Watch trump Run Away When Reporter Busts Him For Lying About Veterans

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He’s such a pussy and a whiny little bitch.

what is he supposed to do with a woman who won't shut up? go up and slap her? would that be manly?
Would it be more manly to grab her by the pussy?

Better than doing a Clinton and raping her
Well Drumpf raped a 13yr old. When did Clinton rape anyone?

You're making shit up again
Youre just mad because you can't answer my question about Clinton. So if your logic is that Clinton raped someone then it follows that Drumpf raped a 13 yr old. Your move.
only in your racist mind,,,
So show us the proof Clinton raped anyone and I will show the proof Drumpf raped a 13 yr old.
you first,,,it is your claim after all,,,
Nope. The first claim made was that Clinton raped someone. If youre going to piggyback on someone elses conversation you have to adhere to side you are supporting.
so you dont have proof,,,as expected,,,
I noticed that you have failed to provide your proof. Drumpf would be proud of you for running away.
I never made a claim,,,just want to see your proof,,,
Take a position and provide your proof since the side you support made the first claim.
I didnt side with him,,,just wanted to see your proof,,,
Of course you did clown. Here are your words.

" only in your racist mind,,, "
prove me wrong and post your proof,,,
You have to prove to me you are worth proving wrong. Please post where Clinton was convicted of raping anyone. Anyone at all.

Since your standard has changed to "conviction," you're admitting you lied about Trump by your own standard
No. Just pointing out your faulty logic. You cant show me where Clinton was convicted of rape which was your claim.

Yet another lie, you're just sad. I said Clinton was a rapist, I never said "convicted." You made that up, liar
You must be retarded then. You cant be a rapist unless youre convicted. Rape is a legal term.
Show me.
rape is an act of aggression a conviction is a punishment for that action,,,,

just like the stop sign I will soon run through,,I am guilty of running the sign but most likely wont be convicted of it,,,
Wrong. You call me a rapist without me having a conviction of rape and I can sue your silly ass for libel/slander. If I have actually been convicted of rape then you can say it all day long.
unless of course you did rape someone,,,
Drumpf did rape a 13 year old and several other women then.
and your proof of this is where???
He’s such a pussy and a whiny little bitch.

what is he supposed to do with a woman who won't shut up? go up and slap her? would that be manly?
Would it be more manly to grab her by the pussy?

Better than doing a Clinton and raping her
Well Drumpf raped a 13yr old. When did Clinton rape anyone?

You're making shit up again
Youre just mad because you can't answer my question about Clinton. So if your logic is that Clinton raped someone then it follows that Drumpf raped a 13 yr old. Your move.
only in your racist mind,,,
So show us the proof Clinton raped anyone and I will show the proof Drumpf raped a 13 yr old.
you first,,,it is your claim after all,,,
Nope. The first claim made was that Clinton raped someone. If youre going to piggyback on someone elses conversation you have to adhere to side you are supporting.
so you dont have proof,,,as expected,,,
I noticed that you have failed to provide your proof. Drumpf would be proud of you for running away.
I never made a claim,,,just want to see your proof,,,
Take a position and provide your proof since the side you support made the first claim.
I didnt side with him,,,just wanted to see your proof,,,
Of course you did clown. Here are your words.

" only in your racist mind,,, "
prove me wrong and post your proof,,,
You have to prove to me you are worth proving wrong. Please post where Clinton was convicted of raping anyone. Anyone at all.

Since your standard has changed to "conviction," you're admitting you lied about Trump by your own standard
No. Just pointing out your faulty logic. You cant show me where Clinton was convicted of rape which was your claim.

Yet another lie, you're just sad. I said Clinton was a rapist, I never said "convicted." You made that up, liar
You must be retarded then. You cant be a rapist unless youre convicted. Rape is a legal term.
Show me.
rape is an act of aggression a conviction is a punishment for that action,,,,

just like the stop sign I will soon run through,,I am guilty of running the sign but most likely wont be convicted of it,,,
Wrong. You call me a rapist without me having a conviction of rape and I can sue your silly ass for libel/slander. If I have actually been convicted of rape then you can say it all day long.
unless of course you did rape someone,,,
Drumpf did rape a 13 year old and several other women then.
and your proof of this is where???
Good grief troll, try to follow simple english sentences...
He’s such a pussy and a whiny little bitch.

what is he supposed to do with a woman who won't shut up? go up and slap her? would that be manly?
Would it be more manly to grab her by the pussy?

Better than doing a Clinton and raping her
Well Drumpf raped a 13yr old. When did Clinton rape anyone?

