Wasserman-Schultz Pokes Her Head Up - Why Is She Still NOT In Prison?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The criminal Wasserman-Schultz has poked her head up like a traitorous prairie dog to add her BS propaganda to the other Liberal lies about how 'Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes has “followed the law” ... except what Wasserman-Schultz claims, as usual, is a LIE!

Snipes, a proven repeat Election Law criminal who has been repeatedly caught violating election law - previously for destroying ballots, was caught again this year violating NUMEROUS election laws regarding ballots - illegally refusing to report the number of ballots received, illegally refusing to report the number of ballots checked and remaining, illegally reusing to give updates on the recount every 45 minutes, illegally refusing to allow monitors in to monitor the recount process, etc.....

The fact that proven liar / criminal Wasserman-Schultz is one of the criminal faces of the DNC attempting to 'normalize' the continuing, frequent violations of law and cheating in elections is NOT a surprise. The real surprise is that Former DNC Chairwoman and Terrorist-Connected Pakistani Spy-Ring Operator Wasserman-Schultz has not been perp-walked and sent to prison yet.

Wasserman-Schultz is the former DNC Chairwoman who broke the law / government rules that require background checks be conducted on all persons hired to work for the Govt / in the House and Senate. By BREAKING that law Wasserman-Schultz failed to discover (if she did not already know) how the Pakistanis she hired to be IT Professionals in charge of House networks, e-mails, files, etc... were connected to terrorists, were suspected of murdering their father, and holding their mother hostage while they spent their father's money that was left to his wife / their mother.

Wasserman-Schultz also illegally gave them access to highly classified House files, terabytes of which they downloaded and stole - COMPROMISING OUR NATIONAL SECURITY IN THE ACT OF ESPIONAGE.

When all of this was discovered the Pakistanis were banned from working in the House, banned from having access to govt computers again, banned from the House, and most of the Pakistanis fled back Pakistan where they were immediately given govt protection. Wasserman-Schultz, however, IGNORED THE HOUSE BAN ON THE PAKISTANIS, IGNORED THE ESPIONAGE INVESTIGATION THAT HAD BEGUN ON THEM, AND RE-HIRED ONE OF THE PAKISTANIS, GIVING HIM ILLEGAL ACCESS TO THE HOUSE COMPUTERS AGAIN AND ACCESS TO THE DNC NETWORK SERVER, ACCESS TO ALL DNC MEMBER E-MAIL, AND THEIR USERNAMES/PASSWORDS......

This act DEFINITELY makes her an accomplice!

As soon as it was discovered she had done this she was fired, and she ran straight to Hillary where she was hired that same day as part of Hillary's team.

The Liberal Media has all but remained completely silent on any information about this scandal.....but here the traitor is popping her head up to defend the crimes being perpetrated down in Fla.


Of course, the answer is obvious - the same thing that happened to Holder, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Koskinen, Hillary, etc... Criminal Democrats are 'elites' protected from the consequences of the laws they break!

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Claims Brenda Snipes ‘Followed The Law’
The criminal Wasserman-Schultz has poked her head up like a traitorous prairie dog to add her BS propaganda to the other Liberal lies about how 'Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes has “followed the law” ... except what Wasserman-Schultz claims, as usual, is a LIE!

Snipes, a proven repeat Election Law criminal who has been repeatedly caught violating election law - previously for destroying ballots, was caught again this year violating NUMEROUS election laws regarding ballots - illegally refusing to report the number of ballots received, illegally refusing to report the number of ballots checked and remaining, illegally reusing to give updates on the recount every 45 minutes, illegally refusing to allow monitors in to monitor the recount process, etc.....

The fact that proven liar / criminal Wasserman-Schultz is one of the criminal faces of the DNC attempting to 'normalize' the continuing, frequent violations of law and cheating in elections is NOT a surprise. The real surprise is that Former DNC Chairwoman and Terrorist-Connected Pakistani Spy-Ring Operator Wasserman-Schultz has not been perp-walked and sent to prison yet.

