Was the medievial warmer?

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moderately warm = warm.....and far warmer than the period of 1400-1900.

:spinner: http://www.meteo.psu.edu/holocene/public_html/shared/articles/medclimopt.pdf :spinner:

IDK........does anybody know if England's King Richard had the Brits pumping out SUV's back then?:2up:

The point is, nobody knows dick from one century to the next!

Like race, sex, and species, personal comfort is also a choice. I choose to be a cold African penguin.

I'm with ya......as I get older, I seem to tolerate the heat a lot less than when I was young. Where I live now, its cold as shit about 9 months out of the year. Used to be hot from mid-May until late September here in southern New York. Now we are wearing hoodies into June and breaking out sweaters right after Labor Day........so we have been getting used to it. The standard joke around here living close to the ocean is, "Where the hell is all the global warming?":coffee:
moderately warm = warm.....and far warmer than the period of 1400-1900.

:spinner: http://www.meteo.psu.edu/holocene/public_html/shared/articles/medclimopt.pdf :spinner:

IDK........does anybody know if England's King Richard had the Brits pumping out SUV's back then?:2up:

The point is, nobody knows dick from one century to the next!

Like race, sex, and species, my ambient temperature is also a choice. I choose to be a cold African penguin.
That may be the case, however, history shows that civilizations thrived during warm periods and cold periods sucked penguin balls.
We all agree there was a non man-made "warm period" during Medieval times, right? And we all agree that was followed by a non-man made "cool period" that ended around 1900, right? Soooooooo

I'm just throwing out this wild crazy idea. What if, oh man this is way out there, what if we are entering a warm period similar to the Medieval warm period and that it is FOR THE MOST PART NOT MAN MADE but part of a centuries long global climate cycle. Whoooeee I don't know where that came from but I had to put it out there.
moderately warm = warm.....and far warmer than the period of 1400-1900.

:spinner: http://www.meteo.psu.edu/holocene/public_html/shared/articles/medclimopt.pdf :spinner:

IDK........does anybody know if England's King Richard had the Brits pumping out SUV's back then?:2up:

The point is, nobody knows dick from one century to the next!

Like race, sex, and species, my ambient temperature is also a choice. I choose to be a cold African penguin.
That may be the case, however, history shows that civilizations thrived during warm periods and cold periods sucked penguin balls.

That makes a good case for warming the overall temperature, if that's something that's possible. I like thriving. :biggrin:

Outright fraud on the part of the denialists. Altering of graphs and outright lies on their part.

How many times are you going to post up this fiction piece? Each time your spanked with facts and each time you ignore them... I am beginning to think you like being called insane... Insanity: Repeating the same behavior over and over, which fails each time, all while expecting a different result.
Again........over 95% of people could hardly give a crap about this stuff, and its probably closer to 98%. Think of it this way........the climate obsessed are asking people to watch paint dry for decades and asking them to notice. I mean....c'mon now.......nobody is caring. Now that could change. What could change it? Lets say one winter, the media was showing video of bikini clad babes jet skiing and water skiing in central Alaska on a lake in mid-January for 3 weeks drinking Corona's.:eek-52::eek-52: But not a moment sooner.............duh. I find it fascinating that these supposed smart guys ( since folks on the right are all dummies and don't get science ) don't understand this dynamic that only k00ks get all giddy about watching a slug sprint around a track for 1,000 miles.:bye1::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Outright fraud on the part of the denialists. Altering of graphs and outright lies on their part.

Is that video from the 'Crock of the Week' guy? Old Rocks likes him because he has a calm condescending voice with a bit of an accent.

What is the outright fraud? Skeptics regraphed the proxy data WITHOUT tacking on modern instrumental temperatures!

The proxy data is good enough for the last one or two thousand years but it is a FRAUD to use it for the last hundred or so years!

I have shown how proxy data smooths out the ups and downs in the records. Part of that is due to the smearing of stop and start dates when you use multiple proxies of different types.

I even showed how the Marcott proxies broken out by region actually shows a weaker MWP signal for the northern hemisphere than other areas. Because we have more proxies there.

You can choose to put a little or a lot of confidence into proxy reconstructions. What you cannot do is graft modern temperature records on the end and pretend that both are the same type of information.

Outright fraud on the part of the denialists. Altering of graphs and outright lies on their part.

Is that video from the 'Crock of the Week' guy? Old Rocks likes him because he has a calm condescending voice with a bit of an accent.

What is the outright fraud? Skeptics regraphed the proxy data WITHOUT tacking on modern instrumental temperatures!