You're making shit up again
Youre just mad because you can't answer my question about Clinton. So if your logic is that Clinton raped someone then it follows that Drumpf raped a 13 yr old. Your move.
only in your racist mind,,,
So show us the proof Clinton raped anyone and I will show the proof Drumpf raped a 13 yr old.
you first,,,it is your claim after all,,,
Nope. The first claim made was that Clinton raped someone. If youre going to piggyback on someone elses conversation you have to adhere to side you are supporting.
so you dont have proof,,,as expected,,,
I noticed that you have failed to provide your proof. Drumpf would be proud of you for running away.
I never made a claim,,,just want to see your proof,,,
Take a position and provide your proof since the side you support made the first claim.
I didnt side with him,,,just wanted to see your proof,,,
Of course you did clown. Here are your words.

" only in your racist mind,,, "
prove me wrong and post your proof,,,
You have to prove to me you are worth proving wrong. Please post where Clinton was convicted of raping anyone. Anyone at all.

Since your standard has changed to "conviction," you're admitting you lied about Trump by your own standard
No. Just pointing out your faulty logic. You cant show me where Clinton was convicted of rape which was your claim.

Yet another lie, you're just sad. I said Clinton was a rapist, I never said "convicted." You made that up, liar
You must be retarded then. You cant be a rapist unless youre convicted. Rape is a legal term.
Show me.
rape is an act of aggression a conviction is a punishment for that action,,,,

just like the stop sign I will soon run through,,I am guilty of running the sign but most likely wont be convicted of it,,,
Wrong. You call me a rapist without me having a conviction of rape and I can sue your silly ass for libel/slander. If I have actually been convicted of rape then you can say it all day long.
unless of course you did rape someone,,,
Drumpf did rape a 13 year old and several other women then.
and your proof of this is where???
In your admission just then. You forgot you said this?
"unless of course you did rape someone,,,"
Actually the bill passed in 2014 was pretty much worthless.
No it wasn't. You know, you can make arguments that Trump improved it without embarrassing yourself with this idiotic hyperbole.

But in the end, Trump still lied. Unfortunately, you can't say he misspoke, because he has stated the same lie over 150 times.

What do you fail to understand that the law in place today is NOT the same one that was passed in 2014. The program name was changed, by the new law.

The changes come as part of the Veterans Affairs Department's Mission Act. It was signed by President Donald Trump a year ago but some key provisions don't take effect until now. The Mission Act replaced the Veterans Choice Program and allows veterans to more easily receive medical care from non-VA physicians and urgent care facilities.

What do you fail to understand that the law in place today is NOT the same one that was passed in 2014.
Tell that to the Liar in Chief. He is the one that keeps using the name of the bill from 2014.

And? You wouldn't care if a commie was doing that. Veterans who get their care through VA only care what is does to improve their lives, they don't give a shit what it's called. That would include me, being able to go to an urgent care kept me out of the hospital in Feb. You GD commies are a pathetic waste of human flesh.

It is about damn time that the press called him a liar to his face. If they keep it up, perhaps he will shut up, and we won't be assaulted by his self-aggrandizing so much.

if someone called you a liar to your face, and would not shut up about it, what would you do, tough guy?

Well, if I was lying, I would quickly run away so that I would not have to concede the charge, so I guess Trump is maturing, because he usually still insists that in spite of all the facts proving otherwise, he is not lying, which just doubles the lie..

what if you were not lying? what do you do when someone is getting in your face and won't stop calling you out?

Not being president, myself, it's none of your business.

actually, as you are attacking the president for his behavior, asking you what you would do, in his shoes, is a valid counter point.

that you refuse to answer, is strong evidence that you know your attack, is false.

Nope. In the first place, unlike Trump, I am not a pathogical liar who demonstrates daily that one can not believe anything I say. Second, how someone reacts to being called out for a lie is not even the point. Trump did NOT sign into law the bill in question in 2014 when Obama was president. Third, you get to ask me that question when I am president, not before.
It is about damn time that the press called him a liar to his face. If they keep it up, perhaps he will shut up, and we won't be assaulted by his self-aggrandizing so much.

if someone called you a liar to your face, and would not shut up about it, what would you do, tough guy?

Well, if I was lying, I would quickly run away so that I would not have to concede the charge, so I guess Trump is maturing, because he usually still insists that in spite of all the facts proving otherwise, he is not lying, which just doubles the lie..

what if you were not lying? what do you do when someone is getting in your face and won't stop calling you out?