Wasserman-Schultz is the former DNC Chairwoman who broke the law / government rules that require background checks be conducted on all persons hired to work for the Govt / in the House and Senate. By BREAKING that law Wasserman-Schultz failed to discover (if she did not already know) how the Pakistanis she hired to be IT Professionals in charge of House networks, e-mails, files, etc... were connected to terrorists, were suspected of murdering their father, and holding their mother hostage while they spent their father's money that was left to his wife / their mother.

Wasserman-Schultz also illegally gave them access to highly classified House files, terabytes of which they downloaded and stole - COMPROMISING OUR NATIONAL SECURITY IN THE ACT OF ESPIONAGE.

When all of this was discovered the Pakistanis were banned from working in the House, banned from having access to govt computers again, banned from the House, and most of the Pakistanis fled back Pakistan where they were immediately given govt protection. Wasserman-Schultz, however, IGNORED THE HOUSE BAN ON THE PAKISTANIS, IGNORED THE ESPIONAGE INVESTIGATION THAT HAD BEGUN ON THEM, AND RE-HIRED ONE OF THE PAKISTANIS, GIVING HIM ILLEGAL ACCESS TO THE HOUSE COMPUTERS AGAIN AND ACCESS TO THE DNC NETWORK SERVER, ACCESS TO ALL DNC MEMBER E-MAIL, AND THEIR USERNAMES/PASSWORDS......

This act DEFINITELY makes her an accomplice!

As soon as it was discovered she had done this she was fired, and she ran straight to Hillary where she was hired that same day as part of Hillary's team.

The Liberal Media has all but remained completely silent on any information about this scandal.....but here the traitor is popping her head up to defend the crimes being perpetrated down in Fla.


Of course, the answer is obvious - the same thing that happened to Holder, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Koskinen, Hillary, etc... Criminal Democrats are 'elites' protected from the consequences of the laws they break!

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Claims Brenda Snipes ‘Followed The Law’
Why is she not in jail? Because you failed at turning this into a banana republic. Losing the House has put an end to that.

Despite having been given illegal access to classified House servers/networks, despite having down-loaded terabytes of data from the House Server and the House having reported that thousands of dollars of computer equipment was stolen by the Awans, a plea deal has been made in which Awan pleads guilty to Bank fraud while the government agreed to declare 'there is no basis to claims that Awan stole information from the servers, or the servers themselves'.
-- Over 40 Democrats refused to press charges after finding their accounts had been hacked and personal information had been accessed....

There is no mention of Wasserman-Schultz having broken the law by hiring the Awans without a background check, of Wasserman-Schultz re-hiring the Awans after they had been banned from the House while an Espionage investigation was begun, or how Wasserman-Schultz gave then access to House and DNC servers, networks, and e-mail, even after the Espionage Investigation had been begun.


Ex-House staffer, subject of conspiracy theories, pleads guilty to bank fraud charge - CNNPolitics
The criminal Wasserman-Schultz has poked her head up like a traitorous prairie dog to add her BS propaganda to the other Liberal lies about how 'Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes has “followed the law” ... except what Wasserman-Schultz claims, as usual, is a LIE!

Snipes, a proven repeat Election Law criminal who has been repeatedly caught violating election law - previously for destroying ballots, was caught again this year violating NUMEROUS election laws regarding ballots - illegally refusing to report the number of ballots received, illegally refusing to report the number of ballots checked and remaining, illegally reusing to give updates on the recount every 45 minutes, illegally refusing to allow monitors in to monitor the recount process, etc.....

The fact that proven liar / criminal Wasserman-Schultz is one of the criminal faces of the DNC attempting to 'normalize' the continuing, frequent violations of law and cheating in elections is NOT a surprise. The real surprise is that Former DNC Chairwoman and Terrorist-Connected Pakistani Spy-Ring Operator Wasserman-Schultz has not been perp-walked and sent to prison yet.

