Watch Anti-RFK Sen. Mitch McConnell Getting Booed NONSTOP in Home State Speech, "RETIRE RETIRE!" Trump Rips In


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
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This is a classic, and he has gotten worse and more hated. Especially now that he says he will vote against RFK Jr. in Senate.

Kentucky LOVES RFK Jr. so wouldn't be surprised if a recall petition was started, as the old slimeball is not up for reelection until 2027. That means KY is missing representation from a full Senate seat. It would be better off vacant. McConnell is a Big Pharma whore who kills seniors with high drug prices.

Mitch has frozen in front of the cameras so bad he had to be taken off the stage, and it has happened more than once. Poor hard-working Kentuckyians literally have a fossil sitting in their chair in the Senate.

McConnell Freezes

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The citizens of Kentucky are not shy about expressing themselves obviously. If a recall is possible I can't imaging him succeeding in maintaining his seat, though they weren't able to get rid of Newsom when they tried to recall.
Do you reckon this is true?


I wonder who'll reap what Leon and Chump sow. Not really, everyone knows. It'll be the people whom they don't want to pay overtime who reap it. Rather you than me.
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This is a classic, and he has gotten worse and more hated. Especially now that he says he will vote against RFK Jr. in Senate.

Kentucky LOVES RFK Jr. so wouldn't be surprised if a recall petition was started, as the old slimeball is not up for reelection until 2027. That means KY is missing representation from a full Senate seat. It would be better off vacant. McConnell is a Big Pharma whore who kills seniors with high drug prices.

Mitch has frozen in front of the cameras so bad he had to be taken off the stage, and it has happened more than once. Poor hard-working Kentuckyians literally have a fossil sitting in their chair in the Senate.

McConnell Freezes

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I don't think he actually knows what he is doing anymore. Just like Biden didn't know what he was doing half the time.

No cognitive tests for senators.
McConnell = compromised

Just look at who he sides with.

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