Not being president, myself, it's none of your business.

actually, as you are attacking the president for his behavior, asking you what you would do, in his shoes, is a valid counter point
that you refuse to answer, is strong evidence that you know your attack, is false.

You guys seem too have lost sight of the fact that Trump flat out lied in a press conference to the American people.
Trump is no random unknown poster on an anonymous message board. He is President and should be obligated to answer for his lies. No one cares what some random poster might do if caught in a lie. First of all, he wouldn't be in a press conference being watched by citizens on National TV and live-streamed.

he answered. her turn was over and she was out of control.

if you make a case that his behavior was wrong, asking what you would have done in his shoes, is a completely reasonable question.

your denial of that obvious fact, is because, on some level, you know that this attack on trump is bullshit.

his behavior was fine. the woman was the one being out of line. that the press in the room applauded, was them being out of line, all part of the War on Trump, ie them being partisan political operatives, not reporters.

You guys seem to be surpressing the fact that Trump flat out lied to the American people in a taped press conference. That is the only issue that matters.
actually, as you are attacking the president for his behavior, asking you what you would do, in his shoes, is a valid counter point.

that you refuse to answer, is strong evidence that you know your attack, is false.

Nope. In the first place, unlike Trump, I am not a pathogical liar who demonstrates daily that one can not believe anything I say. Second, how someone reacts to being called out for a lie is not even the point. Trump did NOT sign into law the bill in question in 2014 when Obama was president. Third, you get to ask me that question when I am president, not before.

"Nope. In the first place, unlike Trump, I am not a pathogical liar who demonstrates daily that one can not believe anything I say."

Huh, the irony that sentence proves you are what you say you aren't
You wouldn't care if a commie was doing that.
Goddamn what happened to you to turn you into such a drooling moron? People like you are an embarrassment to my country.

Perhaps you and that bitch reporter shouldn't try to weigh in on things you know nothing about. Maybe you should go back to your country and stop trying to fuck up mine.

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Perhaps you and that bitch reporter shouldn't try to weigh in on things you know nothing about.
Haha, whiny little cult cuck feeding off of Dear Leader's misogyny...She was right, Trump lied, and you know it. But because you are of such little integrity that you can't admit the Cult Leader lied, you are having your bitchy little fit. waaaaaaaaaaaah
Perhaps you and that bitch reporter shouldn't try to weigh in on things you know nothing about.
Haha, whiny little cult cuck feeding off of Dear Leader's misogyny...She was right, Trump lied, and you know it. But because you are of such little integrity that you can't admit the Cult Leader lied, you are having your bitchy little fit. waaaaaaaaaaaah

Considering the people you support, you wouldn't know integrity if it bitch slapped you. And you might want to reserve your commie talking points insults for people who give them any weight. Oh, and you might want to try learning the language while you're at it. Syntax gives away you foreigners every time.

Perhaps you and that bitch reporter shouldn't try to weigh in on things you know nothing about.
Haha, whiny little cult cuck feeding off of Dear Leader's misogyny...She was right, Trump lied, and you know it. But because you are of such little integrity that you can't admit the Cult Leader lied, you are having your bitchy little fit. waaaaaaaaaaaah

Considering the people you support, you wouldn't know integrity if it bitch slapped you. And you might want to reserve your commie talking points insults for people who give them any weight. Oh, and you might want to try learning the language while you're at it.

Cute whining! But the mentally ill President lied, and he ran away holding his tiny little junk, when a woman confronted him over it. As he always does... And then the cult hissy fit begins, as you are showing us...
It is about damn time that the press called him a liar to his face. If they keep it up, perhaps he will shut up, and we won't be assaulted by his self-aggrandizing so much.

if someone called you a liar to your face, and would not shut up about it, what would you do, tough guy?

Well, if I was lying, I would quickly run away so that I would not have to concede the charge, so I guess Trump is maturing, because he usually still insists that in spite of all the facts proving otherwise, he is not lying, which just doubles the lie..

what if you were not lying? what do you do when someone is getting in your face and won't stop calling you out?

Not being president, myself, it's none of your business.
actually, as you are attacking the president for his behavior, asking you what you would do, in his shoes, is a valid counter point.

that you refuse to answer, is strong evidence that you know your attack, is false.

I doubt that Vandal, or any other sane, reasonable person would never be in the position of being called out for lying, by the national press on something that can easily be prove false. Only an idiot lies about something that is a matter of public record.

I used to say to my kids "When you lie to me, you're telling me that I'm stupid, to my face". That I can't, or won't know you're lying, and you'll get away with the lie. A liar thinks that he will never be caught or called to account.