Wasserman-Schultz is the former DNC Chairwoman who broke the law / government rules that require background checks be conducted on all persons hired to work for the Govt / in the House and Senate. By BREAKING that law Wasserman-Schultz failed to discover (if she did not already know) how the Pakistanis she hired to be IT Professionals in charge of House networks, e-mails, files, etc... were connected to terrorists, were suspected of murdering their father, and holding their mother hostage while they spent their father's money that was left to his wife / their mother.

Wasserman-Schultz also illegally gave them access to highly classified House files, terabytes of which they downloaded and stole - COMPROMISING OUR NATIONAL SECURITY IN THE ACT OF ESPIONAGE.

When all of this was discovered the Pakistanis were banned from working in the House, banned from having access to govt computers again, banned from the House, and most of the Pakistanis fled back Pakistan where they were immediately given govt protection. Wasserman-Schultz, however, IGNORED THE HOUSE BAN ON THE PAKISTANIS, IGNORED THE ESPIONAGE INVESTIGATION THAT HAD BEGUN ON THEM, AND RE-HIRED ONE OF THE PAKISTANIS, GIVING HIM ILLEGAL ACCESS TO THE HOUSE COMPUTERS AGAIN AND ACCESS TO THE DNC NETWORK SERVER, ACCESS TO ALL DNC MEMBER E-MAIL, AND THEIR USERNAMES/PASSWORDS......

This act DEFINITELY makes her an accomplice!

As soon as it was discovered she had done this she was fired, and she ran straight to Hillary where she was hired that same day as part of Hillary's team.

The Liberal Media has all but remained completely silent on any information about this scandal.....but here the traitor is popping her head up to defend the crimes being perpetrated down in Fla.


Of course, the answer is obvious - the same thing that happened to Holder, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Koskinen, Hillary, etc... Criminal Democrats are 'elites' protected from the consequences of the laws they break!

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Claims Brenda Snipes ‘Followed The Law’
Why is she not in jail? Because you failed at turning this into a banana republic. Losing the House has put an end to that.

Hate to break this to ya', BF but crooked election behavior like Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Snipes have exhibited are the hallmark of "Banana Republics"!

Prosecution of people who flaunt the law regarding elections is what astute nations do to preserve their liberty!
Not one of 44 House Democrats bothered with background checks for members of a close-knit group of Pakistani IT aides who ended up gaining “unauthorized access” to congressional data.

House security rules require members to start a background check for employees, but they can also put down that another member has vouched for the person.

The background check was waived for all five IT workers, who made headlines last year for what the House inspector general’s report described as activity with “nefarious purposes.”

Pakistan-born Imran Awan, who served as a tech aide in Congress for 13 years, managed to snag congressional IT jobs with salaries as high as $165,000 for his brothers Abid and Jamal, his wife Hina Alvi, and his friend Rao Abbas, who had just been fired from McDonald’s. Together the group was found logging into accounts of representatives who had not hired them, using representatives’ private usernames, and uploading data off of the House network, according to the inspector general’s report.

44 Democrats violated House Rules by hiring the Pakistani spies without doing background checks....
Some of these clowns, all connected to terrorists, could not even hold down a job at McDonalds....



Pakistani IT Aides Exempted from Background Checks by House Democrats | National Review

So 44 Democrats who broke House Rules and Espionage Enabler Wasserman-Schultz gets to walk with only 1 of her terrorist-connected Pakistani spy ring members goes to jail (for a very short stay I would bet)....
Why is she not in prison?....DOJ (i.e. ruling class swampers) negligence and prosecutorial malpractice.
Why is she not in prison?....DOJ (i.e. ruling class swampers) negligence and prosecutorial malpractice.
Not everyone is forgetting the corruption in Florida. Its really no wonder there are so many creeps are trying to discourage everyone about Matt Whitaker being in charge for the moment. There is a big job ahead cleaning up what was let loose in this country.

The criminal Wasserman-Schultz has poked her head up like a traitorous prairie dog to add her BS propaganda to the other Liberal lies about how 'Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes has “followed the law” ... except what Wasserman-Schultz claims, as usual, is a LIE!

