Watch Koch Brothers Exposed: 2014 Edition


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Robert Greenwald's newest full-length feature, Koch Brothers Exposed: 2014 Edition is now available to stream. The documentary will only be available to stream online for a limited time.

I'm planning on watching it soon, perhaps over the weekend. From those who've seen it, I've heard it's pretty good.

Here's the link to it...

Koch Brothers Exposed: 2014 Edition
I'd rather watch paint dry, but I feel the same way when I see the man/boy Obama, dirty Harry Reid, plastic face Pelosi, etc on Television
A left wing political activist produces the second rant against conservative philanthropists. No surprises here. How many hospitals and cancer research agencies has Greenwalt saved?
It's so sad and scary how the Democrats can play their base like a fiddle

I guess now we see how a man like Obama was able to dupe so many and after six years his approvals are no better than what Bush's were at this time in his Presidency...

but he was sold as THE ONE we've all been waiting for so he can stop the seas rising and heal thy planet
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And yet the left has nothing but praise for Soros, go figure.
I'd love to see a documentary on Soros.

You see, despite all the unintelligible ranting and raving from the rabid far RW, there's IS NO equivalency of The Koch Brothers on the left. There just isn't.

Don't you people get tired of spewing this false equivalency nonsense?!?!?
I don't understand you people of the rabid far RW.

You get upset and all bent out of shape at mere INFORMATION that would be to YOUR benefit.

All because you PERCEIVE the information to be from or bias in favor of the left.

That's THEE definition of IGNORANCE.

Rank Ignorance. Yes, with a capital "I."

And yet the left has nothing but praise for Soros, go figure.
I'd love to see a documentary on Soros.

You see, despite all the unintelligible ranting and raving from the rabid far RW, there's IS NO equivalency of The Koch Brothers on the left. There just isn't.

Don't you people get tired of spewing this false equivalency nonsense?!?!?

well try doing some research on him...that SOB is one horrible commie/human being that is in charge of your party
And yet the left has nothing but praise for Soros, go figure.
I'd love to see a documentary on Soros.

You see, despite all the unintelligible ranting and raving from the rabid far RW, there's IS NO equivalency of The Koch Brothers on the left. There just isn't.

Don't you people get tired of spewing this false equivalency nonsense?!?!?

well try doing some research on him...that SOB is one horrible commie/human being that is in charge of your party
So Steffy Weffy, when are you planning on watching the Koch Brother's documentary?

This weekend like me?

Perhaps we can plan to watch it at the same time and compare notes via PM?


And yet the left has nothing but praise for Soros, go figure.
I'd love to see a documentary on Soros.

You see, despite all the unintelligible ranting and raving from the rabid far RW, there's IS NO equivalency of The Koch Brothers on the left. There just isn't.

Don't you people get tired of spewing this false equivalency nonsense?!?!?

well try doing some research on him...that SOB is one horrible commie/human being that is in charge of your party
OK, tell ya what..

I'll let that SWILL slide about the "SOB is one horrible commie" slide, you just provide some EVIDENCE of how George Soros is "in charge of" The Democratic Party.

One credible link will do, that's all I ask.
I'd love to see a documentary on Soros.

You see, despite all the unintelligible ranting and raving from the rabid far RW, there's IS NO equivalency of The Koch Brothers on the left. There just isn't.

Don't you people get tired of spewing this false equivalency nonsense?!?!?

well try doing some research on him...that SOB is one horrible commie/human being that is in charge of your party
So Steffy Weffy, when are you planning on watching the Koch Brother's documentary?

This weekend like me?

Perhaps we can plan to watch it at the same time and compare notes via PM?



I told you I'd rather watch paint dry especially if it was done by the left wing, GreenWald..It might as well been done by the fat white boy, Mikey Moore, it would of been just as much BS but it will stir up the low info Democrat base
but you can watch and get your panties all waded up...
OK, I'll be getting my panties "all waded up" then.

And yet the left has nothing but praise for Soros, go figure.
I'd love to see a documentary on Soros.

You see, despite all the unintelligible ranting and raving from the rabid far RW, there's IS NO equivalency of The Koch Brothers on the left. There just isn't.

Don't you people get tired of spewing this false equivalency nonsense?!?!?

of course're an idiot:cuckoo:

David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research


The David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research At MIT
Oh those EVUL Kochs...wanting to cure cancer and deprive the well connected Big Insurance Gubmint Cronies of a significant source of income!
Still waiting for some leftie to surrender his/her/its children to state custody, admitting they abused the chillin's by letting them watch PBS where SO MUCH of the programming is supported by The Brothers Koch.

But they won't. They'll just continue taking. Hey, it's free stuff!
And yet the left has nothing but praise for Soros, go figure.
I'd love to see a documentary on Soros.

You see, despite all the unintelligible ranting and raving from the rabid far RW, there's IS NO equivalency of The Koch Brothers on the left. There just isn't.

Don't you people get tired of spewing this false equivalency nonsense?!?!?

I would too, just to take a count of how many lies of made-up crap from this board could be shot down. Pick a number and place yer bets.

Rachel Carson, same thing (see sig link). And all those fake quotes some of these wags run until they're called out for them. To paraphrase Jerry Lee Lewis -- whole lotta fiction goin' on. It's telling when the flow of information is protested.

Here's more of that flow of info for background

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