Trump lies about everything, large or small, even stuff that doesn't matter. He calls the mainstream media the "fake news" so that when the press calls him on his lies, the public will believe HIM, and not the press. Donald Trump is calling all of you "Stupid" to your face, every time he tells one of these lies, and every time you believe his lie, you prove he's right. You are stupid, if you believe him.
Perhaps you and that bitch reporter shouldn't try to weigh in on things you know nothing about.
Haha, whiny little cult cuck feeding off of Dear Leader's misogyny...She was right, Trump lied, and you know it. But because you are of such little integrity that you can't admit the Cult Leader lied, you are having your bitchy little fit. waaaaaaaaaaaah
Considering the people you support, you wouldn't know integrity if it bitch slapped you. And you might want to reserve your commie talking points insults for people who give them any weight. Oh, and you might want to try learning the language while you're at it. Syntax gives away you foreigners every time.

Commie this, and commie that. The 50's are calling you home. Even worse, the white supremacists are so happy that you really are this brainwashed because their relying on your fear of a better deal for workers that you're prepared to cut your own throat to keep it from happening.

40 years of Republican economic policies = 80% of the wealth of the nation in the hands of the top 20%. 40% of workers living off the government dole, 3 economic crashes, 160,000 dead and counting, 3,000,000 sick and rising every day, -32% GDP and an unemployment rate in excess of 10% for the second time in under 10 years.

You're prepared to support Putin's pick for President - again. Despite his utter destruction of the US economy in his first term, his trampling of the Constitution, freeing his criminal associates, and allowing Putin to put bounties on US troops unopposed. You don't have to worry about communists destroying American. They couldn't possibly do more damage than the Republicans have over the past 40 years and Donald J. Trump has done in the past 6 months.
I keep hearing bullshit from posters here how he not only ran but lied,the only one that lied was that screaming lunatic DEMOCRAT

That lying democrat lady reporter was the only one making a false statement,not trump.
Trump is a liar and coward.
Oh my the irony,takes one to know one while your looking at the Mirror now.LOl.
How anyone can vote for a liar and coward like Trump remains a mystery.

Some Trump voters might think they’re being ‘pragmatic’ or believe Trump is the ‘lesser of two evils’ – but they’re in fact wrong; Trump voters are only enabling a liar and coward, voting for a racist, bigot, and misogynist, someone who has nothing but contempt for the Constitution, the rule of law, and our democratic institutions.

Trump is unfit to be president and he must be voted out of office this November.
What do you fail to understand that the law in place today is NOT the same one that was passed in 2014. The program name was changed, by the new law.
In other words, Trump is only guilty of have truths and exaggerations, not an outright lie.

It is about damn time that the press called him a liar to his face. If they keep it up, perhaps he will shut up, and we won't be assaulted by his self-aggrandizing so much.

if someone called you a liar to your face, and would not shut up about it, what would you do, tough guy?

Well, if I was lying, I would quickly run away so that I would not have to concede the charge, so I guess Trump is maturing, because he usually still insists that in spite of all the facts proving otherwise, he is not lying, which just doubles the lie..

what if you were not lying? what do you do when someone is getting in your face and won't stop calling you out?

Not being president, myself, it's none of your business.
actually, as you are attacking the president for his behavior, asking you what you would do, in his shoes, is a valid counter point.

that you refuse to answer, is strong evidence that you know your attack, is false.

I doubt that Vandal, or any other sane, reasonable person would never be in the position of being called out for lying, by the national press on something that can easily be prove false. Only an idiot lies about something that is a matter of public record.

I used to say to my kids "When you lie to me, you're telling me that I'm stupid, to my face". That I can't, or won't know you're lying, and you'll get away with the lie. A liar thinks that he will never be caught or called to account.

Trump lies about everything, large or small, even stuff that doesn't matter. He calls the mainstream media the "fake news" so that when the press calls him on his lies, the public will believe HIM, and not the press. Donald Trump is calling all of you "Stupid" to your face, every time he tells one of these lies, and every time you believe his lie, you prove he's right. You are stupid, if you believe him.

Oh boy, another fucking foreigner who doesn't know the language. Why don't you people mind your own business and stop putting out disinformation? I've already proved the current law is not the one passed in 2014.

I've already proved the current law is not the one passed in 2014.
Then tell the mentally ill president this, as he keeps using the name of the 2014 law.

What about this does your dumb ass not get? You literally spent your time proving he is lying. We already knew this. So good for you for wasting your time and energy proving something literally everybody but the mentally ill president understands.
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