Snipes, a proven repeat Election Law criminal who has been repeatedly caught violating election law - previously for destroying ballots, was caught again this year violating NUMEROUS election laws regarding ballots - illegally refusing to report the number of ballots received, illegally refusing to report the number of ballots checked and remaining, illegally reusing to give updates on the recount every 45 minutes, illegally refusing to allow monitors in to monitor the recount process, etc.....

The fact that proven liar / criminal Wasserman-Schultz is one of the criminal faces of the DNC attempting to 'normalize' the continuing, frequent violations of law and cheating in elections is NOT a surprise. The real surprise is that Former DNC Chairwoman and Terrorist-Connected Pakistani Spy-Ring Operator Wasserman-Schultz has not been perp-walked and sent to prison yet.

Wasserman-Schultz is the former DNC Chairwoman who broke the law / government rules that require background checks be conducted on all persons hired to work for the Govt / in the House and Senate. By BREAKING that law Wasserman-Schultz failed to discover (if she did not already know) how the Pakistanis she hired to be IT Professionals in charge of House networks, e-mails, files, etc... were connected to terrorists, were suspected of murdering their father, and holding their mother hostage while they spent their father's money that was left to his wife / their mother.

Wasserman-Schultz also illegally gave them access to highly classified House files, terabytes of which they downloaded and stole - COMPROMISING OUR NATIONAL SECURITY IN THE ACT OF ESPIONAGE.

When all of this was discovered the Pakistanis were banned from working in the House, banned from having access to govt computers again, banned from the House, and most of the Pakistanis fled back Pakistan where they were immediately given govt protection. Wasserman-Schultz, however, IGNORED THE HOUSE BAN ON THE PAKISTANIS, IGNORED THE ESPIONAGE INVESTIGATION THAT HAD BEGUN ON THEM, AND RE-HIRED ONE OF THE PAKISTANIS, GIVING HIM ILLEGAL ACCESS TO THE HOUSE COMPUTERS AGAIN AND ACCESS TO THE DNC NETWORK SERVER, ACCESS TO ALL DNC MEMBER E-MAIL, AND THEIR USERNAMES/PASSWORDS......

This act DEFINITELY makes her an accomplice!

As soon as it was discovered she had done this she was fired, and she ran straight to Hillary where she was hired that same day as part of Hillary's team.

The Liberal Media has all but remained completely silent on any information about this scandal.....but here the traitor is popping her head up to defend the crimes being perpetrated down in Fla.


Of course, the answer is obvious - the same thing that happened to Holder, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Koskinen, Hillary, etc... Criminal Democrats are 'elites' protected from the consequences of the laws they break!

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Claims Brenda Snipes ‘Followed The Law’
Where's those indictments again?
The criminal Wasserman-Schultz has poked her head up like a traitorous prairie dog to add her BS propaganda to the other Liberal lies about how 'Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes has “followed the law” ... except what Wasserman-Schultz claims, as usual, is a LIE!

Snipes, a proven repeat Election Law criminal who has been repeatedly caught violating election law - previously for destroying ballots, was caught again this year violating NUMEROUS election laws regarding ballots - illegally refusing to report the number of ballots received, illegally refusing to report the number of ballots checked and remaining, illegally reusing to give updates on the recount every 45 minutes, illegally refusing to allow monitors in to monitor the recount process, etc.....

The fact that proven liar / criminal Wasserman-Schultz is one of the criminal faces of the DNC attempting to 'normalize' the continuing, frequent violations of law and cheating in elections is NOT a surprise. The real surprise is that Former DNC Chairwoman and Terrorist-Connected Pakistani Spy-Ring Operator Wasserman-Schultz has not been perp-walked and sent to prison yet.

Wasserman-Schultz is the former DNC Chairwoman who broke the law / government rules that require background checks be conducted on all persons hired to work for the Govt / in the House and Senate. By BREAKING that law Wasserman-Schultz failed to discover (if she did not already know) how the Pakistanis she hired to be IT Professionals in charge of House networks, e-mails, files, etc... were connected to terrorists, were suspected of murdering their father, and holding their mother hostage while they spent their father's money that was left to his wife / their mother.

