CNN releases another brutal poll for Biden...He is in trouble with the black voters....

The majority of Americans are sane people and we most certainly don't want a convict running the country.
Why? Hunter isn't running for anything.

Even so, Hunter has the ear of his dementia-addled, child molesting, racist, moronic, corrupt-ass puppet father Joe Biden, and direct access to the White House. And Joe says he’s the smartest man he knows.

Do you understand how influence-peddling works?

Do you understand what a “bag man” is?

Do you understand that numerous Biden family members were receiving payments from CCP companies, laundered through the Biden’s shell companies?

Do you understand that Hunter claimed in emails with his daughter, that his dad keeps a healthy percentage of everything he makes?

Do you understand that Hunter received millions of dollars from Burisma, starting while his father was still in office?

Are you aware that in emails, a Burisma executive plainly told Hunter that one of the primary reasons he was being paid was to have investigations into Burisma shut down?

Are you aware that Hunter's father leveraged $1 billion dollars in US aid to Ukraine to have the man investigating Burisma fired?
Even so, Hunter has the ear of his dementia-addled, child molesting, racist, moronic, corrupt-ass puppet father Joe Biden, and direct access to the White House. And Joe says he’s the smartest man he knows.

Do you understand how influence-peddling works?

Do you understand what a “bag man” is?

Do you understand that numerous Biden family members were receiving payments from CCP companies, laundered through the Biden’s shell companies?

Do you understand that Hunter claimed in emails with his daughter, that his dad keeps a healthy percentage of everything he makes?

Do you understand that Hunter received millions of dollars from Burisma, starting while his father was still in office?

Are you aware that in emails, a Burisma executive plainly told Hunter that one of the primary reasons he was being paid was to have investigations into Burisma shut down?

Are you aware that Hunter's father leveraged $1 billion dollars in US aid to Ukraine to have the man investigating Burisma fired?

The prosecutor wasn’t investigating dick shit into Burisma. There had not been any active investigations for two years.

Second, the 1 billion in loan guarantees was official policy of the Obama administration and was supported by the EU and IMF as they rightly viewed Shokin as corrupt.

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