The proxy data is good enough for the last one or two thousand years but it is a FRAUD to use it for the last hundred or so years!

I have shown how proxy data smooths out the ups and downs in the records. Part of that is due to the smearing of stop and start dates when you use multiple proxies of different types.

I even showed how the Marcott proxies broken out by region actually shows a weaker MWP signal for the northern hemisphere than other areas. Because we have more proxies there.

You can choose to put a little or a lot of confidence into proxy reconstructions. What you cannot do is graft modern temperature records on the end and pretend that both are the same type of information.

w:eek-52:w......great stuff dude. We can lock this thread.............:rock::rock::rock:
I'm just throwing out this wild crazy idea. What if, oh man this is way out there, what if we are entering a warm period similar to the Medieval warm period and that it is FOR THE MOST PART NOT MAN MADE but part of a centuries long global climate cycle. Whoooeee I don't know where that came from but I had to put it out there.
Gee, I wonder if the highly educated scientists of the world thought of this before an uneducated slob like you did?
I'm just throwing out this wild crazy idea. What if, oh man this is way out there, what if we are entering a warm period similar to the Medieval warm period and that it is FOR THE MOST PART NOT MAN MADE but part of a centuries long global climate cycle. Whoooeee I don't know where that came from but I had to put it out there.
Gee, I wonder if the highly educated scientists of the world thought of this before an uneducated slob like you did?
Apparently not since 97% of them claim humans are the primary cause of the latest temperature increase. Your lame personal attack noted and ignored as it is patently false, like most of your posts.
Your lame personal attack noted
Actually, you are the one who initiated personal attacks, outright implying that scientists are liars or incompetent. The funniest part, really, is that an uneducated slob like you said it. Kind of like the Karate Kid calling Mike Tyson a weakling and a poor boxer.

I mean, really, think about the absurdity of you cackling fools running around thinking you have outsmarted people who have dedicated their lives to these fields of science (and it is MANY fields of science, all in agreement). Would you also think you are a better chess player than Garry Kasparov, because you learned a cool chess move from a blog one time?

Do you also think you know more about physics than the scientists working on the Large Hadron Collider, because you once looked at an image of particle collisions and said, "That seems squigglier than i expected! These scientists got it all wrong!"??

It's patently absurd and embarrassing. But you deniers are so steeped in your superstitions and your politics that you don't see it. It's goddamned embarrassing to watch, really.
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That may be the case, however, history shows that civilizations thrived during warm periods and cold periods sucked penguin balls.
Fascinating. Now, all we have to do to duplicate that is get rid of things like "indoor plumbing" and 'electricity".
I'm just throwing out this wild crazy idea. What if, oh man this is way out there, what if we are entering a warm period similar to the Medieval warm period and that it is FOR THE MOST PART NOT MAN MADE but part of a centuries long global climate cycle. Whoooeee I don't know where that came from but I had to put it out there.
Gee, I wonder if the highly educated scientists of the world thought of this before an uneducated slob like you did?
Apparently not since 97% of them claim humans are the primary cause of the latest temperature increase. Your lame personal attack noted and ignored as it is patently false, like most of your posts.

Hey Marathon.........just saw that avatar bro...........made me burst out laughing.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Your lame personal attack noted
Actually, you are the one who initiated personal attacks, outright implying that scientists are liars or incompetent. The funniest part, really, is that an uneducated slob like you said it. Kind of like the Karate Kid calling Mike Tyson a weakling and a poor boxer.

I mean, really, think about the absurdity of you cackling fools running around thinking you have outsmarted people who have dedicated their lives to these fields of science (and it is MANY fields of science, all in agreement). Would you also think you are a better chess player than Garry Kasparov, because you learned a cool chess move from a blog one time?

Do you also think you know more about physics than the scientists working on the Large Hadron Collider, because you once looked at an image of particle collisions and said, "That seems squigglier than i expected! These scientists got it all wrong!"??

It's patently absurd and embarrassing. But you deniers are so steeped in your superstitions and your politics that you don't see it. It's goddamned embarrassing to watch, really.
You continue with your lame personal attacks because that is what Liberals do. When you have no argument, attack the source. There was nothing I said in my tongue-in-cheek post that even remotely resembled a personal attack. You are angry because I don't agree with you. It is as simple as that.

Outright fraud on the part of the denialists. Altering of graphs and outright lies on their part.

Translation the only proxies the cult approves of is theirs ..

Listen now do you get proxies are just gussetimate's ?

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