Wasserman-Schultz also illegally gave them access to highly classified House files, terabytes of which they downloaded and stole - COMPROMISING OUR NATIONAL SECURITY IN THE ACT OF ESPIONAGE.

When all of this was discovered the Pakistanis were banned from working in the House, banned from having access to govt computers again, banned from the House, and most of the Pakistanis fled back Pakistan where they were immediately given govt protection. Wasserman-Schultz, however, IGNORED THE HOUSE BAN ON THE PAKISTANIS, IGNORED THE ESPIONAGE INVESTIGATION THAT HAD BEGUN ON THEM, AND RE-HIRED ONE OF THE PAKISTANIS, GIVING HIM ILLEGAL ACCESS TO THE HOUSE COMPUTERS AGAIN AND ACCESS TO THE DNC NETWORK SERVER, ACCESS TO ALL DNC MEMBER E-MAIL, AND THEIR USERNAMES/PASSWORDS......

This act DEFINITELY makes her an accomplice!

As soon as it was discovered she had done this she was fired, and she ran straight to Hillary where she was hired that same day as part of Hillary's team.

The Liberal Media has all but remained completely silent on any information about this scandal.....but here the traitor is popping her head up to defend the crimes being perpetrated down in Fla.


Of course, the answer is obvious - the same thing that happened to Holder, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Koskinen, Hillary, etc... Criminal Democrats are 'elites' protected from the consequences of the laws they break!

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Claims Brenda Snipes ‘Followed The Law’
Where's those indictments again?

That's part of the entire point....where are they when she has been busted numerous times violating laws...much like Hillary....
The criminal Wasserman-Schultz has poked her head up like a traitorous prairie dog to add her BS propaganda to the other Liberal lies about how 'Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes has “followed the law” ... except what Wasserman-Schultz claims, as usual, is a LIE!

Snipes, a proven repeat Election Law criminal who has been repeatedly caught violating election law - previously for destroying ballots, was caught again this year violating NUMEROUS election laws regarding ballots - illegally refusing to report the number of ballots received, illegally refusing to report the number of ballots checked and remaining, illegally reusing to give updates on the recount every 45 minutes, illegally refusing to allow monitors in to monitor the recount process, etc.....

The fact that proven liar / criminal Wasserman-Schultz is one of the criminal faces of the DNC attempting to 'normalize' the continuing, frequent violations of law and cheating in elections is NOT a surprise. The real surprise is that Former DNC Chairwoman and Terrorist-Connected Pakistani Spy-Ring Operator Wasserman-Schultz has not been perp-walked and sent to prison yet.

Wasserman-Schultz is the former DNC Chairwoman who broke the law / government rules that require background checks be conducted on all persons hired to work for the Govt / in the House and Senate. By BREAKING that law Wasserman-Schultz failed to discover (if she did not already know) how the Pakistanis she hired to be IT Professionals in charge of House networks, e-mails, files, etc... were connected to terrorists, were suspected of murdering their father, and holding their mother hostage while they spent their father's money that was left to his wife / their mother.

Wasserman-Schultz also illegally gave them access to highly classified House files, terabytes of which they downloaded and stole - COMPROMISING OUR NATIONAL SECURITY IN THE ACT OF ESPIONAGE.

When all of this was discovered the Pakistanis were banned from working in the House, banned from having access to govt computers again, banned from the House, and most of the Pakistanis fled back Pakistan where they were immediately given govt protection. Wasserman-Schultz, however, IGNORED THE HOUSE BAN ON THE PAKISTANIS, IGNORED THE ESPIONAGE INVESTIGATION THAT HAD BEGUN ON THEM, AND RE-HIRED ONE OF THE PAKISTANIS, GIVING HIM ILLEGAL ACCESS TO THE HOUSE COMPUTERS AGAIN AND ACCESS TO THE DNC NETWORK SERVER, ACCESS TO ALL DNC MEMBER E-MAIL, AND THEIR USERNAMES/PASSWORDS......

This act DEFINITELY makes her an accomplice!

