Dossier Was Unverified?

Either way we have not heard the end of Comey's potential legal problems.

And of course the entire question about Comey's leaking of documents...
White House officials would not explain their reasoning but Sanders’s statements appear derived from an opinion column published in the Hill in June by George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley.
Among Turley’s key points:
  • “There are ethical and departmental rules against the use of material to damage a former represented person or individual or firm related to prior representation. The FBI website warns employees that ‘dissemination of FBI information is made strictly in accordance with provisions of the Privacy Act; Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a; FBI policy and procedures regarding discretionary release of information in accordance with the Privacy Act; and other applicable federal orders and directives.’”
  • “One such regulation is § 2635.703, on the use of nonpublic information, which states, ‘An employee shall not engage in a financial transaction using nonpublic information, nor allow the improper use of nonpublic information to further his own private interest or that of another, whether through advice or recommendation, or by knowing unauthorized disclosure.’”
  • “The standard FBI employment agreement bars the unauthorized disclosure of information ‘contained in the files, electronic or paper, of the FBI’ that impact the bureau and specifically pledges that ‘I will not reveal, by any means, any information or material from or related to FBI files or any other information acquired by virtue of my official employment to any unauthorized recipient without prior official written authorization by the FBI.’”
Analysis | Did James Comey violate federal laws?
We'll wait for the investigation to be completed but the early answer is yes.

JOURNALISM: NY Times: Say, this Steele dossier appears to be false (and maybe was a Russian disinformation effort).
IG is finished with his investigation. That answer is "no".
The FISA Court was duped by Obama criminals Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Clinesmith, and Steele.

The 'face' of the pro-Hillary WEISMANN-led coup attempt - Robert Mueller, FBI Director Comey's mentor - was called before the secret FISA Court for his agency's multiple FISA Court abuses years ago when he was FBI Director under Obama.

Mueller proved then that if those who commit crimes / FISA Court abuses are not punished IT WILL HAPPEN AGAIN.

If the Steele “Dossier” was, in whole or in part, a component of the surveillance application,
then the agent and the Attorney General or his authorized agent should know the history and veracity of the “Dossier.” Any document used in application for a wiretap must be thoroughly vetted.

It has been reported that then FBI Director James Comey called the “Dossier” salacious and unverified. It is likely, the federal judge questioned the applying agent about the sources and credibility of each and every source. What the agent and the application represented to the court must be absolutely true.
Otherwise, the judge issued a warrant on false and misleading information which would have contaminated and vitiated any and all fruits of the poisonous tree. James H. Walsh was associate general counsel with the U.S. Department of Justice Immigration and Naturalization Service from 1983 to 1994

FISA Court Likely Abused If Steele Dossier Was Involved

Now if Comey lied to the Senate he's guilty of perjury. BUT if what he testified (see below) is true... then the FISA warrants were obtained illegally and Comey et.al. are guilty.

Subsequently, however, former FBI director James Comey told a Senate committee that the dossier remained “salacious and unverified.” Obviously, if the FBI had not verified the dossier by the time Comey testified in June 2017, then the Bureau cannot possibly have verified the dossier when DOJ sought the FISA warrant nine months earlier, in September 2016.
Did Comey Really Testify That the Entire Steele Dossier Was Unverified?

Either way we have not heard the end of Comey's potential legal problems.

And of course the entire question about Comey's leaking of documents...
White House officials would not explain their reasoning but Sanders’s statements appear derived from an opinion column published in the Hill in June by George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley.
Among Turley’s key points:
  • “There are ethical and departmental rules against the use of material to damage a former represented person or individual or firm related to prior representation. The FBI website warns employees that ‘dissemination of FBI information is made strictly in accordance with provisions of the Privacy Act; Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a; FBI policy and procedures regarding discretionary release of information in accordance with the Privacy Act; and other applicable federal orders and directives.’”
  • “One such regulation is § 2635.703, on the use of nonpublic information, which states, ‘An employee shall not engage in a financial transaction using nonpublic information, nor allow the improper use of nonpublic information to further his own private interest or that of another, whether through advice or recommendation, or by knowing unauthorized disclosure.’”
  • “The standard FBI employment agreement bars the unauthorized disclosure of information ‘contained in the files, electronic or paper, of the FBI’ that impact the bureau and specifically pledges that ‘I will not reveal, by any means, any information or material from or related to FBI files or any other information acquired by virtue of my official employment to any unauthorized recipient without prior official written authorization by the FBI.’”
Analysis | Did James Comey violate federal laws?
We'll wait for the investigation to be completed but the early answer is yes.

JOURNALISM: NY Times: Say, this Steele dossier appears to be false (and maybe was a Russian disinformation effort).
IG is finished with his investigation. That answer is "no".
You mean the guy who couldn’t interview Clapper, Comey, Brennan, or anyone else no longer employed by the DOJ?

And he said he found no bias, despite it staring him in the face. He also said nobody involved in the FUSA warrants should feel “vindicated” after Comey made that claim.


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