As soon as it was discovered she had done this she was fired, and she ran straight to Hillary where she was hired that same day as part of Hillary's team.

The Liberal Media has all but remained completely silent on any information about this scandal.....but here the traitor is popping her head up to defend the crimes being perpetrated down in Fla.


Of course, the answer is obvious - the same thing that happened to Holder, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Koskinen, Hillary, etc... Criminal Democrats are 'elites' protected from the consequences of the laws they break!

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Claims Brenda Snipes ‘Followed The Law’
The reason why she still isnt in prison is that she is so ugly, that the inmates would riot against the possibility that they could be turned to stone. They tried the 3 bag ugly trick, but the snakes keep working their way out of the bag....

The criminal Wasserman-Schultz has poked her head up like a traitorous prairie dog to add her BS propaganda to the other Liberal lies about how 'Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes has “followed the law” ... except what Wasserman-Schultz claims, as usual, is a LIE!

Snipes, a proven repeat Election Law criminal who has been repeatedly caught violating election law - previously for destroying ballots, was caught again this year violating NUMEROUS election laws regarding ballots - illegally refusing to report the number of ballots received, illegally refusing to report the number of ballots checked and remaining, illegally reusing to give updates on the recount every 45 minutes, illegally refusing to allow monitors in to monitor the recount process, etc.....

The fact that proven liar / criminal Wasserman-Schultz is one of the criminal faces of the DNC attempting to 'normalize' the continuing, frequent violations of law and cheating in elections is NOT a surprise. The real surprise is that Former DNC Chairwoman and Terrorist-Connected Pakistani Spy-Ring Operator Wasserman-Schultz has not been perp-walked and sent to prison yet.

Wasserman-Schultz is the former DNC Chairwoman who broke the law / government rules that require background checks be conducted on all persons hired to work for the Govt / in the House and Senate. By BREAKING that law Wasserman-Schultz failed to discover (if she did not already know) how the Pakistanis she hired to be IT Professionals in charge of House networks, e-mails, files, etc... were connected to terrorists, were suspected of murdering their father, and holding their mother hostage while they spent their father's money that was left to his wife / their mother.

Wasserman-Schultz also illegally gave them access to highly classified House files, terabytes of which they downloaded and stole - COMPROMISING OUR NATIONAL SECURITY IN THE ACT OF ESPIONAGE.

When all of this was discovered the Pakistanis were banned from working in the House, banned from having access to govt computers again, banned from the House, and most of the Pakistanis fled back Pakistan where they were immediately given govt protection. Wasserman-Schultz, however, IGNORED THE HOUSE BAN ON THE PAKISTANIS, IGNORED THE ESPIONAGE INVESTIGATION THAT HAD BEGUN ON THEM, AND RE-HIRED ONE OF THE PAKISTANIS, GIVING HIM ILLEGAL ACCESS TO THE HOUSE COMPUTERS AGAIN AND ACCESS TO THE DNC NETWORK SERVER, ACCESS TO ALL DNC MEMBER E-MAIL, AND THEIR USERNAMES/PASSWORDS......

This act DEFINITELY makes her an accomplice!

As soon as it was discovered she had done this she was fired, and she ran straight to Hillary where she was hired that same day as part of Hillary's team.

The Liberal Media has all but remained completely silent on any information about this scandal.....but here the traitor is popping her head up to defend the crimes being perpetrated down in Fla.


Of course, the answer is obvious - the same thing that happened to Holder, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Koskinen, Hillary, etc... Criminal Democrats are 'elites' protected from the consequences of the laws they break!

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Claims Brenda Snipes ‘Followed The Law’

They Intentionally Hired These Criminal Hackers to hack in to Congressional Files so they could blackmail and leverage the data they found against compromised politicians. One thing they didn't count on is that criminals are opportunists, so when they logged in to Podesta's Email, the details were too juicy to pass up.

They gave this data to Seth Rich who then gave it to Julian Assange. Had this not occurred, America would have had no idea how racist, criminal, ugly and full of hatred The Democrat Party was.

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